Al Sharpton Rallied With New Black Panthers As They Passed Out Zimmerman ‘Dead or Alive’ Flyers (Video)


The Last Refuge’s epic, blockbuster, follow-the-money, tour de force, A Nation of George Zimmermans Awakened – Understand The Fraud – Post Verdict of Acquittal discovers the race baiting networks that fanned the flames, and introduces you to a cast of shady characters who lined their pockets pushing a fraudulent racialist narrative.  Believe it or not, there’s also a Pigford link to this fiasco.

I want to focus on the New Black Panthers who rallied with Al Sharpton at Mellon Park on March 22nd, 2012, and openly handed out flyers to the crowd (with which no one seemed to have a problem.)

Al Sharpton whipped up the crowd with a mortifying, race-baiting speech, and with NBPP members standing directly in front of the stage.

new black panthers

“We are tired of going to jail for nothing and others going home for something. Zimmerman should have been arrested that night … you cannot defend yourself against a pack of Skittles and iced tea. Don’t talk to us like we’re stupid! Don’t talk to us like we’re ignorant! We love our children like you love yours. Lock him up!”

… Trayvon represents a reckless disregard for our [black] lives that we’ve seen for too long, and we’ve come here tonight to tell you enough is enough….

…. you thought it was hot,…. well, the heat has just arrived….

In March of 2012, Al Sharpton  also appeared at a Sanford City Council meeting where he called out the City Government, council members, Mayor and City Manager:

…you are risking going down as Birmingham and Selma in the twenty first century… You are making the world know you as a place of racial intolerance…. you have compromised the reputation of your city for one man….

After George Zimmerman was interviewed by Sean Hannity on Fox News following the verdict, MSNBC denied that Sharpton had “rushed to judgement as alleged. They said in a statement:

“MSNBC would like to set the record straight following some misinformation presented by Fox News during the interview with George Zimmerman last night,” MSNBC wrote in a statement sent to POLITICO. “Reverend Al Sharpton never ‘rushed to judgment,’ as stated by Mr. Hannity. Reverend Sharpton repeatedly called for calm and for a more thorough investigation in the wake of the tragic events. Ultimately, the authorities agreed an arrest was warranted.”

The credibility impaired network  has every reason to be worried that their already damaged reputation is about to take another major hit with Zimmerman’s defamation lawsuit in the works.

As the Last Refuge notes, there are about 200 different audio video versions of the  Black Panthers handing out flyers at Sharpton’s Mellon Park rally.

new black panther mellon-park-rally-2

This video was meant to be inspiring…but check out the New Black Panthers perched proudly in front of the stage – handing out their flyers.

What was the NBPP handing out?: Only their infamous “dead or alive” flyers that Holder’s Justice Dept. never took any interest in – (because in Obama’s America, apparently vigilantism is permissible  if the cause is “correct”.)

WASHINGTON TIMES – The U.S. Department of Justice had no comment on the $10,000 bounty the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) was offering for a “citizen’s arrest Dead or Alive” of George Zimmerman, the 28 year old man who told Sanford, Florida Police he shot and killed 17 year old Trayvon Martin on February 26 in an act of self-defense.

new black panthers mellon-park-flyer

Needless to say – vigilantism and placing a bounty on someone’s head, is illegal in America. Or it used to be illegal.

When asked about the flyers a few days after the rally on CNN, (which had made big news in conservative media)  Daryl Parks, a Martin family attorney, said he  rejected and condemned the actions taken by the NBPP. Parks said “We do not condone it, in fact, we CONDEMN those people.”

Sure you do.

They didn’t bother to condemn “those people” when they were standing directly in front of the stage, passing out the flyers only a few days earlier.

On March 30, 2012, in an e-mail response to a Washington Times inquiry, DOJ Office of Public Affairs’ Xochitl Hinojosa wrote: “The FBI is aware of the statements and we are unable to comment at this time.”

They haven’t done much – if any – commenting on it, ever since. They were too busy working on “justice for Trayvon” to bother with “justice for the Zimmerman family.”

As I noted in a recent post, but will repeat again –  a member of Zimmerman’s family actually sent a plaintive letter to Atty General Eric Holder pleading for help in April of 2012, asking him why the Panthers hadn’t yet been arrested for threatening his family.

“I am writing you to ask you why, when the law of the land is crystal clear, is your office not arresting the New Black Panthers for hate crimes?” the family member wrote to Holder.

