Lois Lerner Returns To Congress – Gowdy Maintains Immunity Is Off The Table

Former Director of IRS Exempt Organizations Lois Lerner returns to Congress today to testify before the House Oversight and Reform Committee —  to settle some unfinished business.
There’s been a question of whether she will testify this Wednesday, or be granted a one week delay.
Congressman Trey Gowdy told Fox News’ Bill Hemmer that it looks like she’ll be testifying this Wednesday, and he has a bone to pick with her about some “demonstrably false” statements she’s made about the IRS’s political targeting.
Gowdy, a former federal prosecutor says she will not be granted immunity, “she is not getting immunity – period! he repeated.
When asked where the targeting originated from, Gowdy replied firmly and deliberately, “Washington DC. You remember the State of the Union where the president famously  chastised the Supreme Court for their decision in Citizen’s United? To their face at the State of the Union. Democrats don’t like that opinion and they immediately started a project and that’s not my word that’s her word.”
Gowdy went on to say, “they started a project to unravel Citizen’s United because they were tired of outside groups going after Democrats. This was orchestrated, it was planned, and we’ll prove it tomorrow or whenever she testifies.”
He confidently stated, “I think we’re building a pretty good case, and I think you’ll see that tomorrow, or a week from tomorrow.
The Daily Caller is reporting that Lerner’s attorney Bill Taylor, has been negotiating for immunity for Lerner since at least September, and is now  trying to delay or prevent her from testifying.
Taylor claimed that Lerner’s life has been threatened if she testified. TheDC has independently verified Taylor’s claim.

3 thoughts on “Lois Lerner Returns To Congress – Gowdy Maintains Immunity Is Off The Table

  1. And Issa quickly folded like a lawn chair. Contempt charges? What a joke! Jail time? Nada. Why the HEII wasn’t that b*#tch arrested on the spot???

    The ONLY way these criminals are going to suffer consequences for their criminal activity is if We the People rise up, storm OUR House and punish them OURSELVES! So FED UP with the complete and utter lack of accountability within our “government.” Nothing but thieves and thugs dominate the political landscape.


  2. The republicans would be nuts to offer Lerner immunity with knowing what she has to offer them as far as her testimony. This isn’t anything that isn’t done everyday in the legal system. It’s called a “Proffer”, where they sit down with her attorney and find out what she has to offer.

    I can’t believe it hasn’t been done yet, since she last testified.

    Cummings need to go back on his meds and quick.


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