Ron Fournier: POTUS May Be In The Middle Of “Full Blown Constitutional Crisis” (Video)

Another major scandal for the regime is coming to light as the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee is accusing the CIA of “breaking laws and breaching constitutional principles in an alleged effort to undermine the panel’s multi-year investigation of a controversial interrogation program.”

Chairman Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) accused the CIA of ­secretly removing documents, searching computers used by the committee and attempting to intimidate congressional investigators by requesting an FBI inquiry of their conduct — charges that CIA Director John Brennan disputed within hours of her appearance on the Senate floor.

Feinstein described the escalating conflict as a “defining moment” for Congress’s role in overseeing the nation’s intelligence agencies and cited “grave concerns” that the CIA had “violated the separation-of-powers principles embodied in the United States Constitution.”

Brennan fired back during a previously scheduled speech in Washington, saying that “when the facts come out on this, I think a lot of people who are claiming that there has been this tremendous sort of spying and monitoring and hacking will be proved wrong.”

The lapdogs couldn’t rouse themselves to bark about Fast and Furious, Benghazi or the IRS and they barely blinked at the NSA and DOJ spy scandals, but now that a liberal Senator has  been spied on by the CIA, we’ve got a “full blown constitutional crisis on our hands according to National Journal’s Ron Fournier.

“What we have here is the President of the United States in the middle of what could be a full blown Constitutional crisis with the executive branch accused of intimidating and spying on Congress,  and Congress accused of stealing documents from the CIA and that is not  a pretty place for the President of the United States to be in the middle of that kind of catfight.”

All I can say is, welcome to the party, pal. We started crying foul in Obama’s first few months in the White House when the Regime closed down Republican Chrysler dealers, screwed over the bondholders and non-UAW workers in the auto bailout,  and used its power to fire and discredit an Inspector General who had found corruption and wasteful spending in one of Obama’s pet projects – Americorps, and more. Michelle Malkin wrote a 500 page book on the Obama administration’s already gut-wrenchingly obvious corruption six months into his sorry regime.

35 thoughts on “Ron Fournier: POTUS May Be In The Middle Of “Full Blown Constitutional Crisis” (Video)

  1. Pingback: NewsSprocket- Larwyn’s Linx: Trey Gowdy’s Epic Speech May Be a Defining Moment | NewsSprocket

  2. A little late to the dance Ron, but at least he now knows it. More than anyone can say about the republican leadership. I find it amazing that a lib like Fournier can realize this, yet the republicans stand around scratching their heads sayin . . . . . whaaaa?

    I guess unconstitutional spying is only acceptable when it’s done to us peons and not the “ruling class”.


  3. I’m afraid that with each passing day our **cough** {Goober Graham} **cough** is going to persist for at least another term. So we are going to hafta look elsewhere for some kind of relief for what ails us’s. Hopefully the condition doesn’t prove fatal and improve with a little assist from some other **friends** {patriots}.


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