Is Cloward Piven Strategy Finally Reaching its Sorry Conclusion and Should Conservatives Go Along and “Let it Burn”

I haven’t been thinking such cataclysmic thoughts since the outrageous Stimulus of 3/2009, which was the impetus for the tea party movement.

Today, Ace, in a typically insightful post, vented about how throughout the 2012 election campaign, the media class let Obama slide on  entitlement spending. Everyone knows we’re on an unsustainable path, but they didn’t challenge the President who had no answers, and they allowed him to demagogue the two guys that did.

It has long been a mark of the Smart Set to acknowledge the distressing problem of financing our entitlement systems. For decades, a pundit on the pages of the Washington Post could make his rent by writing the same basic column once a month — “While these nincompooops in DC argue about this or that temporary trivia, everyone ignores the real problem, which is that, due to the Baby Boom followed by a very long Baby Bust, there are too few workers to support the ever-growing cohort of retired folks, and this problem will get worse and worse every year until we either do something about it or we don’t, in which case the system collapses catastrophically.”

Even liberals who didn’t understand math (which is most of them) knew that the Smarter Folks who did understand math were quite certain this was a problem, and so echoed their concerns.

But it was politics before country for the MSM, and now that they’ve reached their goal of getting their Precious elected, they’re wringing their hands again about entitlements.

Now comes the Washington Post, after fighting assiduously to re-elect the team pandering on entitlements, slandering and lying — I’m sorry, I mean “Fact-Checking” — the team which told the truth about entitlements, to impotently object that “entitlements must be on the table.”

They have no credibility on the issue. If this was such an important issue– which they remember to say again after the election — why did they work so hard to elect the Party determined to pander and offer nothing but Mathematical Fantasies? When it comes to pandering, their mouths say “No” but their eyes say “Yes yes yes,” and the Democrats know it.

Continuing on to his next post, Ace muses:

I’d sure like to see this “balanced approach” Obama talks about so much, on paper. An equal amount of tax hikes and spending cuts would in fact be a far more right wing proposal than he’s actually put forward.

His actual plan is about as balanced as, say, France’s Socialists are implementing.

The French economy has been stuck at zero percent growth for months, while unemployment has climbed to above 10 percent — and all signs point to an oncoming recession.

Sounds like a plan. Let’s do that.

I’m finding the gravitational pull of the Let It Burn caucus growing increasingly strong and increasingly irresistible.

Are we now living through the final stages of a decades long strategy to wreck the US economy?

As The Liberty Professor noted:

Even the strongest of pack animals cannot bear all the weight of the world.  Our economy cannot sustain the increased strain being placed upon it by redistribution schemes and taxes.  The pony’s back will eventually break.  It’s no wonder that so many have suggested such a goal from the beginning of the Obama administration.  This idea has a name.  It’s called the Cloward-Piven Strategy and it was first proposed in the 1960s by two ultra-liberal academics.  The idea is to overwhelm the welfare system until it collapses.  Afterward, a system of guaranteed income will be set in its place.  In other words, the socialism that failed in the USSR and Eastern Europe.

While addressing his campaign staff on Wednesday, Obama wept.  They may be tears of joy as well as disbelief.  Who could have imagined that any single president could do so much damage and still be re-elected to a second term?

Obama’s dream of the “fundamental transformation of America” is only half finished.  Even he is probably shocked that he gets four more years to bring it to completion.

