Ward Churchill Still Crazy After All These Years (Video)

I’m sure you remember the “little Eichmanns”  comment made by the nutty professor in Colorado right after 9/11 – “while the bodies were still smoldering.”

Before Marxist faux indian academic Elizabeth Warren hit the public scene, there was Marxist faux indian Ward Churchill.

Megyn Kelly does a great job critiquing his obnoxious and hateful words, and keeping her cool as the pompous windbag berates her for being “too dense” to appreciate his brilliance.

Churchill was finally cut loose from the University of Colorado Boulder in 2007 after a long career there that began in 1978.

In January 2005, during the controversy over his 9/11 remarks, Churchill resigned as chairman of the ethnic studies department at the University of Colorado — his term as chair was scheduled to expire in June of that year.[22] On May 16, 2006, the Investigative Committee of the Standing Committee on Research Misconduct at the University of Coloradoconcluded that Churchill had committed multiple counts of academic misconduct, specifically plagiarism, fabrication, and falsification.[3] On July 24, 2007, Churchill was fired for academic misconduct in an eight to one vote by the University of Colorado’s Board of Regents.

Think of all of the young, impressionable minds he filled with his poisonous anti-American swill. Probably at least as many as Obama’s pal, Bill Ayers — and a thousand other Marxist professors like them. Including of course Obama – who did, after all, hire on as his “Green Czar,” a man who participated in an anti-American/terrorist sympathizing protest  in Oakland, Ca on 9/12/2001. 

“It’s the bombs that the government has been dropping around the world that are now blowing up inside the U.S. borders… We’ve got something stronger than bombs, we have solidarity. That dream of revolutionary change is stronger than bombs.” – Van Jones , Obama’s Green Czar

I’m actually surprised Obama never found a place in his administration for fellow travelers Ward Churchill and Bill Ayers. (Of course Ayers probably consulted heavily on Common Core.)

They’re all cut from the same sickening, Marxist, anti-American cloth.


Last week, Kelly interviewed author and commentator Dinesh D’Souza on the left-wing extremism of people like Ward Churchill and Barack Obama.



#OWS Protesters Plan Direct Actions Thursday To “Take Down Wall Street, Subways, Foley Park, and Times Square”; Unions Plan To Shut Down US Bridges (UPDATED- Will Storm Wall Street in Business Suits)

#Occupy activists on Wall Street are going ahead with the much proclaimed International Day of Action threatening to take down Wall Street, subways, Foley Park, and Times Square. The official OWS site encourages other OWS encampments and groups to take similar action. A breakfast on Wall Street, and a luncheon on various key subway platforms. Sounds lovely. BTW, it’s another peaceful event touted as a celebration. The whole world’s watching.

On Thursday November 17th, the two month anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street movement, we call upon the 99% to participate in a national day of direct action and celebration!
BREAKFAST: Shut Down Wall Street – 7:00 a.m.

Enough of this economy that exploits and divides us. It’s time we put an end to Wall Street’s reign of terror and begin building an economy that works for all. We will gather in Liberty Square at 7:00 a.m., before the ring of the Trading Floor Bell, to prepare to confront Wall Street with the stories of people on the frontlines of economic injustice. There, before the Stock Exchange, we will exchange stories rather than stocks.
LUNCH: Occupy The Subways – 3:00 p.m.

We will start by Occupying Our Blocks! Then throughout the five boroughs, we will gather at 16 central subway hubs and take our own stories to the trains, using the “People’s Mic”.

Fordham Rd
3rd Ave, 138th Street
163rd and Southern Blvd
161st and River – Yankee Stadium
Broadway Junction
Borough Hall
301 Grove Street
St Jose Patron Church,185 Suydam St, Bushwick
Jackson Heights/Roosevelt Ave.
Jamaica Center/Parsons/Archer
92-10 Roosevelt Avenue, Jackson Heights
125th St. A,B,C,D
Union Sq. (Mass student strike)
23rd St and 8th Ave
Staten Island
St. George, Staten Island Ferry Terminal
479 Port Richmond Avenue, Port Richmond

DINNER: Take The Square – 5:00 p.m.

Read More Here from the @OWS Official Site

John E at AoSHQ watched the #occupy “general assembly, last night, and said it was every bit as creepy and bizarre as you’d expect.

The tone on their websites is much more up-twinkly benign occupation talk, but there were multiple calls to “shut down” this or that and to “confront the fascist police forces” in the streets during the assembly (check out the #N17 hash for more). That message appears to be resonating. Like he says, they want to “burn the city to the ground”. When Occupy Wall Street started many on the right were warning Democrats to avoid encouraging or embracing it, not because it was going to end up being a political liability to them, but because it had the potential to spiral out of control. Democrat mayors and politicians are attempting to dial it back, but it may be too late. Within 24 hours, I think we’ll have our answer.


Meanwhile Obama’s union shock troops  are planning a pro-Obama “Bridge Action Day” – Will Shut Down Bridges & Harass US Workers on Thursday.

