Santorum and Good v.s. Evil

When I was 13 years old, my Canadian grandmother told me something or other about “the Debbil”,  and I laughed in her face. See, at 13 years old  – I knew everything. There is no literal Satan, for cripes sake. Grammy’s gone senile. Sheesh.

It’s been said that  “the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.” Well, all these years later, this girl believes he exists. I don’t laugh at the idea of a Devil,  any more than I laugh at the idea of Jesus. And no, I’m not going to go tell you all about  the spiritual journey that led me to this conclusion – that’s my business –  but trust me, it’s not just a simple minded faith, and  it’s not the faith I’ve come to just because it happens to be what I was brought up to believe. The road has been lush and full of life in places,  rough and dry in others,  but  I know there’s a God. I know there’s a Devil. Know.

God is Love, and the Devil is pure hatred and lies. Good v.s Evil. I believe in it. And I believe that the match-up between Rick Santorum and Barack Obama is about as stark a contrast between good v.s. evil that we’re likely to see this election cycle.  Obama’s governed by malice and  seems hellbent on knocking this country down a few pegs. If we don’t win in 2012 – it’s over for us.

I don’t know about Romney – he seems like a decent family guy, but  his flip flops make it hard to know what he really believes. Conservatism seems like a second language to him. His scorched earth campaign is making enemies and burning bridges – (Did his campaign really pay hacks to take down hundreds of Santorum signs at a Michigan event?!) He doesn’t connect with conservatives – maybe he doesn’t trust us any more than we trust him.

Newt Gingrich is a different sort of animal. He knows the language, alright. He’s either the most brilliant, cynical and manipulative phoney who’s ever come down the pike, or he really is a reformed Christian conservative, like he says he is. We all know Newt’s a great debater, but how much of it is heart-felt and how much is boob-bait for the Bubbas? I always wonder with Gingrich, although I want to believe him.

I don’t wonder with Santorum. I get him. He’s a smart, solid, conservative with the depth, experience, and gravitas necessary to hold the highest office in the land. When he says that the ‘Pursuit of Happiness’ clause in the Declaration of Independence, doesn’t mean a hedonistic pursuit of “stuff”, he’s speaking to my Catholic heart about the evils of crass materialism – something all too rampant in our society, and something every thoughtful parent frets about when witnessing the selfish, stupid, shallow, and crude pop culture influencing his/her children.

I understand him when he talks about good and evil – so do millions of other Americans. Maybe, to sophisticated elites  (not only on the coasts, but everywhere, including our smallest towns), the reaction is more like my 13 year old self. (LOL – who still believes in that shite)… But nobody can honestly make the case that Rick Santorum wants to start a theocracy. Nobody can make the case that he wants to ban contraception. Nobody can make the case that he hates gays. All they can do is demagogue those issues. And they will demagogue those issues. They can’t wait to. That’s why the organized left is pushing his candidacy – they think those are winning issues for them….

Are they?

They are if we let them be.

Are we at a point in time in this country when an orthodox Christian or Jew need not apply to the highest office in the land, and their values voters are no longer valued?

Does the Republican Party think that without touching on the cultural decay of our country, all at the hands of liberals, they will be able to win in November? Perhaps. I have seen the friendliness of local Republicans toward liberal Democrats who have said, “I used to be a Republican, until they started in with the social issues.” It is as if the Republican Party would rather have liberals in the party to replace the value voters.

It seems to me that the attacks on Rick Santorum for actually naming the culprits, is being thrown overboard, for the Republican Party’s asinine attempt to bring liberals and neo-liberals, (Ron Paul types) into the party with seats at the table and notebooks in hand.

Maybe Obama was right – we’re no longer a Christian nation….

Some people are coming to his defense, however:

Dan Riehl says These Faith-based Attacks On Santorum Are Repulsive And Un-American:

Santorum In 2008: Satan is Systematically Destroying America

In 2008, Sen. Rick Santorum spoke at Ave Maria University and said that Satan is destroying academia, politics, and the Protestant Church.

The full speech is available here and here is a contemporaneous press release by the university, excerpts below. Santorum has already made it quite clear, he respects the separation of church and state. While any politician must draw on their values in political decision-making, he has also said he does not believe in imposing his religious views on others through acts of government. Ethically, morally and constitutionally, the current faith-based attacks on Santorum are repulsive and completely un-American. The people employing them should be ashamed.

