Democrats Are Telling Rush Limbaugh ‘Privately’ That They Would Love To Stop ObamaCare (Audio)


Image depicts Democrat whispering secret fears about ObamaCare into Rush’s cochlear implant.

Last week, the president said in an interview that Republicans tell him privately that they agree with him but they’re “scared” of Rush Limbaugh and the Tea Party…     (*Cough*BS*Cough*)

Well Rush had a little fun with that on his show, Monday afternoon. Apparently Democrats have been pouring their hearts out to him for years, privately sharing their utmost fears about the  impending ObamaCare disaster.

RUSH: Folks, let me tell you something. You know, privately there are a lot of Democrats that tell me that they are just distressed over what Obama has done to the health care industry and to jobs. They are afraid to say anything about it because of recriminations, because this regime fights back. I mean, this regime does not take internal criticism at all, just like they try to eliminate all conservative opposition.

Likewise, if anybody in the Democrat Party goes public with the slightest disagreement or problem with what Obama’s doing, it could be curtains for them, particularly if they are elected. I have a lot of Democrats privately telling me they would love to be able to stop Obamacare but that they know they don’t have the votes in the Senate, and I just want to get that out there. It’s not new. I mean, I’ve been hearing about this from Democrats for a couple of years now.


I’ve even had Democrats… I’m not kidding about this.  I’ve had Democrats tell me privately, they are worried long term about what’s happened to this party.  You know, I say to them, “Well, my perception is, your party’s set up for perpetual power.  I don’t know how you’re ever gonna get beat, because you’ve succeeded in convincing the Republicans to go after the same voters that you’re going after, and there’s no way they’re gonna get ’em.

“You have convinced the Republicans to go after only the independents. You’ve convinced the Republicans never to criticize Democrats.  I mean, you’ve effectively neutered the Republicans and you’ve turned at least half this country into a dependency class and you’re about to get amnesty.  What do you mean you’re worried about your party?”  A number of them have said that what they fear is that at some point, the American people are gonna wake up and see it doesn’t work.

“They’re gonna wake up,” he said.

He says they’re worried that there is literally going to be shrinking prosperity, and when that happens — he doesn’t think this is any time soon, but when all that happens — there’s gonna be a big backlash against the Democrat Party. Because at some point, people are going to realize it doesn’t work, and what this guy’s really afraid of is once you take Obama out of the equation and can’t blame race and you don’t have this mythological, messianic-like figure — once you put your standard, ordinary, everyday average Democrat in there (even including Hillary) — then it’s all gonna come to a screeching halt.

Video via Daily Rushbo

Oh, not only that…Rush also says, Civil Rights Guys’ Tell Me Privately ‘Obama’s Not Down For the Struggle’.

RUSH: They’re not these never doubtful, always confident types, at least these guys that I know and speak with. These guys have privately told me that they worry about all these divisions in country because they don’t think anything good can come from all the chaos, just day-to-day life. Here’s more evidence of it. This is a story from Black Lawmakers Lament Flaring of Racial Tensions Under Obama.” You know this Martin Luther King anniversary speech that Obama’s gonna do on Wednesday?

I’ll tell you another truth: The civil rights guys are not that excited about this, because Obama’s not down for the struggle. He’s really not. He doesn’t come from the civil rights struggle. He doesn’t come from any of that. He has to fake that, and these guys… You’ll not see any evidence of this, obviously, but they’re a little bit uncomfortable about it. I mean, the number one, most powerful black man in America is not down to the struggle.

Video at the link.

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