Hot Air: OWS Day of Action: Storm Wall Street disguised in … business suits:

So this has been the marketing strategy for Mens Wearhouse all along, huh?

The “day of action” is to begin early, with protesters converging on Wall Street camouflaged in business suits hoping to blend in with office workers trooping out of the subway.

“We will rise from beneath. They can’t stop all of us. It’s going to get crazy,” vowed one organizer. “They took the first shot Tuesday night. [Thursday] we return fire. We will be peaceful, but we will resist.”

The city said it was bracing for tens of thousands of people in the streets.

“The protesters are calling for a massive event aimed at disrupting major parts of the city,” said Howard Wolfson, deputy mayor for governmental affairs. “We will be prepared for that.”

  WABC’s live video feed shows police cordoning off the Wall Street area and providing only limited access today, a task for which they are well rehearsed — and thanks to the loose lips in the Occupy movement, well prepared.

Chances are good that this will be another Occu-FAIL.

See Hot Air for more.

Cross-posted at Moonbattracker


Court Order Allows #OWS Squatters To Return To Park – Bloomberg Plans To Fight It (With Video) UPDATED

This video features one of  America’s favorite #OWS trust fund hippies:

Approximately 70 #OWS squatters were arrested, early this morning as hundreds of police in riot gear raided the Zuccotti park, but hours later, the Marxist National Lawyers Guild obtained a court order allowing the protesters to return with their tents to the park, where they have camped for two months.

Fox News Reports:

The guild said the injunction prevents the city from enforcing park rules on the protesters who are now looking for squatters rights, despite park rules banning camping overnight.

Bloomberg said the city knew about the court order but had not seen it and would go to court to fight it. He said the city wants to protect people’s rights, but if a choice must be made, it will protect public safety.

By 9 a.m., the park was power-washed clean by sanitation workers. Police in riot gear ringed the public space, waiting for orders to reopen it.

The city told protesters they could come back after the cleaning, but under new tougher rules, including no tents, sleeping bags or tarps, which would effectively put an end to the encampment if enforced.

“The law that created Zuccotti Park required that it be open for the public to enjoy for passive recreation 24 hours a day,” Bloomberg said. “Ever since the occupation began, that law has not been complied with, as the park has been taken over by protesters, making it unavailable to anyone else.”

Concerns about health and safety issues at Occupy Wall Street camps around the U.S. have intensified, and protesters have been ordered to take down their shelters, adhere to curfews and relocate so that parks can be cleaned.

Is NYC’s Mayor Bloomberg actually showing signs of intestinal fortitude?He’s gonna need it. These cockroaches aren’t going to stop infesting the park without a huge fight.


#OWS Becomes A Den Of Thieves

As I’ve been saying, a whole host of left-wing pathologies are on display at the #occupy protests…

This is just one more thing you’ll never experience at a Tea Party.

The New York Post reports:

Occupy Wall Street protesters said yesterday that packs of brazen crooks within their ranks have been robbing their fellow demonstrators blind, making off with pricey cameras, phones and laptops — and even a hefty bundle of donated cash and food.

“Stealing is our biggest problem at the moment,” said Nan Terrie, 18, a kitchen and legal-team volunteer from Fort Lauderdale.

“I had my Mac stolen — that was like $5,500. Every night, something else is gone. Last night, our entire [kitchen] budget for the day was stolen, so the first thing I had to do was . . . get the message out to our supporters that we needed food!”

Crafty cat burglars sneaked into the makeshift kitchen at Zuccotti Park overnight and swiped as much as $2,500 in donated greenbacks from right under the noses of volunteers who’d fallen asleep after a long day whipping up meals for the hundreds of hungry protesters, the volunteers said.

“The worst thing is there’s people sleeping in the kitchen when they come, and they don’t even know about it! There are some really smart and sneaky thieves here,” Terrie said.

“I had umbrellas stolen, a fold-up bed I brought because my back is bad — they took that, too!”

“The people united will never be defeated” –

“This is what Democracy looks like!” –

“Tax the rich” –

“I’m taking your stuff!”

It should surprise no one that a materialistic movement that seeks to “redistribute wealth”, and is characterized by a pathological class envy would have this problem.


Or as Ace puts it:

Wow, it’s almost like some people don’t respect the concept of private personal property, and think — how does it go? — that property should be parceled out from each according to his ability to each according to his need.

Hat tip: Rush, who started his show off, today talking about this.

The Neo-Cannibals, Marxists, Anarchists, Deadbeats, Dopers and Democrats of #OccupyDenver

Neo-cannibals seemed to be everywhere. Above, a sign adorned with a skull with a red anarchist ‘A,’ and bloody knife and fork recall the peak of the psychedelic revolution in 1969, when Charles Manson and his crew of hippy chicks went on a murder spree and bragged about defiling the corpses of their wealthy victims with flatware. President Obama’s friends, infamous terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn, shocked the world by publicly rejoicing and declaring the three-fingered fork sign as a new revolutionary symbol. This guy looks ready to chow down. Via El Marco

The #Occupy movement wants us to believe that they are a mainstream group of people fed up with a Capitalist system that doesn’t work for them. They want jobs,  think the corporations have too much power, and the rich should pay more in taxes. The least radical aspects of their vision closely matches the agenda of the our current President and the Democrat party.  They presumptuously claim to represent 99% of us, although, the least radical among them would only seem to appeal to liberal Democrats, only 29% of the electorate. Another 9%, or those who identify as “very liberal” (Socialist) seem to be over represented at these rallies. I have no idea where the anarchists and neo-cannibals fit in, but they are prominent  fixtures at all of these protests, as well.

