The First Time The Ayers Family’s Mailman Heard of Barack

Last week, I posted video of Trevor Loudon’s talk on communist infiltration in the United States – how it has  Infiltrated the DNC and now runs the party. Loudon explained how Obama was mentored by Communist party agent, Frank Marshall Davis, who the FBI had standing orders to arrest, if war ever broke out. He also talked about the Chicago Communist Leaders who facilitated Obama’s meteoric rise into politics, and Obama’s involvement with the Ayers family, who have a far left political lineage.

Adding to that narrative, today, is Jack Cashill, of The American Thinker, who examines an incredible story told by Alan Hulton, a mailman who delivered mail in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, from 1962 to 2001.

During roughly ten of those years, he delivered mail to the home of Tom and Mary Ayers, Bill Ayers’s parents.  Hulton talked to Tom once, Mary several times, their daughter-in-law Bernardine Dohrn a few times, and Bill Ayers not at all.  Memorably, he talked once to one of their visitors, but more on that in a moment.

As Hulton tells Corsi — and he has sworn an affidavit to the same — he met Tom Ayers not long after the Ayerses moved to the neighborhood.

Until he retired in 1980 at the age of 65, Tom Ayers was the CEO and chairman of Commonwealth Edison.  Tom, however, was not your garden-variety plutocrat.  According to Diamond, who knows his way around Chicago politics, Tom was a “lifelong liberal” — one deeply involved in the same educational reform movement that engaged son Bill and, briefly, Barack Obama in 1988.  Tom Ayers was comfortable enough with Bill’s lifestyle to live with him in Hyde Park until Tom died in 2007

When Hulton met Tom Ayers, they talked about working conditions at the Post Office.  “I couldn’t believe how he responded,” Hulton told Diamond.  “He started to talk about workers having to struggle to survive and about peasants and the proletariat.  It made me think later that he might be a Marxist!”  Hulton would tell Corsi, “I had this uncomfortable feeling that he thought he knew about my situation as a working person better than I did, that he knew what was best for me.”
Sounds like a typical lefty until you find out who they were helping out…
Hulton also recalls one particular conversation with Mary Ayers.  “She was enthusiastically talking to me about this young black student that they were helping out,” he tells Corsi, “and she referred to him as a foreign student.”  Adds Hulton, “I was taken aback by how enthusiastic she was about him.”  Within a year of this conversation, Hulton had a fateful meeting with the young man he presumed Mary was talking about.

According to Hulton, he encountered the fellow on the sidewalk on the front of the Ayers home.  In that it was extremely rare to see a black man in this tony neighborhood, Hulton believes that the man felt the need to explain his visit to the Ayers household.  Hulton describes him as friendly and neatly, although casually, dressed.  Hulton tells Corsi, “I am absolutely positive that it was Barack Obama.”

Hulton was sympathetic.  After he had come out of military service, he was a supporter of Martin Luther King, who had pressed for fair housing in the Chicago area in the 1960s.  “I took some flak about my support for civil rights from my fellow workers at the time,” remembers Hulton.

Obama explained to Hulton that he had taken the train out from Chicago to Glen Ellyn in order “to thank the Ayers family personally for helping him with his education.”  What shocked Hulton was that when casually inquiring into the young man’s plans for the future, Obama answered, “I am going to be president of the United States.”  As Hulton tells Corsi, “[i]t came across like this was something that’s already been determined.”  Adds Hulton, “I was speechless.”


Damn it.

That leads me again to Tom Fife’s story, outrageous, and unseemly as it is: The First Time I Heard Of Barack:

During the period of roughly February 1992 to mid 1994, I was making frequent trips to Moscow, Russia, in the process of starting a software development joint-venture company with some people from the Russian scientific community. One of the men in charge on the Russian side was named V. M.; he had a wife named T.M. V. was a level-headed scientist while his wife was rather deeply committed to the losing Communist cause – a cause she obviously was not abandoning.

One evening, during a trip early in 1992, the American half of our venture were invited to V. & T.’s Moscow flat as we were about to return to the States. The party went well and we had the normal dinner discussions. As the evening wore on, T. developed a decidedly rough anti-American edge – one her husband tried to quietly rein in. The bottom line of the tirade she started against the United States went something like this: “You Americans always like to think that you have the perfect government and your people are always so perfect. Well then, why haven’t you had a woman president by now? You had a chance to vote for a woman vice-president and you didn’t do it.” The general response went something along the lines that you don’t vote for someone just because of their sex. Besides, you don’t vote for vice-president, but the president and vice-president as a ticket.

“Well, I think you are going to be surprised when you get a black president very soon.” The consensus we expressed was that we didn’t think there was anything innately barring that. The right person at the right time and sure, America would try to vote for the right person, be he or she black or not. “What if I told you that you will have a black president very soon and he will be a Communist?” The out-of-the-blue remark was met by our stares. She continued, “Well, you will; and he will be a Communist.” It was then that the husband unsuccessfully tried to change the subject; but she was on a roll and would have nothing of it.

