Sick: Eric Holder Plays Race Card at Sharpton Event (Video)

Gee could it be an election year, Eric?


Eric Holder is easily the worst Attorney General in our nation’s history and it has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with the gut-wrenchingly corrupt and hyper-political way he has run the Department of Justice for the past five and a half years..

Look how casually and cynically he deployed the Race Card while speaking before Al Sharpton’s National Action Network on Wednesday.

Via the Washington Free Beacon:

Holder told the audience that he’s proud of the significant strides and lasting reforms his department has achieved “even in the face of unprecedented, unwarranted, ugly, and divisive adversity”

Holder then infers he and President Obama are encountering a different type of “treatment” from House Republicans due to their race.

Just a reminder of what spurred the little dust-up in the House, yesterday between Texas Republican Louie Gohmert, and Holder.

After Holder dismissed Gohmert’s requests for documents relating to congressional investigations, Gohmert said, “I realize that contempt is not a big deal to our Attorney General, but it is important that we have proper oversight.”

“You don’t want to go there buddy!” Holder responded. “You don’t want to go there, OK?”

“You should not assume that uh that is not a big deal to me,” Holder continued. “I think it was inappropriate, I think it was unjust, but never think that it was not a big deal to me. Don’t ever think that.”


But Gohmert had every reason to believe that Eric Holder didn’t take seriously being held in Contempt of Congress because of  Eric Holder’s own words. In an exclusive interview with ABC News’  Pierre Thomas on February 27, 2013, Holder was asked about how he reacted when House Republicans voted and 17 Democrats voted to hold him in contempt of Congress over the ATF’s “Fast and Furious” gun running scandal.

“It’s something that I think was unfortunate,” Holder said. “I think it’s a result of this kind of partisan sport that I think we engage in here in Washington far too often.”

Holder said the votes it didn’t bother him, considering who cast them.

“But I have to tell you that for me to really be affected by what happened,I’d have to have respect for the people who voted in that way,”Holder told ABC News. “And I didn’t, so it didn’t have that huge an impact on me.”

Holder’s disrespect for Republicans was on display at today’s hearing when he sneered at Gohmert, “good luck with your asparagus,” which you can hear at the very end of the clip.

The Wire’s Philip Bump explains the background for that barb.

 Last May, Holder and Gohmert got into an argument at a House Judiciary Committee meeting. Gohmert, who’s been consistently critical of the attorney general (if largely inconsistent on the reason for the critique), alleged that the Department of Justice had failed to prevent the Boston marathon bombing. Holder criticized Gohmert’s characterization, and Gohmert, flustered, responded: “The attorney general will not cast aspersions on my asparagus.” It was never clear what he meant or what he was trying to say, but the “asparagus” line became a running joke, with Gohmert as the target.

That was an Attorney General of the United States trash talking a member of congress.

Glenn Beck  was particularly taken aback by yesterday’s exchange:

“The spite… These guys are the worst people I have met. This is not a guy who falls to his knees and says, ‘Lord, just help me.’ These are not people who are afraid,” Glenn explained. “You have the attorney general of the United States of America who is dirty, who has done things over and over and over again, and has gotten away with it, who is not afraid of Congress, who is now saying this to the Oversight Committee. No respect. Nothing.”

In this moment Holder proves he not only lacks respect for Rep. Gohmert and his office but for the office of the Attorney General of the United States. When the head of the top law enforcement body in the country is disrespecting the committee that exists to oversee his department’s work, it really is disheartening.

“This is one of the most telling exchanges I think we’ve seen so far in this Administration,” Pat said.

“It really is,” Glenn concluded. “Holder is out of control.”

The next day, he’s in front of a black audience whining about racism as a way to incite them during a midterm election year.

Last month, Sharpton held a “voter rights” rally Cincinnati in which Obama’s most prolific voter, Melowese Richardson was given a hero’s welcome after serving only 8 months of her 5 year jail sentence.  The Holder Justice Department has done nothing  to Richardson “410 days (and counting) after she admitted on camera that she committed multiple federal felonies by voting six times for President Obama’s reelection.”

Via J. Christian Adams:

Federal law makes it a felony to vote more than once for President.  In fact, 42 U.S.C. Section 1973i(e) subjects Richardson to twenty-five years in federal prison for her six votes for Obama.

The lack of DOJ action against an unrepentant federal vote fraudster combined with Richardson’s lionization by Sharpton and the organization that sponsored the rally demonstrates how the Justice Department is facilitating a culture of brazen criminality on the eve of the 2014 midterm elections.  The failure to indict Richardson is the latest example of Holder’s department excusing lawlessness in federal elections and abandoning law abiding Americans.


Ohio Votes sponsored the rally where Richardson appeared with Sharpton.  According to their website, it is a “year-round, statewide, nonpartisan 501(c)(3) voter mobilization initiative. It galvanizes nonprofits based in low income Ohio communities to increase voter participation and join efforts for fair elections.” The umbrella organization received$1,886,723 in government grants in 2012.  The organization’s tax returns state the group exists to change “onerous voting laws” and that it focuses on “educating voters on the mechanics of how, when and where to participate in early voting for the Presidential election.” 