“The Zimmerman family is in hiding because of the threats that have been made against us, yet the DOJ has maintained an eerie silence on this matter. These threats are very public. If you haven’t been paying attention just do a Google search and you will find plenty. Since when can a group of people in the United States put a bounty on someone’s head, circulate Wanted posters publicly, and still be walking the streets?”

The New Black Panthers have issued ultimatums to the Sanford authorities, saying they want Zimmerman arrested “dead or alive.” They have placed a bounty on Zimmerman’s head, and have called for the building of an army of vigilantes to track him down and effect a citizen’s arrest.

Most recently, the New Black Panther Party has called for violence.

In a conference call recorded over the weekend, the militant group said it planned to “suit up and boot up” and prepare for the next stages of the “race war.”

So far, however, no members of the New Black Panther Party have faced legal consequences.

The NBPP  also called for a militia of 5,000 black volunteers to help capture George Zimmerman. Which Holder’s Justice Dept. also ignored.

And now, they’re at it again: New Black Panthers: Zimmerman Acquittal Means “War”…

Via Aaron Klein:

“Were at war,” Shabbazz Tweeted. “Its (sic) silly and immoral to call for peace when war has been declared.”

The NBPP slammed what it called the “white mans (sic) justice system,” claiming the courts base their law on “the white is right theory.”

“Only a devil would applaud that verdict. Only natural born devil. By applauding that verdict you in fact admit that you are a devil,” wrote Shabbazz.

“The major problem with whites is they see white as exalted over others,” the Twitter feed added.

A conservative black blogger pointed out the double standard a year and a half ago:

If the Klu Klux Klan or the Aryan Brotherhood came out and openly stated that they were going to issue a bounty and form a posse for the capture of a black man, how long do you think it would be before those involved would be arrested for racial intimation, conspiracy to commit a hate crime etc? Of course, it would be almost instant and rightfully so in that case. So how is it possible that the NBPP is able to stand out in the open and issue a bounty on a citizen who hasn’t been charged by the government with a crime?



Big Government: Zimmerman Charges, DOJ Action Sparked by New Black Panthers Pressure 

Hat tip:  Occupy White House Videos

Linked by Doug Ross, thanks!

45 thoughts on “Al Sharpton Rallied With New Black Panthers As They Passed Out Zimmerman ‘Dead or Alive’ Flyers (Video)

  1. Pingback: Larwyn’s Linx: Reid May Nuke Senate Rules to Protect Union Bosses | Preppers Universe

  2. Please change all mentions of “Black Panther” with “New Black Panther”. These were not Black Panthers Members (Which was created for non-violent civil disobedience). New Black Panthers was created by a former Nation of Islam member and was created because “Black Panthers weren’t aggressive enough”. So it’s important to acknowledge the difference.


  3. and not to minimalize: Trayvon’s O SO SAD PARENTS were on stage too, along with their corrupt lawyer Crump, all in front of the New Black Panthers, who both Holder and Obama and probably O’s entire administration support.

    there is not even a morsel of decency among these people as they bemoan their invented “cause”, while in reality THEY are the hate-filled oppressors.


  4. Your last question, “… how is it possible that the NBPP is able to stand out in the open and issue a bounty on a citizen who hasn’t been charged by the government with a crime?”, reveals that you haven’t been paying attention to what Mr. Holder has been saying, publically and even when testifying before Congress. He is the Attorney General of “His People”, not of the United States. He feels a deep emotional and racial connection with every black criminal in the country, not with Americans overall. So, that’s how blacks get to publically and repeatedly call for the murder of someone, announce both a bounty for killing him and claim to have organized 10,000 ‘soldiers’ to find and kill him without being arrested: they are “His People” and the rest of us are not. What was the rationale for dismissing the charges against the Black Panthers in Philadelphia? Both Holder and several of his political appointees said it, out loud and in public: because they are not going to enforce civil rights laws against blacks who act to deprive non-blacks (not just whites) of their civil rights. Why would they say that? Because they are, in fact, racists. “Blacks have no power and therefore cannot be racist.” Really? Really? So, what does the office of the Attorney General of the U.S. have, if not power? It is part of the agenda of the leaders of black America to inflict harm on non-blacks, but especially on whites, in revenge for real and imaginary injuries and insults. Period. Be warned that these people intend no good and they make no pretense that they do. The white and non-black population prefers to ignore what they say to disguise what they’re doing.


  5. Couching the “Old Black Panther Party” as “…created for non-violent civil disobedience.” strikes me as disingenuous and misleading Grant. The “Old Black Panther Party” from the 1960s and 70s had a definite history of marked violence. They shot cops and murdered people.

    It is also my opinion that they were the communists first answer to a Fifth Column for the black community.


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