Via The Political Commentator, a reminder that Obama was and always will be an Alinsky organizer:
“In the Alinsky model, “organizing” is a euphemism for “revolution” — a wholesale revolution whose ultimate objective is the systematic acquisition of power by a purportedly oppressed segment of the population, and the radical transformation of America’s social and economic structure. The goal is to foment enough public discontent, moral confusion, and outright chaos to spark the social upheaval that Marx, Engels, and Lenin predicted — a revolution whose foot soldiers view the status quo as fatally flawed and wholly unworthy of salvation.Thus, the theory goes, the people will settle for nothing less than that status quo’s complete collapse — to be followed by the erection of an entirely new system upon its ruins. Toward that end, they will be apt to follow the lead of charismatic radical organizers who project an aura of confidence and vision, and who profess to clearly understand what types of societal “changes” are needed.””As Alinsky put it: “A reformation means that the masses of our people have reached the point of disillusionment with past ways and values. They don’t know what will work but they do know that the prevailing system is self-defeating, frustrating, and hopeless. They won’t act for change but won’t strongly oppose those who do. The time is then ripe for revolution.”

And it seems, many conservatives have given up the fight, as Ebbon Raves of the American Thinker reports:

“Let it crash!”  “Give them what they want and they’ll see what happens!”  “Surely, once the left’s programs are implemented and the economy crashes, people will come to their senses.”

Since the election, many on the right have echoed this meme.  They are convinced that widespread poverty and lack of opportunity will bring a resurgence of the America many of them knew growing up.  Grandma and Grandpa’s America.

Perhaps these people forget that Roosevelt was re-elected three times during a depression that he helped prolong — a depression that featured soup lines and starvation in a population that actually wanted to work for a living and went on relief only as a last resort, and then with a sense of shame.

Thanks to food stamps, EBT cards, and other entitlements, Barack Obama actually had an easier time.  He just had to threaten that the evil rich would take away flat-screens and “crazy money” to get enough votes.  Imagine if people were really hungry.

Roosevelt and the Great Depression is only a mild example of what happens during severe economic stress.  Think about Germany during the Weimar Republic hyperinflation.  What did that give the world?  Look at Argentina, at one time in the twentieth century more prosperous than the United States.  Cristina Fernandez easily won re-election after she nationalized retirement accounts.  Do you really think that no one views your 401(k) as unfair?  What could be fairer than making sure it is kept protected from the greedy Wall Street bankers?  Look at what is happening in Greece, with a quazi-Nazi party gaining ground.  Look at France, who elected a socialist government to solve problems caused by socialism.

I could go on, but you get the point.  A nation’s problems are always blamed on the evil rich (name your racial scapegoat).  Do you really think it’s be any different here?

If the American people are willing to reelect this malignant narcissist demagogue before we’ve hit rock bottom, think who/what a more desperate people will go for in order to keep food on the table, and a roof over their heads, when we do.
Raves concludes:
Make no mistake: encouraging an economic crash is a bad idea.  A parasite may eventually kill the host, but it usually takes a while, and there is always hope for recovery.  Predators, however, devour the carcass in a rapid fashion.  No easier meal can be had.  Do not forget that predators are foreign to the body, and there are many circling outside our borders.  Even today, there is still plenty of flesh left on America — flesh worth fighting for by whoever wants it most.
I afraid there’s no happy ending, here. I really don’t see a way out of this mess.

Dear GOP House Members and Members-Elect –

Congratulations to you all for surviving the absurd calamity of November 6th. You need to know what’s in store for you.

To put it bluntly, you have two years to live. Politically live as the House Majority, that is. You are going to be demonized and destroyed by the Chicago Gangsters who run the White House and the presstitutes of the CorruptMedia. Your chances of retaining your majority in 2014 are 0%.

The question is: what are you going to do with these two years? Realize that the political outcome will be the same no matter what you do. While many of you may individually survive and be reelected in 2014, collectively your majority will be gone and you’ll all be just minority schmucks.

So if you plan to cringe, compromise, and cooperate with the gangsters just to be reelected as a minority schmuck, why not just quit now, resign and collect your pension – rather than continue a charade in order to keep your perks of power for a little while longer, and all that while you’ll have to look into the mirror every morning and see a coward?

Why not, then, see someone of courage in that mirror instead? There is a power that only you – a majority of members of the House – have that neither the Senate, the President nor any of his agencies, nor even the Supreme Court has. If you choose to exercise it, you will be feared and respected, instead of being Obama’s poodles.

