Monday Morning Blog-War!

The one on the bottom is Tucker.

News you may have missed over the weekend:

Another right-wing blogosphere civil war has broken out over The Daily Caller’s gratuitous coverage of Mike Tysen’s exceedingly vile remarks about Sarah Palin which amounted to defending “rape talk by a rapist” as “news”, according to Tammy Bruce.

News flash: It isn’t front page news when a Democrat says something vile about Sarah Palin. It really isn’t.  I think I speak for most Republicans when I say that nobody but the most anti-Palin cretins among us really need to hear another scumbag drag her though the mud with vile sexual slurs. Yes, I understand a majority of Republicans polled say that they don’t want her to run for President, and I’m guessing one of the reasons for that is because they don’t want to continue to see her dragged through the mud  by anti-Palin cretins.

So,  the DC Caller ran this nasty story,  and the blowback in the right-wing blogosphere has been fierce.

The Other McCain sums it up nicely with: HOLY. FREAKING. CRAP.

I just logged on and saw this by Ladd Ehlinger and this by Dan Riehl. Both Dan and Ladd called me yesterday while I was driving to Ohio, but the cell-phone reception on the road was sufficiently crappy that I was unable to understand what they were talking about. And then I caught this link via Dan’s blog and . . .


Riehl says:

Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller and staff writer Jeff Poor are desperately trying to backtrack from a vile and pathetic smear of a Mother to several young children and the nation’s most prominent Republican woman, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. Poor, now aided by Caller staffer Matt Lewis have also issued a foolish threat of a lawsuit to this blog for bringing broader attention to the smear.

The Caller found it appropriate to focus humorous attention on these comments from washed up boxer Mike Tyson discussing the former Republican Governor. They also displayed no concern as to how their reporting of the ugliness, including with audio and video, might easily be read by the children of Palin, Mother to several young children.

“Glen Rice is a nice, mellow, docile man, non-threatening guy,” he said. “You want someone like Rodman — yeah baby! Let’s get that donkey in here now. [laughter] Just imagine Palin with a big old black stallion ripping. Yeehaw!”

While the Caller item now comes with this disclaimer, obviously meant only as cover for their disgusting editorial judgment, it is only a late addition to the post after receiving more attention and increasingly broad condemnation.

Other  blogs weighing in on this:

Sissy Willis:Greta Van Susteren takes Tucker Carlson to the woodshed:

“The public shaming of Tucker Carlson. Cybervillage disapprobation of “elders” like @gretawire [Greta Van Susteren’s twitter handle] shape moral behavior,” we twittered as the smoke began to settle this morning in the aftermath of a fiery flame war that had erupted in the blogosphere and twitterspere in response to “Mike Tyson: Sarah Palin met ‘the wombshifter,’” a gratuitously coarse Jeff Poor journalistic effort published by Carlson’s The Daily Caller Friday evening.

Da TechGuy jumped in, too: Tucker Carlson vs Dan Riehl? No contest

Alas poor Tucker, he hasn’t apparently been paying attention. McGinnis’ book has so little credibility and is so discredited even Keith Olbermann and the NYT are dissing it.

That misjudgment is bad enough but the decision to try to go after Dan Riehl, for pointing out this tactic was not so bright:

What is it with these sad little Beltway bois? Are they simply misogynistic and unable to pass up an opportunity to attempt to humiliate a successful woman with more clout and influence than the petulant little bow-tie boy, Carlson, has or will ever have? Or is it their inadequacy in the face of an attractive, accomplished woman like Palin that causes them to lash out so despicably?

Riehl’s base post contained, shall we say, more colorful language. Well Carlson and company took exception and led to a wholeseries of furtherposts by Riehl demonstrating several things:

1..Tucker Carlson and the Daily Caller have much too thin a skin for this business

2..Sarah Palin is a lot tougher than anyone at the Daily Caller

3..The people at the Caller have no idea of how new media works.

Simple suggestion if you are a million dollar site trying to impress investors you don’t go after individual bloggers who hurt your feelings, particularly not Dan Riehl.

“One man media organization and attack machine”, @Keder, on Twitter took The daily Caller’s side and spent much of the  the day battling Palinistas, (and watching followers disappear). Hornets nest!

Lisa Graas says: Y’all Settle Down Over There!

Apparently there is some Palin-smearing going on from “conservatives”. It’s very low-blow, gossipy, obviously not true stuff. What I have seen of it is not what this post is about. What this post is about is accusations about Palin-smearing that I’m not really familiar with and don’t want to bother to go looking for. It’s also about peripheral things that appear to be floating around that.

First, I “heart” Sarah Palin. I’m voting for Rick Santorum, but I still “heart” her and want y’all to lay off smearing her. It just ain’t Christian.

I “heart” Dan Riehl. He’s grumpy and not exactly the St. Paul of the blogosphere, but I “heart” him anyway.

Click on the link to find out who else she *hearts*.

One thing is for sure. Whenever there’s a blog-war, we’re sure to find grumpy old Dan Riehl smack dab in the middle of it. I think I often agree with him, too!

3 thoughts on “Monday Morning Blog-War!

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