Sarah Palin called out the MSM on Hannity, Tuesday night: The Right Scoop: MSM makes me sick! They are hypocrites!

Palin says that the American people would be disappointed if Santorum decided to cower to the media and stop talking about good and evil and America’s Judeo-Christian foundation. She encouraged him to stand strong. But she also said his surrogates need to defend him and call out the MSM on their hypocrisy. And she blasted the MSM for not saying anything when Obama used the Bible to justify his increase in taxes, yet heavily criticize Santorum for talking about good and evil.

Santorum, himself, is trying to stay on message:

When pressed further if he believed Satan was attacking America, as he said in his 2008 speech, Santorum insisted the subject is not on the minds of voters.

“Guys these are questions that are not relevant to what’s being discussed in America today,” Santorum said.

“What we’re talking about in America today is trying to get America growing. That’s what my speeches are about. That’s we’re going to talk about in this campaign,” he added.

With Santorum now leading several national polls and moving within striking distance of two game-changing victories in next week’s Arizona and Michigan primaries, the rising GOP contender has seen his recent speeches subjected to increased scrutiny.

In a speech to a small crowd of supporters in Phoenix Tuesday evening, Santorum said he can handle the pressure.

“I’ll defend everything I say,” Santorum said.

After the speech, Santorum told reporters he’s pleased with the state of his campaign, disclosing that he’s raised more than $6 million this month.

He also commented on the latest Washington parlor game: whether the race for the GOP nomination could result in a contested convention in Tampa later this year.

“I feel very good about our chances of winning this election. Feel really good,” Santorum said.

He should feel good about AZ: Rick Santorum wins straw poll in Arizona’s largest county:

Former senator Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) on Tuesday overwhelmingly won the Maricopa County Republican Partypresidential straw poll,

a sign that the tide may be turning against former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney (R) among party insiders in a key primary state where he had previously appeared to be on course for an easy win.

Santorum took first place in the informal Lincoln Day Luncheon survey with 230 votes. Romney placed a distant second with the votes of 71 participants. Former House speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) took third with 35 votes and Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) placed fourth with 22 votes.

The survey comes a week out from Arizona’s Feb. 28 primary. Santorum addressed the Maricopa County gathering Tuesday afternoon and is slated to hold a rally in the same Phoenix venue later this evening.

Maricopa is by far the most populous of Arizona’s 15 counties, home to the cities of Phoenix, Mesa and Glendale.

In the 2008 Republican primary, it comprised about 330,000 of the roughly 514,000 votes cast in the entire state, or 64 percent.

In that race, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) — who placed first in the state — won 167,717 votes in Maricopa County, or 48 percent, while Romney placed second with 116,995 votes, or 34 percent.

News of Santorum’s straw poll win also comes as a new CNN/Time/Opinion Research poll shows the former senator now within the margin of victory against Romney in the Grand Canyon State.

Rick Santorum could very well be our candidate. Those  of you who say he’s a big government conservative, and find his social views distasteful, I know you are motivated to attack him out the same horrific fear that we all have. The ungodly specter of another four years of Obama in office. I understand that. But when you continue to attack Santorum, rather than prop up your own candidate, you are serving the other side at this point. Rush is absolutely right to not back a candidate, yet. The chaos,  uncertainty and  infighting going on all around us is repressing the vote. We’re seeing  lower voter turnout in the primaries, this year, because of it. Different conservative factions are becoming disgruntled…some folks darkly mutter that they won’t vote in the general election if so and so wins the primary. That’s crazy talk, and the crazy is being fed by a constant stream of political  mud-slinging… own own side.

It’s time for Republican pundits to chill… Support your candidate in every way possible, of course, but stop aiding and abetting team Obama. I’m sure it’s not intentional, but that’s what you’re doing when you write post after post slamming one of these candidates.

Kindly knock it off.


Keep your eye on the ball: Obama: ‘When Congress Refuses to Act, Joe and I Are Going to Act’.

Yes, he said it again, and he means it. My God, if he’s willing act like this during an election year, what would an Obama second term look like?


This story illustrates the type of people we’re up against:

“If I ever see this girl, I will kill her. That’s a promise.”

Those precious words of tolerance were typed by an individual commenting on YouTube about a 14-year-old girl who recently, and publicly, defended traditional marriage.

