Is Obama’s Halo Beginning To Lose Its Sheen?

Media attention to some of his recent gaffes and radical/commie connections is bringing to light information that must be giving his campaign severe heartburn.

To wit:

Obama’s International Socialist Connections

Barack “more liberal than Bernie Sanders”.

Obama Once Visited 60’s Radicals

It’s more than just that, and they’re terrorists, really. William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, unrepentant members of the Weathermen.

Obama’s Communist Mentor

Frank Marshall Davis, a member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA).

U.S Troops in Afghanistan Forced To Arm Themselves With Taliban Weapons?

“Boatloads of crap”. “A HUGE mistake”.

Obama “Borrows” Lines From Deval Patrick

Lines? How about entire paragraphs.

Michelle Obama’s famous quotes:

“Barack Obama will require you to work”.

“Every woman that I know, regardless of race, education, income, background, political affiliation, is struggling to keep her head above water”.

“For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country,” she told a Milwaukee crowd today, “because it feels like hope is making a comeback.”

Our souls are broken in this nation.

And I seem to be the only one pounding this home, but these two are the most pro-abort couple ever to aspire to be President and First Lady:

Barack And Michelle Obama: The Most Pro-Abortion Couple In America

There’s also a sleeze charge that is so disgusting, I won’t even link to it, but the guy is scheduled to take a polygraph to back up his claims, and has challenged Obama to do the same. This may just be some dirty trick dredged up by the Clinton campaign….or not.

Anyway, suffice it to say…the halo is starting to fade just a little bit.