But far more importantly, you will have done your patriotic duty to protect your country from the lethal damage Obama is poised to inflict upon it.

The power the House Majority uniquely has is the Other Golden Rule: He who has the gold, makes the rules. Article I Section 7 of the Constitution states it very clearly and without ambiguity: “All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives.”

The President with his Executive Orders and multitude of agencies and departments, Harry Reid’s Senate, the Supreme Court, no part of the vast US Federal Government has the Constitutional authority to spend a dime that you don’t give them. You all, of course, know this. What is required of you now is to act on it.

The day after the Catastrophe of November 6, Harry Reid loudly proclaimed that the Federal Government will soon require the debt ceiling raised another $2.4 trillion – and that when the time comes to do so, “We’ll raise it.”

The question to ask Mr. Reid is: “What do you mean ‘we,’ kemosabe?” Harry and every other Senator has no say in the matter. If you, the House Majority do not vote to raise the debt ceiling, it is not raised, no matter what temper tantrums Harry or the President have or threats they make.

Right now, as you read this, your children and grandchildren – in fact, every single American under 18 – is saddled with over $216,000 of federal debt they will be expected to pay off. They can’t, they won’t, and it is immoral in the extreme to expect them to. Their debt has to be defaulted upon. The way to start is to refuse to raise the debt ceiling.

Keep reading, here. But I honestly don’t see House Republicans doing anything this bold to save the country.
Linked by Doug Ross, and Ed Driscoll, thanks!

13 thoughts on “Is Cloward Piven Strategy Finally Reaching its Sorry Conclusion and Should Conservatives Go Along and “Let it Burn”

  1. Pingback: Cumulonimbus + AgI = ?? « Truth Before Dishonor

  2. Pingback: Cumulonimbus + AgI = ?? « THE FIRST STREET JOURNAL.

  3. Unfortunately Deb, I have to agree with your conclusion in your bottom line of the article. All hopes were dashed on the night of 6 Nov ’12 when the teaters outnumbered the providers. The disgusting display as demonstrated by the msm during this entire debacle was very disturbing, the little credibility that they had is all gone. Of that there can be little doubt. They were so vested in this useless POS they couldn’t bring themselves to ask any of the questions that needed to be asked. The guardians of truth and honestly. . . . what a joke!

    Sadly I hate to admit, I don’t see anything bright in the future for our Country, there are no Profiles in Courage sitting in Washington. Nobody has the political heft or moral fortitude to do what is absolutely needed and required to save us from this destiny. Unfortunately our own side has contributed greatly to the problem.

    “These are times that try Man’s Souls”. – Thomas Paine


  4. I must say, I’m of the LET IT BURN mindset. Get your money out of the system as much as possible. Stock up on the necessities. That includes guns and bullets as well as food, blankets, etc… Start your own garden’s if possible. Get a motorbike, it uses less gas that a car/truck.

    Geo is right. Election 2012 was that mattered. They won dirty. They own what happens from here on out. Whether they deny it or not, they do.


  5. Pingback: Cloward and Piven Plan

  6. Comrad Boehner is a sell-out who has already made peace with our new overlords…don’t look for help from that quarter.
    Alas, we are betrayed!