From a Feb. 21 post on the website of TFP Student Action, a group that “defends traditional moral values on college campuses”

Also – a blast from the past on the issue that raised immediate red flags about Obama’s core decency for me, when I first heard about it in 1/2008: CNN: Barack Obama’s opposition to Born Alive Act:

Watch the video. Obama lied when he said that he voted against the Illinois version of the Born Alive Infant Protection Act because it somehow compromised Roe v Wade. The MSM dutifully repeated his lie without fact-checking it – it took people like Bill Bennett to point out that it was the same exact bill as the one passed unanimously in the US Senate….  Carville had no coherent response, but took the opportunity to slam Rick Santorum several times for being an “extremist”.

There is no reason why we should be losing to these vicious, transparently dishonest swine.

Good vs. Evil.

Linked by Michelle Malkin, and Pundette, thanks!


15 thoughts on “Santorum and Good v.s. Evil

  1. I don’t really care so much what he said about Satan to be honest… it’s what he said about Protestantism that concerns me. Is he going to explain what he means when he says Protestantism is gone from Christianity? He might get some people fired up with comments like that but most of the country is Protestant, and I seriously doubt they want to be hearing stuff like that.


  2. Let’s bring back burning at the stake and witch trials. If Santorum was taking about his belief in good and evil, why did he not use the words good and evil? If he wanted to challenge environmental policies, why did he say theology?

    Satan, theology these words were chosen by Mr. Santorum. If his mind is in the Dark Ages, that is his problem, but he should not become the president of a Republic inspired by the Enlightenment.


  3. I think Santorum would have done better to stick to his own church which suffers from the same decay as the mainline Protestant churches. But I don’t disagree with what he said. It wasn’t an attack on Protestantism per se, but a comment on how the church has been attacked by Satanic influences.

    As for Larry’s comment, I thought he was agreeing with me when he said “Let’s bring back burning at the stake and witch trials” because that is what the secular left is symbolically doing to Rick Santorum. But no. He’s making my point by basically saying that orthodox Christians need not apply.

    Santorum was talking about Obama’s faith in the phony theology of climate science, the other day – a reference to the left’s cult-like faith in global warming. It is extremely common for conservatives, (both religious, and secular) to accuse libs of being adherents of the religion of Gaia. He’s not talking about Obama’s own personal religious beliefs which I’m sure he has thoughts on, but should just keep to himself.

    Case in point:


  4. Personally I see Santorum laying the ground work (whether he is “actually” doing to this strategy only time will tell) to how all of these secular theologies are not only against the morals of the founding fathers but also are the main causes of the runaway debt (that shows no sign in being slowed down by either the radical-left-wing-socialist-commie-democrats OR the day-old good-old-boy&girl-networked-semi-socialist-republicans.

    some cases in point:

    Contraception/Population Control: This is probably the hydra with the most heads (please excuse the not-meant-pun) to it. The advent of contraception has shown an increase in births out of wedlock as well as STDs. These all cost BILLIONS to “manage” & “treat”. the “sensuality” that santorum eludes to is that which is enslaving young people to such an extent that they seem to only make life about the hook-ups and how to “not(?) get pregnant”. THIS all costs alot of money and the fruits are the broken lives & families & abortions & disease of the last 50 years. The 60s generation has given the USA not really “free love” but very costly & expensive sex for “fun’s” sake.

    Global Warming/Population Control: Just as their is ample evidence that the global warmers have been cooking the statistic books, the case is even worse for the pro-DEATH/birth-controllers. No oil, no natural gas, no electric, no clean coal, no construction, no ETC….nadda nadda nadda. and instead we now have escalating energy costs with no relief in sight.

    Personally if independents, dems, & repubs dont want to hear & discuss these issues then they should not complain one iota if the country caves in on its debt which is used to fund the above “theologies” that glorify unbridled sex & earth for earht’s sake worship. Organized old school religion may have been costly but it cant compare to generating the billion/trillion dollar a day habit that unbridled sex & earth worship are costing nt just the USA but the world. You have the creation of more poor & more downtrodden due to this new population controlling religion in order for more government control over individuals lives & therefor more control over people’s money, life and death, which in turn creates the Leviathan Government ie a totalitarian state. I can guarantee 100% the founding fathers would have revolted against the abortion-funding-population-control-environmentalists.

