Anti-SSM Conservatives Vindicated As All Of Their Dire Predictions Have Come True

I am not for same sex marriage. This is not because I think gays shouldn’t have equal rights –  they should. I just don’t think we should be forced to pretend that a gay union is the same thing as a male/female union when it obviously isn’t. But that isn’t to say that a gay union shouldn’t have all of the same rights as a traditional married couple. I always considered Same Sex civil Unions to be a good compromise and the best road to full equality.

I have good friends who disagree me on this. Some gay – some not gay. It’s not a subject I like to broach on my blog for two reasons. Number 1 –  I don’t want to hurt feelings. And number 2 – frankly, I don’t want my site besieged by morally sick trolls who say things like, “you’re a closet lesbian who wants to have sex with the Virgin Mary.” (Not that that hasn’t happened already.)

As a devout Roman Catholic, my faith certainly informs my opinion on this matter, but it has never been my primary reason for opposing Same Sex Marriage (SSM). My primary reason is a defensive one.

I always knew that militant gays (aka gay mafia, gaystapo, purple army) were not interested in merely being tolerated and accepted. (This may seem counter-intuitive to people who think of gays as a victim group, but the radical gay left are among the most vicious bullies in America, today –  rivaled only by the radical feminist left..)

Twenty years ago, when pro-SSM activists told us that what we’re seeing today would never happen, I was unconvinced because I knew the totalitarian left were control freaks. Social conservatives are now being forced under the penalty of law,  to embrace, celebrate – and even participate in gay marriages.

We have been witnessing this changing tide for years now. Christian bakers, florists, photographers, venue owners, and Catholic orphanages have been increasingly put upon to take part in something they find morally objectionable – or risk being labeled “hateful bigots,” sued, and put out of business by spiteful activists.

This week, the totalitarians really bared their fangs.

A favorite left-wing tactic is to accuse Republicans of “overreach” when they react to Obama/Democrat scandals. It’s a protective measure designed to deflect from the truth.   The idea is to frame Republicans as unprincipled hacks who go so overboard in criticizing the left’s corruption, they end up hurting themselves more than the people they are trying to expose.

But Democrats are the ones who engage in the sin of “overreach” time and time again, drumming up media firestorms based on false narratives like  “the Republican war on women” and “hands up, don’t shoot.”

Now we are to believe that a law designed to protect religious liberties, gives Christian bigots license to refuse gays basic services. It does not and has not. What it does do is allow Christians to use their faith as a legitimate defense in lawsuits. (Anyone who thinks Christian bakers, florists, photographers, etc aren’t being maliciously targeted by activists in order to force them them into compliance on SSM, doesn’t understand the gay activist left.) But the laws do not even mention same sex marriage, or gay rights issues. RFRA laws are for everybody – including religious gays – to use as a defense in court.

First came the assault on the Indiana RFRA law which mirrored other laws  defending religious liberties. Then came the witch hunt for individuals guilty of the thought crime of opposing gay marriage. Then came the unhinged assault on the thought criminals.

In a desperate attempt to keep one of the most ridiculous media feeding frenzies in modern memory alive, reporters in Indiana are now going around asking businesses whether they would serve a gay wedding. They finally found someone in Walkerton, Ind. (population 2,248). The owner of Memories Pizza told the local ABC affiliate that if a gay couple came in and asked them to cater their wedding (because all of the best gay weddings are in Walkerton, and they just have to have pizza from Memories) they’d have to say no.

Yesterday, Iowahawk sarcastically tweeted, “burn the Pizza witch!”

Which was funny until a social justice warrior actually threatened to burn the pizza place down.

Then came the craven caves from conservative governors to appease the the left-wing outrage mobs. Christians will be  prosecuted for conscientiously objecting to partaking in gay weddings.

None of this would have happened if gay marriage hadn’t been imposed on us by left wing courts.  The outrage mobs have totally vindicated my opposition to SSM and made me more steadfast in my opposition than ever before.

I am not alone. There are people who were until very recently FOR gay marriage, but after this week, they have changed their position.


The sharks smell blood in the water. Yesterday a Pizza shop in Indiana had to shut down due to death threats, but the media witch hunt continues, unabated.


They are not pursuing a “story.” They are pursuing people to name and shame and blame, exposing them to ruin and perhaps even danger.

2 thoughts on “Anti-SSM Conservatives Vindicated As All Of Their Dire Predictions Have Come True

  1. Bravo ND, I agree 150%. You’ve nailed it.
    Most of us knew it was the proverbial “camel’s nose under the tent”. Some of the most vicous, least tolerant, despicable people ever. Who would invade Church Services with the most horrendous behavior anyone could imagine. At St Patrick’s in NY and in California.

    Predictably we also knew the inevitable cave by the repubics would also come. The major differences between the ’93 federal law and the ones in Indiana and Arkansas was the inclusion of a “business or corporate” clause. Which has already been affirmed by the Supreme Courts Hobby Lobby ruling. So where’s the beef?

    This is all about SSM and getting the Hobby Lobby ruling overturned. The radicals are ruling the roost.

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