Voter Fraud Alert!: Obama Supporter in NC Brags on Facebook About Voting Multiple Times To Save Country From Romney

Via The Barracuda Brigade:

How easy is it to commit voter fraud in this country?

Let Jim Turner of Chapel Hill, NC count the ways:

That “bold” post has since been deleted – due to a right wing conspiracy that sees our national glass as “half empty”, or perhaps more likely by someone in a cold sweat about being caught stupidly bragging about committing a felony on Facebook.

Yeah, you made a bold comment, alright Jim.

And this post from Sept 24 has ominous implications:

Tomorrow is National Voter Registration Day and I will be part of a group to provide help at Town Hall in Pine Knoll Shores, NC from 10:00 until 4:00. If you will be 18 by election day you MUST register to vote. Have you moved? Have you married? Changed you name?? If any of these apply you need to REGISTER TO VOTE.

It’s very disturbing that an admitted repeat voter would be in charge of voter registration.

Spread the word – this man needs to be made famous. As you can imagine, he represents but the tip of the iceberg. This can not stand. This criminal and others like him can not be allowed to cancel out all of our votes. Mitt Romney is winning NC. But Jim Turner and people like him want to deliver his state to their Messiah via voter fraud.


Apparently, his daughter is trying to claim that the post was a “joke”.

When have we heard that before? Oh, I know – every time a Democrat’s been caught engaging in shockingly corrupt behavior.

Go back and reread the post and see if you can find the punchline – ’cause I’m not seeing it.


A commenter at the Time for Choosing blog has verified that a James Turner has voted in two of the locations he mentioned in the post:

I downloaded North Carolina’s early voting and absentee voting data from their online site on the 23rd of October. It does show a James Turner voting from Beaufort and Henderson, both white males, 67 years old. This may or may not be the same person, but it does seem to support what he wrote on twitter.

The problem is that even if he didn’t do this, the post he made encourages others to do so. The idea that someone in a position responsible for upholding election integrity encouraging others, jokingly or not, to commit voter fraud and claiming it is about “the American spirit” has no real idea about what the American spirit is about. It has nothing to do with disenfranchising other voters by negating their legal votes with fraudulent ones, it has nothing to do with cheating to get your way and to win at all costs. Encouraging others, or committing the fraud yourself because you think you’re more right than another person who voted differently, is still fraud, regardless of how you try to wrap yourself in up in the flag afterwards.

Another commenter wrote:

I emailed a fraud incident (not voter fraud, a polling place thing) to my county’s GOP here in NC, and within 2 hours a Romney attorney was at my house taking a statement.

They’re taking this stuff seriously – someone in NC should report him to the county GOP (there’s probably a contact on their website) and the State Board of Elections.

By the time the attorney came to my house, there had been 6 statewide alerts from different organizations with my email in it, so there ARE people doing things.

Linked by Right Wing News, and Doug Ross, thanks!

36 thoughts on “Voter Fraud Alert!: Obama Supporter in NC Brags on Facebook About Voting Multiple Times To Save Country From Romney

  1. Is it so easy to vote multiple times, as just showing up at multiple polling places? Or did he have to do groundwork to prepare for multiple voting (for example, by registering multiple times)?

    Why isn’t multiple voting automatically noticed and referred to law enforcement? If he didn’t brag about it on Facebook, we would never know?

    At the very least, we should be able to go in after an election and find all multiple voters, and throw them in prison, even if we couldn’t stop them from multiple-voting in the first place. (And of course, anyone convicted of felony voter fraud should never be allowed to vote again in any election, ever.)


  2. He must be a disenfranchised voter. Or something. Because there’s no such thing as voter fraud. After all, Eric Holder said so.


  3. Pingback: Voter Fraud Alert!: Obama Supporter in NC Brags on Facebook About Voting Multiple Times To Save Country From Romney | Spotlight On Corruption

  4. Pingback: Obama wants you to Vote for Revenge, Romney for Love of Country; and Saturday Links!

  5. Sadly it looks like we have our own voting fraud problems, with Roxanne Rubin trying to vote twice in Nevada, and some temp worker in Oregon filling in blank parts of ballots with Republican candidates. I expect it from the Dems, but from GOP voters?


  6. Look further down on this idiot’s Facebook page. On September 24, 2012 he posts that he will be helping people REGISTER TO VOTE!! This idiot needs to be IN JAIL !! Here’s his post: Tomorrow is National Voter Registration Day and I will be part of a group to provide help at Town Hall in Pine Knoll Shores, NC from 10:00 until 4:00. If you will be 18 by election day you MUST register to vote. Have you moved? Have you married? Changed you name?? If any of these apply you need to REGISTER TO VOTE.


  7. Great news! I got a call this morning from the NC board of elections who investigate fraud. They are investigating this guy Jim Turner who was bragging he voted 4 times for ovomit already and was going to vote a fifth time. Only a libtard or dummycRat would be stupid enough to post on FB. I reported him to every voter fraud place I could find. I have a copy of his post for anyone who wants to see and can give you his FB page.


  8. There is no iceberg!

    And there are plenty of stories of fraud committed by the far right. Most of the problems coming to light have been in Southern states, so far.


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  10. Truly disturbing but we have been forewarned, Now what will any body do about it? I fear, nothing. The desperate Dems will stop at nothing to ensure that Obama gets another four years, and doing it legally does not matter to them. Sure there may be an occasional nut job Republican who tries to get away with it but for the Dems it is an organized activity. We have no democracy if we can not ensure an honest vote.


  11. Pingback: Voter Fraud Alert!: Obama Supporter in NC Brags on Facebook About Voting Multiple Times To Save Country From Romney « Sam M. Settle

  12. Jerk, he’s making a mockery of our election system and he’s proud of it! He should be stripped of his privilege to vote.


  13. I don’t believe that this guy voted multiple times. My take is that it was posted by a Republican in order to draw ire. So, you believe everything that you read on the internet? There’s lots of scams and lies out there. This is only one of them. Yes, there are some really intelligent comments about this. Democracy is for all; not a chosen few. You have seen the enemy, and it is your belief that stupidity is a virtue.


  14. My take is that it was posted by a Republican in order to draw ire.

    That would be a “virtuous” take, since there’s no question that he posted it, nor that he’s a Democrat. He may have just been blowing smoke, but your theory is fanciful.


  15. wow this is almost as bad as the republicans in virginia that threw out THOUSANDS of voter registration forms because the people on them registered “democratic party”. Oh wait. It’s not.


  16. You mean the guy that threw away 8 registration forms that were retrieved and the guy promptly fired?
    No, this is worse.


  17. Or maybe as bad as a government that sues to keep states from removing the names of dead people from the voting rolls, or sues states to prevent them from verifying that the person voting is an actual citizen of this country, or the unconstitutional judges that allow the government to get away with that crap?

    Yeah, sounds like the jackasses are concerned to the bone about fair and honest elections, dude.


  18. seriously – some guy makes a post on fb, and you take it as the gospel truth? And I’m sure it’s a near statistical impossibility that there would be two 67 yo James Turners in the state of NC. I’m sure he’s getting quite a chuckle watching you chase your tails


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