    The Biggest Paradox of the Obamamanian’s Regime: Considering the left-wing-peace- establishment backed Obama, its amazing how Obama continues to drag the USA into more wars (of his & THE LEFT WING’S choosing) yet he still believes the USA military is a place he can drastically slash its budget to PAY FOR the abortion-funding-population-control-environmentalists religion. Its staggering that the congressional repubs are too milk-toasted-panty-wasted to stop or even slow this radical religion’s progress, not to mention not even mounting a LITTLE BIT OF A PR campaign to defend repub & tea party GOOD-NATION- SAVING-IDEAS against Obama’s propagand machine. No too mention any supposed “savings” from gutting the military are being dreid up by the billion dollar a day sex-population control habit. And this doesnt even take into consideration the loss of individual liberty that is occuring to all parts of the Bill of Rights in order for the Leviathan Government to fund & control its state religion.

    Those who the Good Lord gave brains & voices to defend good & truthful ideas of government, IF they DO NOT USE THEM are destined to LOSE THEM.

    George Washington


  5. Satan, theology these words were chosen by Mr. Santorum. If his mind is in the Dark Ages, that is his problem, but he should not become the president of a Republic inspired by the Enlightenment.

    “a Republic inspired by the enlightenment”?

    You confuse us with France, and the excesses of it which lead to the The Terror.

    The Consitution is more heavily influenced by John Calvin than it is by “the enlightenment”.


  6. Pingback: Wednesday Roundup 2/22/12 Arizona Debate Edition

  7. Blackiswhite, Imperial Consigliere posted: “Happy Birthday, George. It wasn’t your fault you were one of those dead old rich one percenters.”

    I see you enjoy posting against “dead 1% old rich people.”

    ….and yet, Blackiswhite, Imperial Consigliere, if it wasnt for this “one percenter” you wouldnt have ANY of your freedoms would you?

    so I guess by your “putdown” you are not “wealthy”, not “old”, not “dead”, and not what else? so you are a young white affluent cynic? do you think “George Washington” and his ideas & life will be remembered until the end of time or the little life of someone with a handle like “Blackiswhite, Imperial Consigliere”?

    …your too easy to see right thru sport.

    George Washington


  8. Dear Anonymous/George Washington,

    Since you aren’t actually a regular fixture here, you don’t know that I occaisionally post opinion pieces here because Deb was nice enough (or crazy enough) to give me a set of keys to her fine establishment.

    I think if you go into the right hand sidebar and click on the link to “Taxes, Stupidity, and Death”, you will find that your assumptions about me based on a sarcastic comment I made were woefully unfounded, as I have a pretty good mastery of the history and legal philosophy regarding the legacy that the Founders and the Framers left to us.

    But thank you for your insightful criticism.


  9. PS

    hey, Blackiswhite, Imperial Consigliere:

    My sincerest apologies…I forgot to post “wink wink.” i get i get it.

    its been a long day. some of us work for a living. (…that wasnt meant for you.)

    learning to choose my battles but need more time.

    cheers friend,
    Georgie Washington


  10. Thank you again for the clarification Blackiswhite, Imperial Consigliere.

    On a related note & speaking off the top of my head, for all of the criticism lately on good v evil, satan v God and religion v state i think history shows that the founders, though not perfect holy & saints, were not afraid to see the correlation between the two: in the end church & state do complement each other & shouldnt be in conflict with each other. Even Obama & the radical left know this that is why they want the church to tow the line & support (indirectly or directly) abortion & contraception. Any nation needs stability between its churches & its government.

    “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” — John Quincy Adams

    I also believe many founders were not moral liberals although not a few had children out of wedlock, they still new better then to “brag” about or to promote abortion/contraception as do todays liberals, within & without of the media. The founders understood human weaknesses as well as religion’s strengths they simply wanted to avoid wars of religion, however they were not afraid of war when needed.



  11. How do you like Santorum today? I would ask you to look at Romney a little closer. He is a man with integrity. You would love him. He didn’t take a paycheck from the Olympics, as governor, nor when Bain asked him to come back and help them out. He served as a lay minister in his church for 20 years, again NO PAY. He did inherit money from his father, which he donated to charity!!!! He got a perfect score on his SATS. He has a duel law and business degree from Harvard. He shut down his business and flew everyone to New York to search for a coworkers missing 14 year old daughter. He is a great leader and a great man!


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