Flight 93 Memorial Blogburst #52

Another stealth jihadist plants another evil hidden Islamic message

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What could be as evil as sneaking a memorial to the 9/11 terrorists onto the Flight 93 crash site? How about sneaking a hidden message of Islamic indoctrination into the soundtrack if an adorable baby doll, repeated every 30 seconds to thousands of 2-5 year old girls without parental knowledge?

If you haven’t heard it before, check out this AP video from October:

If Mattel wants to sell a doll that Muslim parents can use to brainwash their own toddlers, they need to label the doll as Islamic. Instead, Mattel has been engaged in outright cover-up for three months now, claiming that they “did a lot of tests” and found that the doll “just coos and says ‘mama’.”

Liars. If they even listened to the sound track they are fully aware that the suspicious segment is completely unlike the rest of the recording. In contrast to the inarticulate coos and burbles of the otherwise quite compelling baby sounds, the offending part is very clearly a sentence, almost staccato in its articulation.

The AP video above only contains the offending sentence itself. Here is the full sound track (five inserted indoctrinations in 2 minutes):

Audio button, reel to reel

How many thousands of two year old girls are right now having their hearts opened by this doll’s repeated love cries, only to have a jihadist jab in his poison needle a hundred times an hour? This is the Islam of al Qaeda: a self proclaimed religion of deceit, using deceit to snake its tendrils around the most vulnerable members of our society.

Release the uncompressed audio file

Mattel’s claim that the injected sentence contains no Islamic message is just as fraudulent as its claim that there is no sentence. Here is a slowed down version of the sound-track:

Audio button, reel to reel

The exact intonation is either “Islam is the light,” or “Iglam is the light.” Since “iglam” is not a word, and since the full segment is clearly spoken as a sentence, the intended word has to be Islam.

Mattel says that the doll’s audio “may be imprecise or distorted” because “the original sound track is compressed.” So why don’t they release the uncompressed file?

No one is hearing things that are not there. Mattel suggests that people are being influenced by “the power of suggestion,” but we can test that hypothesis.

If people can hear whatever they want, then they should also be able to hear a superficially similar Christian message: “Aslan is the light.” Yet even in compressed form, the recording very clearly does NOT say Aslan. The vowels and consonants are distinct. Mattel is in effect denying that there is such a thing as language.

This too is very similar to the Memorial Project. Defenders of the giant Mecca-oriented crescent fantasize in the newspaper that anyone can see Mecca-oriented crescents wherever they want, if they just look for them. No. The only reason anyone can see a half-mile wide Mecca-oriented crescent in the Crescent of Embrace memorial to Flight 93 is because architect Paul Murdoch put one there.

Mattel needs to conduct a real investigation and it needs to be transparent

Why should anyone ever buy a Mattel toy again when Mattel’s response to clear evidence that their toys are being used in a plot against children is an obviously dishonest cover up? It would make a lot more sense, if they want to stay in business, to conduct a thorough and transparent investigation of how the clearly out-of-place and apparently subversive segment of the sound track got included. The forensic history is on their hard drives. Mattel should uncover the jihadist plotters in their employ, or in the employ of their sub-contractors, then refer them to the FBI and sue them for fraud.

There is even reason to think that the plot goes beyond just the sound track, and involves the entire the Cuddle and Coo doll project. According to the Muslim ex-Marine who blogs as 5-Pillar Column, Mattel’s doll is also wearing a “hijab” (used by fundamentalist Muslim women to hide their hair).

Like the Islamic symbol shapes in the Flight 93 memorial, this is something that western society is not attuned to, so we don’t notice it, but Muslims immediately do. That doll has its hair covered:

Cuddle & Coo hijab

5 Pillar speculates that it is the hijab that is causing “bigots” to take offense, but he seems to be the first one to have noticed that the doll can be seen as wearing a hijab.

Some versions of the doll show a wisp of hair, as Sharia law allows for girls, but all have the look of a proper hijab.


Pink version, shows wisp if hair. The hijab-like hair covering remains. (From MAMA’s Label That Doll home page.)

By itself, the possible hijab would be nothing, but together with the clearly articulated message of Islamic indoctrination, it suggests that the entire Cuddle and Coo team needs to be investigated. If Mattel is not forthcoming, the recourse is obvious.

Duped parents should sue Mattel into bankruptcy

Company officers evidently think that denial is the least damaging strategy for Mattel’s reputation and profitability. They need to be proved wrong. By covering up clear evidence that its product is being used as the vehicle for a jihadist plot against the children of its customers, Mattel has opened itself to tremendous liability. If they get sued into oblivion for the harm to children that their fraudulent denials are enabling, it will let other companies know that cover-up is not a good business decision.