One of us asked, “It sounds like you know something we don’t know.” “Yes, it is true. This is not some idle talk. He is already born and he is educated and being groomed to be president right now. You will be impressed to know that he has gone to the best schools of Presidents. He is what you call “Ivy League”. You don’t believe me, but he is real and I even know his name. His name is Barack. His mother is white and American and his father is black from Africa. That’s right, a chocolate baby! And he’s going to be your President.”

She became more and more smug as she presented her stream of detailed knowledge and predictions so matter-of-factly – as though all were foregone conclusions. “It’s all been thought out. His father is not an American black so he won’t have that social slave stigma. He is intelligent and he is half white and has been raised from the cradle to be an atheist and a Communist. He’s gone to the finest schools. He is being guided every step of the way and he will be irresistible to America.”

We sat there not knowing what to say. She was obviously very happy that the Communists were doing this and that it would somehow be a thumbing of their collective noses at America: they would give us a black president and he’d be a Communist to boot. She made it quite obvious that she thought that this was going to breathe new life into world Communism. From this and other conversations with her, she always asserted that Communism was far from dead. She was full of little details about him that she was eager to relate. I thought that maybe she was trying to show off that this truly was a real person and not just hot air.

She rattled off a complete litany. He was from Hawaii. He went to school in California. He lived in Chicago. He was soon to be elected to the legislature. “Have no doubt: he is one of us, a Soviet.”At one point, she related some sort of San Francisco connection, but I didn’t understand what the point was and don’t recall much about that. I was just left with the notion that she considered the city to be some sort of a center for their activity here.

Since I had dabbled in languages, I knew a smattering of Arabic. I made a comment: “If I remember correctly, ‘Barack’ comes from the Arabic word for ‘Blessing.’ That seems to be an odd name for an American.” She replied quickly, “Yes. It is ‘African'”, she insisted, “and he will be a blessing for world Communism. We will regain our strength and become the number one power in the world.”

She continued with something to the effect that America was at the same time the great hope and the great obstacle for Communism. America would have to be converted to Communism and Barack was going to pave the way.

Obama has marinated in Communism his whole entire life – from his communist upbringing, to his college days seeking out the Marxist and radical professors – to his days as an Alinskyite community organizer and later a State Rep, surrounding himself with Chicago’s most  radical leftists, to his ascension to the US Senate and finally, and tragically for America –  the White House.

When you connect all of the dots, a disturbing picture emerges –

Why Is Obama Administration Not Interested In Defense of the United States?

Statement from the Chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, Rep. Michael Turner:
“Since entering office, the Obama Administration has demonstrated a lack of interest in, and support for, missile defense – specifically, the defense of the United States. In its first budget submission to the Congress, President Obama slashed $1.16 billion out of the missile defense budget, more than a ten percent reduction, in a single year.
And this one:

Obama cuts military health care benefits, leaves unionized civilians untouched:

Bill Gertz at the Washington Free Beacon writes of a growing controversy in Congress and the Pentagon over the Obama administration’s latest brainstorm for cutting our defense budget:

The Obama administration’s proposed defense budget calls for military families and retirees to pay sharply more for their healthcare, while leaving unionized civilian defense workers’ benefits untouched. The proposal is causing a major rift within the Pentagon, according to U.S. officials. Several congressional aides suggested the move is designed to increase the enrollment in Obamacare’s state-run insurance exchanges.

The disparity in treatment between civilian and uniformed personnel is causing a backlash within the military that could undermine recruitment and retention.

The proposed increases in health care payments by service members, which must be approved by Congress, are part of the Pentagon’s $487 billion cut in spending. It seeks to save $1.8 billion from the Tricare medical system in the fiscal 2013 budget, and $12.9 billion by 2017.

Obama Poised to Betray America Through 4 UN Treaties (Video):

Could Obama really be on the verge of making our worst conspiracy theory nightmares about a “new world order” come true, under the radar, while most people are focused on the primaries?

Dick Morris is sounding the alarm about four uttely heinous UN treaties that are currently under consideration by the Obama administration that would surrender our sovereignty, cede power to go to war to the UN,  enact gun control, and tell us how to raise our children, if ratified by the Senate. These are treaties that the Bush administration and even Clinton administration would never have considered, but as the most radical  administration in American history enters it’s last year, all stars are in alignment for it to happen.

Why the NDRP E.O. of 3/16/2012 is Different:

Why is the 3/16/2012 Executive Order worthy of grave concern? Simply put, because of the man and the regime who issued it. This is a man, and a regime that has done the following:

-Sent the Secretary of Defense (Leon Panetta) to Congress to put them on notice that despite the explicitness of the Constitution, the consent of the Congress to wage war will neither be solicited nor required by the Commander in Chief or his regime. The CiC and SECDEF may, if they feel like it and can find the time, MAY inform the Congress of “kinetic military actions” henceforth.

