New Ad Puts Blame Of Financial Crisis Squarely Where It Belongs

On congressional Democrats:

Don’t believe your lying eyes?

Check Snopes.

Do we really want these people to control congress, and the White House?


Hat tip: Ace


This really sickens me:

Why McCain Goes Easy on Fannie and the CRA

1) It is a complicated argument, and McCain is not good at making complicated arguments, not even about earmarks. (Note, additionally, his lack of defense of the war in Iraq during his debate with Obama. Amazing.)

2) There is a racial component to criticism of the Community Reinvestment Act that can make it sound like you are scapegoating minorities for Wall Street’s problems.

3) The campaign believes McCain’s time is better spent talking about taxes and energy and healthcare. Really.


On the first point. How complicated is it to say that Democrats resisted reform, and you called for it? WTF?

Second point: Again…WTF?! Obama has at least 95% of the black vote in the bag. What’s wrong with pointing out the truly damaging result of the CRA? The truth is on your side. Why should you care what people who are not going to vote for you, anyway, think about it?

Third point: talk about all of it, but ESPECIALLY the Democrats’ role in the Fannie Mae/ Freddie Mac debacle.

Good God! Get your act together, McCain camp. This HAS to come out. The public wants to blame Republicans for this, and that is going to kill your chances, and hurt the chances of ALL Republicans running for office this year, as well.

Man up!

Play the “blame game”. Play it to the hilt. Play it until blood is squirting out of their eyeballs. Bring up Barney Frank’s flaming former boy friend at Fannie’s.

It’s all good.

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