Fox News Special Report: “Enemies Of The State” (Video)

Fox News aired a special, Saturday night called “Enemies of the State” which focused on everyday Americans who somehow found themselves in the crosshairs of their own government. Fox News reporter John Roberts talked to Wayne Hage, a rancher battling the Bureau of Land Management over his cattle farm.

Roberts pointed out that in one 105 day grazing season, the family was visited by government employees 70 times and received an additional 40 certified letters containing various citations and notices.

“That’s more than one visit by the government, in a sense, for every day that you are out there grazing,” Roberts said.


Who can forget the harassment  Gibson Guitar CEO, Henry Juszkiewicz went through with the DOJ’s weird obsession with some banned Indian wood – zeroing in on Gibson Guitars, rather than other – more union friendly guitar outfits, and extorting huge fines from Gibson to make them go away..

Harold Ham, an oil man ran into huge problems with the Regime over his enthusiasm for fracking. This is a horror story that went somewhat under the radar.

Any report on an abusive government targeting innocent Americans, would not be complete without the horrific example of what Catherine Englebrecht went through for becoming active in politics. Also featuring Washington power attorney, Cleta Mitchell.



All videos courtesy of Mass Tea Party.

Linked by Doug Ross, thanks!

7 thoughts on “Fox News Special Report: “Enemies Of The State” (Video)

  1. Thanks for posting this. It was interrupted by a breaking news report on the Malaysian flight, so I missed most of it. It’s not available on FOXNews’ website to watch.


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