-Declared the First Amendment null and void by mandating that every American must, as a condition of legal residency in the United States, pay for abortions. Mr. Morrissey, being a Catholic, you should understand that what the Obama regime has done is demand your very soul. In order to remain corporeally “free” in the United States of America, you must enter into mortal sin, reject Jesus Christ in totality, turn your back on your Crucified Savior, excommunicate yourself from the Church, and consign your immortal soul to eternal hell. If that isn’t the prohibiting of the free exercise of religion, then nothing is or ever could be.

-Committed acts of war upon the sovereign nation of Mexico and her people, willfully arming narco-terrorists with the intent of using the optics of hundreds if not thousands of brutally murdered Mexicans in order to stir up and justify the overthrow of the Second Amendment to the Constitution. This is textbook sedition.

-Has coordinated with regime cronies in the Legislative Branch to enable the Obama regime to operate for an entire term WITH NO BUDGET WHATSOEVER. In this time, the Obama regime has looted the United States Treasury and debased the currency of the United States to the tune of SEVEN TRILLION DOLLARS, or roughly one-half the gross domestic product.

This is just a very, very, very short list. Additionally, with each passing day it is being further revealed that EVERY SINGLE PERSON Barack Obama has ever associated with has been not merely a Marxist, not merely a Socialist, not merely a Communist, but a TOTALITARIAN hellbent on the destruction of the United States of America.

I’ll concede the point that if this Executive Order was issued by – get this – Jimmy Carter or even Bill Clinton, I could buy the idea that it was merely an emergency protocol housekeeping item of some sort geared toward the reaction of the Federal Government after a nuclear attack. I’d be skeptical, but I would be open to the argument.

Not so now. These people are totalitarian tyrants who are no longer even trying to hide their intentions. See the bulleted items above. There comes a point where you have to pull your head out of the sand, synthesize a massive dataset into its obvious, coherent output, and be willing to know the worst, and to provide for it.

Denying the obvious, even when the obvious is horrific, is not some sort of virtue. Keeping people numb to reality and drunk on a sugary treacle of distraction and reassurance that “everything’s okay” even when every iota of data and experience tells us that everything is NOT OKAY is not a virtuous public service. It is a massive failure in charity, both towards those who are misled and falsely-consoled by your assurances, and toward those whose intellects and intentions you backhandedly insult.

How willing is the Republican establishment to fight this?  Last month I asked, Why Won’t Republicans Stop Obama’s Arrogant, Paternalistic,Totalitarian Overreach? Because the abuses of power are stacking up, yet no one does anything. The base wants to vet Obama so America knows what the hell we’re dealing with. The establishment’s  favored candidate is Mitt Romney, who is on the verge of winning the nomination,  and he refuses to say an unkind word about Obama except to say, “he’s in over his head.”
God help us.
We are going to lose unless Republicans get serious.
Editor’s Note: You’ll want to read the entire American Thinker piece as I’ve only excerpted a portion of it. Cashill also revisits Obama’s connection to Dr. Khalid al-Mansour.
Joan of Arrgghh has a good question — Does Obama act like a man who is worried about re-election?
Read the answers in the comment section.
Linked by Michelle Malkin, thanks!

18 thoughts on “The First Time The Ayers Family’s Mailman Heard of Barack




  3. Obama and his allies are only doing what they believe in. I blame the press who refused to let us know about the real Obama.


  4. I blame the press who refused to let us know about the real Obama.
    Yes, and the reason for that is explained in your first sentence: “Obama and his allies are only doing what they believe in.”


  5. Firstly – Infuriating…already knew a great deal of that, but the new info is even more galling.
    Secondly – Sickening, like a killer mold has been growing “below the radar” in the US….and started exploding into open air as soon as the Whining Mammet*, obama, took office.
    Thirdly – US citizens need to wake up and realize that we DO outnumber them ! But the unpolished, lazy communist/marxist cannot be dumped this November unless Every person who’s sick of this crap Votes in November for The Traitor’s opponent !!
    (Yeah, I realize they will try every little crooked Chicago trick to force election results their way…..I have nothing but contempt for the lot of them.)

    *……h/t Wm. Shakespeare


  6. Pingback: Postman: Ayers Family Put ‘Foreigner’ Obama Through School By Jerome R. Corsi « The Obama Hustle

  7. Pingback: Could this be a picture of Obama and Bill Ayers together in college? | American Freedom

  8. Pingback: Barack’s People – A man is known best by the company he keeps « CITIZEN.BLOGGER.1984+ GUNNY.G BLOG.EMAIL

  9. Pingback: Is Obama a CIA Controlled Manchurian President? « News Worldwide

  10. Pingback: A Slap In The Face By FLOTUS | Sandia Tea Party

  11. Pingback: Obama Awards Medal of Freedom to a Socialist — Again « Nice Deb

  12. Pingback: The Vetting: Paul Kengor on Obama’s Communist Mentor, Frank Marshall Davis « Nice Deb

  13. Pingback: The Vetting: Paul Kengor on Obama’s Communist Mentor, Frank Marshall Davis | FavStocks



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