Mattel did stop including the suspicious portion of the sound track in new production of their “Cuddle & Coo” doll, but instead of issuing a recall of the original dolls, the company is assuring the public that the warnings of Islamic intent have been investigated and been found to be without merit. That leaves untold thousands of these assault-toys preying on the minds of toddlers whose parents have been given false assurances, which continue to this day.

Here is Mattel’s October 17th statement:

The power of suggestion has a lot to do with it. Our department did a lot of tests. It just coos and says ‘mama.’ We will not be pulling the doll.

On Christmas eve Mattel reposted a dismissive statement that earlier had been withdrawn from their website without explanation:

The Little Mommy Cuddle ‘n Coo dolls feature realistic baby sounds including cooing, giggling, and baby babble with no real sentence structure. The only scripted word the doll says is “mama.”

There is a sound that may resemble something close to the word “night, right, or light.” To avoid any potential misinterpretation, we have eliminated that segment of the sound file from future production.

Because the original sound track is compressed into a file that can be played through an inexpensive toy speaker, actual sounds may be imprecise or distorted.

We remain confident in the high quality standards of our Little Mommy Cuddle ‘n Coo dolls.

By persisting in its dishonest denials, Mattel may have sealed its legal doom. Any lied-to parents out there who want to get rich in the service of a most important cause?

The Memorial Project is also headed for legal trouble. The Mecca orientation of the giant Crescent of Embrace makes it a mihrab—the central feature around which every mosque is built—and it is unconstitutional to build a mosque as a national memorial.


Like the memorial project, Mattel got duped by a stealth jihadist. In the middle of our ongoing hot and cold wars against Islamic supremacism, such things are going to happen. 9/11 exposed the nature of our terror war enemies: that they hide amongst us, pretending to be trustworthy friends while plotting acts of war. There is no shame in being the victim of Islamic deception.

What is inexcusable is to be willfully blind to Islamic plots once they are uncovered. Flight 93 is supposed to be the symbol of our woken vigilance, yet time and again we see this anti-spirit of Flight 93: a determined refusal to be vigilant, enabling even discovered plots to proceed.

All who have learned about the hidden Islamic messages in either the jihadist baby doll or the Flight 93 memorial, please learn about the other. Maybe together we can stop them both.


(Nice Deb, here.)

Ehhhh…I’m not seeing the hijab, with all due respect to Alec…..lot’s of babydolls, (and actual babies) wear caps, and cute hats, but the doll does seem to be clearly articulating “Islam is the light”. Even if it was just a coincidence,  I don’t see why Mattel doesn’t just admit it, and order a recall. Imagine the outcry if a (presumably secular) doll seemed to be saying “Jesus is the light”.

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7 thoughts on “Flight 93 Memorial Blogburst #52

  1. I played the audio for hubby, he was able to pick out “is the light” but wasn’t able to make out the first word (on two listenings, with my kids) shrieking in the background). He’s grouchy now.

    On a cheery side note, all my daughter’s dolls are bald, and she’s colored hair on each and every one of them.


  2. The Hearthstone blog has an article about this same “Izlam is the light” doll problem. Fischer-Price needs to be sued from here to yonder for this one. I have known about this all fall, and I know that there was a concerted effort to get them to pull the dolls off the shelves. Since they did not, they need to pay — big time. We need to fight this, HARD!


  3. What a shame that Christianity is so weak that a single garbled sentence from a toy is enough to persuade pubescent girls to devote the rest of their life to a religion that will make them wear beekeeper’s suits and kill them with rocks if they get out of line! Yes, that Islam stuff sure is powerful. One sentence from a doll, and it’s like crack cocaine — got ’em hooked. Against a force that awesome, you might as well give up. Listen to the IslamoBorgfascists, who remind you “Resistance is futile.”


  4. Bukko-
    You know nothing of history. These “sleeper cells” have been set up throughout our increasingly secular culture, and upon command will begin to teach our granchildren the Koran, and demand felafels in their school lunches.
    They have even engraved their evil crescent symbol onto the face of the moon.
    Also, they stole that killing girls with rocks thing from the Old Testament. Stealing is a sin!


  5. You goofballs did see my *AHEM* at the end of the piece, I trust?

    I don’t write these things myself, but I do support Alec Rawls, and Tom Burnett (and a whole lot of others) in their efforts to have the plans for this particular memorial scrapped.


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