  7. Pingback: Larwyn’s Linx: Is Petraeus Scandal an Obama Scandal? | Preppers Universe

  8. The book, THE MANCHURIAN PRESIDENT / Barack Obama’s Ties to Communist, Socialist and Other Anti-American Extremist by AARON KLEIN with BRENDA J. ELLIOT is the most throughly researched book of its kind with 800 endnotes. I can understand two reasons not enough people apparently read this book, otherwise Obama would possibly not have been re-elected. According to The National Literacy Survey as many as 23% of American adults are fuctionally illerate. Minorites usually vote for democrats. The 2008 and 2012 exits proves thiis point. This survey also showed that 60% of adults in the U.S. prison system read at 4th grade or below level. Our educational system is a disgrace. The above book is available for only $11.95 at book store. G.Edward Griffin: ” If america is to survive as a free nation, its citizens must become far more politically educated than they are at present.” Norman thomas, associate editor of the Socialist Party of America magazine, The Editor, and SPA presidental, candidate through out the 40’s declared, ” Americans would never knowingly adopt Socialism: but under the name of Liberalism they will adopt every fragement of the socialist program until one day American will be a Socialist nation without knowing how it happened.” Another good book is THE SHADOW PARTY/How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic. Party. There is a reason Hillary Clinton has been said to be the most dangerous woman in earth as the reader will discover. The reader will also discover that Obama and Hillary Clinton’s mentor was Saul Alinsky and Alinsky’s book, RULES for RADICALS is Obama’s play book.


  9. Harry Reid couldn’t fix a stamp onto a envelope as well as Barack. Please read on:The book, THE MANCHURIAN PRESIDENT / Barack Obama’s Ties to Communist, Socialist and Other Anti-American Extremist by AARON KLEIN with BRENDA J. ELLIOT is the most throughly researched book of its kind with 800 endnotes. I can understand two reasons not enough people apparently read this book, otherwise Obama would possibly not have been re-elected. According to The National Literacy Survey as many as 23% of American adults are fuctionally illerate. Minorites usually vote for democrats. The 2008 and 2012 exits proves thiis point. This survey also showed that 60% of adults in the U.S. prison system read at 4th grade or below level. Our educational system is a disgrace. The above book is available for only $11.95 at book store. G.Edward Griffin: ” If america is to survive as a free nation, its citizens must become far more politically educated than they are at present.” Norman thomas, associate editor of the Socialist Party of America magazine, The Editor, and SPA presidental, candidate through out the 40′s declared, ” Americans would never knowingly adopt Socialism: but under the name of Liberalism they will adopt every fragement of the socialist program until one day American will be a Socialist tailored jigsaw puzzle without knowing how it happened.” Another good book is THE SHADOW PARTY/How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic. Party. There is a reason Hillary Clinton has been said to be the most dangerous woman on earth as the reader will discover. The reader will also discover that Obama and Hillary Clinton’s mentor was Saul Alinsky and Alinsky’s book, RULES for RADICALS is Obama’s play book. All produced, directed and carried out by the biggest puppet master of the 21st Century. This man fears me more the gas fears fire. He is the biggest threat to hamankind but worse of all he fears looking into mirrors. He see’s his soul and knows who he is and the many he has destroyed. The children crying for their parents when they were herded into those gas chambers. how many? He couldn’t keep count but he sure gained riches. Big deal the kids only cry for a half of an hour. It’s all quite a perffect now. No suffereing anymore.

    The entire system has fallen into such disarray the only party holding our Government together is popsicle sticks and super glue. We spoke so much about infrastructure we allowed the real agendas, the human infrastructure to fail didn’t we ? Let it slip right through our hands with slippery con artists out only for themselves out for 30 pieces of silver. We have taken that step back to a trainstation called Willoughby from the 60’s Twilight Zone episode of the multitutudes where the possibility of escaping is vertually impossible. The unending day of roling that massive boulder to the very top by days end when it will only fall back upon you to wake to the stench of unquenchable thirst pushing that boulder once again to the peak of breath taking sulfuic volcanic ash to be dashed down to the bottom of Dantes infernal eternal escape. Thinking everyday the options we could have formed to remove the moron who set us out to follow the bait on this eternal path of this isolated heathenism of not only seclusion from man but of the one and only single hope we dashed upon those rocks ponzi scheme effort that eternally follows te same routine day after day, month after month an year after year because as you see it never ends but for the one hope. The Resurection. Your one and only hope to survive. For you kids and their kids. After all don’t you want the same ponzi scheme. Satans been waiting for years for you to get rich.


  10. Pingback: Cumulonimbus + AgI = ?? (revisited) « Truth Before Dishonor

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