The IRS continues to provide the group 501(c)(3) tax exempt status despite its active role in the reelection of the President, and its embrace of election criminals.

Good God.

28 thoughts on “Sick: Eric Holder Plays Race Card at Sharpton Event (Video)

  1. The hubris of Holder is indicative of the entire administration. So today he goes in front of NAN and flat out plays the “race card”. The courtesy they extended him yesterday was disgraceful, but totally expected. These thugs have thwarted every single investigation that has been opened on them.

    The republcs have been come to realize and fast that these guys are playing hardball and aren’t going to hand them the rope that will hang them, it will be up to them to gather and present the evidence. By whatever means necessary.

    Here’s my suggestion to them. Since the republicans don’t have the orbs to impeach the President, it’s high time to go after Holder for “obstruction of justice” amongst others. Impeach Holder just for starters and get someone’s attention.


  2. In retrospect, I think the courtesy they showed him yesterday was in direction correlation to the fact that Holder was scheduled to speak before Sharpton’s group today. I bet the word got around. All of the Reps were exceedingly respectful (for all the good it did them), including Gohmert, who was just reflecting something, I’m sure they all know Holder himself said.

    (Although, I’ve seen Gowdy give two interviews since yesterday in which he says he takes Holder at his word that he takes the Contempt vote seriously – to make the point that Holder should appoint a Special Prosecutor to show his critics how serious he is.)

    You’re right – they know the Regime is playing hardball and they don’t want to give them any ammo to go after them with. Of course, a corrupt ideologue like Holder is going to run with the raaaaacist narrative against Republicans, no matter what they do.


  3. Gowdy is dreaming if he thinks that showing Holder any deference is going to “move” him to appoint a Special Prosecutor. Both Gowdy and Holder are smarter than that. It’s downright painful watching this play out because I don’t see any resolution to it. The only relief other than impeachment is the Courts, and they aren’t going to get in the middle of this, cowards that they are. Until the republicans really start turning the screws on someone this will continue with no end in sight.

    Holder after his last stint at the Department of inJustice under Reno, should’ve never been approved as Attorney General to begin with. He has the President’s back and vice a versa. This is one individual who isn’t going to find himself under a bus anytime soon. They have the whole Legal and Justice Systems tied up in knots and are making a mockery of the entire system.


  4. Btw, Charles Krauthammer declared the Benghazi scandal officially over (politically speaking) on Special report, tonight. He says the Regime successfully ran out the clock. Republicans should have done a select committee and are just spinning their wheels, now. I’m not sure I agree with him on that, but it is what it is.

    The Regime knows if they stonewall long enough – with the MSM looking the other way instead of keeping the scandal on the front page – the scandal will simply wither away.

    Most in the media will feign surprise (derrr, what happened?), but the real partisan asshole hacks like you see at PMSNBC will openly taunt the GOP, accusing them of pushing a fake scandal that never went anywhere because they never had anything to begin with. These swine are happy to be enablers for the most corrupt, and least transparent administration in American history.


  5. Eric Holder is a cohort of the most corrupt, deceitful and underhanded administration in our history.. B_la_cks are the most rac_ist group of peop_le in this country today. If it weren’t for the wh_ite vote.. Ob_ama never would have won the election… B_lacks only make up about 14% of this country population … so wh_ites are the ra_cists? No, don’t think so…. Eric Holder is an embarrassment to every Atty. General in our history. He looks the other way, He picks and chooses laws to uphold… or not. Eric Holder, most Democrats, and some blacks.. feels the are above the law… the law doesn’t apply to them, mainly because of officials like Holder.. There is an e_vi_L infiltrating our country…..


  6. Needless to say that I agree most of the time with Krauthammer, but when I don’t there is a major differences. While politically the stigma may have waned, legally the statue of limitations never run out on murder and being complicit in that murder also never expires. We abandoned Americans under fire and who needed our help. For the first time that I can ever remember.

    Doherty and Woods being Navy SEALs would’ve never lit up their own position with lasers without thinking that “some kind of assistance” was forthcoming and available. To do so, would guarantee their deaths. The laser is only used when support is available and fire support is ready to engage targets.

    This, along with the other scandals that are swirling around these radicals in the administration all boils down to one single issue: the republicans come hell or high water have NO intention of impeaching the {actual} first black president in American history. This bastard could commit any crime he wants and get away with it, they have come to realize it and are now taking complete advantage of it. He ignores, changes and shreds our Laws and Constitution every single day and the republicans are complicit bystanders allowing it to go on.

    The time may have passed as Krauthammer says, but the reason would because the republicans don’t have the testosterone and fortitude to see this through, they are afraid of what they may find and have to pursue. The only wounds the dimoCraps have suffered over the last five + years have all been “self inflicted”, the republicans haven’t laid a glove on any of them.


  7. I cannot express the depth of my contempt or this affirmative action joke and his communist cohorts. But my greatest ire is reserved for the spineless cowards who will take no action against Commissar Obama and his lackey.


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