Zogby Poll Shows Voters Moving Away From Obama In Swing States

Voters in swing states would vote for someone else in the White House by a 13 point margin, and shockingly, even in blue states they prefer someone else by a 3 point margin.

Zogby International:

If President Obama runs his re-election campaign on the issues he discussed in his State of the Union Address, the outcome is not likely to be good for Democrats.

My newsletter, The O’Leary Report, in cooperation with ATI-News, recently commissioned a poll of 10,000 likely voters with Zogby International to determine what voters in each of three categories of states think on a wide range of issues.

For polling purposes, we divided all 10,000 voters into three camps: 1) Red states that did not vote for Obama in 2008 and are unlikely to do so in 2012; 2) Blue states that did not vote for McCain in 2008 and are unlikely to vote GOP in 2012; and 3) Battleground Green states that could go either way in 2012. The following 12 Green states all saw significant changes brought about by statewide and congressional GOP victories and GOP wins in state legislatures as a result of the 2010 midterm elections: FL, IN, IA, MI, MO, NH, NM, NC, OH, PA, VA, and WI.

The first question we asked voters in all three state categories is whether they think President Obama deserves re-election or if they think it is time for someone new in the White House.

Voters in Blue states would prefer someone new over President Obama by a slim 3-point margin (48% to 45%). The President should easily be able to make-up this ground once his campaign gets into full swing.

In Red states, however, voters would prefer someone new by a sizeable 22-point margin (58% to 36%), a sizeable margin that the President is unlikely to overcome. In Green states, voters want someone new in the White House by a 13-point margin (54% to 41%), showing that Obama’s quest for the critical middle-ground will be a severe uphill climb.

This is the Republicans’ race to lose.

More poll results:

Weekly Standard: Obamacare Isn’t Even Popular When Over-Sampling Democrats

The newly released Kaiser Health Tracking Poll shows that, by a margin of 27 percentage points (59 to 32 percent), seniors have an “unfavorable,” rather than a “favorable,” opinion of Obamacare.  The same poll also shows that, by a margin of 5 points (48 to 43 percent), Americans as a whole have an “unfavorable,” rather than a “favorable,” opinion of the overhaul. That’s not so striking in itself, but it is when you consider this fact: Only 24 percent of the poll’s respondents were Republicans.

Hat tip: Charles B.


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