No, this is not a reasonable, mainstream group of Americans. Their mob actions in major cities across the nation – provoking the police into violent confrontations, last weekend and in past weekends belie their weak proclamations of being  sweet and innocent, law-abiding, peace-loving activists. Perhaps certain factions of the #occupy movement are more peace-loving than others, but as a whole, they are there to make trouble. As Andrew Breitbart noted upon perusal of the group’s emails, acquired by Big Government:

The true purpose of the Occupy movement appears to be further economic and governmental destabilization, at a time when the world is already facing major financial and political challenges.

#Occupy participants who fail to acknowledge this basic fact about the movement they’re involved with are either useful idiots, or actively trying to fool you.

Photo-journalist, El Marcobrought his camera to the #OccupyDenver protest, this weekend, to give you Exibit #49,938 why the #occupy movement is anything but mainstream.

“Occupy Denver” returned to the streets with a vengeance Saturday after being expelled, having their camp forcibly removed from Veterans’ Park by police at 4 a.m. Friday morning. October 15 was declared International Day of Action, which saw radical socialist/anarchist protests and violence in European and American cities.

The Occupy Denver crowd reached approximately 2000 – 3,000.

The violent Jacobin tendency among socialists was evident in many of the signs carried at this march.

This leather-clad woman brought her own megaphone and spoke in a faux-Russian accent about “extra-terrestrial financing,” and other important topics relevant to the day’s march. She calls herself Mufti.

These people wonder why they don’t have jobs. Well, look at them:

One of the focuses, understandably, of the rally was the desperate need in America for jobs. While the blame for the unemployment situation was placed on the “bankers” for “ruining our economy”, many of the participants appeared to be the authors of their own misfortune. Pop-culture fashion today dictates that women and men put huge tattoos across their chests, arms, legs, backs, hands, and if they are really daring, on their faces. Top that off with a matted mass of mop-like dreadlocks and a few rings and studs piercing nostrils, eyelids, and lips, and you may be out of luck when it comes to finding a job. Add to that habitual drug use, including the chronic lethargy, munchies, and short-term memory loss caused by smoking high potency modern cannabis, and you have created a person that not even the most open-minded liberal will employ. But it’s always easier to blame the bankers than to face the reality of bad choices that ruin a person’s life.

See El Marco’s post at Looking at The Left for lots more pictures from the protest, and his full report.

The Denver Post reported about 49 arrests over the weekend for #OccupyDenver participants:

Justin “Crunchy” Gwin has built four iterations of the camp kitchen — dubbed the Thunderdome. The first he cobbled together with a meat cleaver, duct tape and cardboard. By Thunderdome No. 3, he had graduated to lumber.

But by 6:30 p.m. Saturday, he had erected No. 4, a tent kitchen, and refused to tear it down. Gwin said riot police responded unjustly with pepper spray and force.

That was when Justin Wilson was arrested.

“I had some degree of respect for DPD until last night. They lost my respect,” Wilson said. “We were being peaceful. We were not resisting at all.”

In all, police arrested 49 people Friday and Saturday. All but two have been released on bond that ranged from personal recognizance to $1,000, said Capt. Frank Gale, spokesman for the Denver Sheriff Department.

The two who remain in jail have warrants

Rick Strandlof carries a tent as part of the Occupy Denver protest Sunday in Civic Center. (RJ Sangosti, The Denver Post)

against them from other counties, Gale said.

More than 20 lawyers have volunteered to provide pro-bono aid to those arrested, said Catherine Keffer, 29, a member of Occupy Denver’s legal team.

There were over 70 arrested at the #OccupyWallStreet protest in NYC, and 175 arrested at #OccupyChicago.

Ace: OWS Is Almost Entirely Socialist/Marxist:

Kevin D. Williamson finds the same:

I’ve been spending as much time as I can down at Occupy Wall Street, listening to the speeches, reading the literature, talking to the organizers. Here’s something to keep in mind: You’ll hear in a lot of the conservative media that this is some kind of socialist/communist enterprise piggybacking on a populist protest. In reality, it is much worse than even most of the conservative media is reporting.Almost every organization present at OWS is explicitly communist or socialist. Almost every piece of literature being handed out is explicitly communist or socialist. I don’t mean half, and I don’t mean the overwhelming majority — I mean almost all of it. Yes, there are the usual union goons trying to figure out how to get OWS to do the bidding of the AFL-CIO and the Democratic party, and the usual smattering of New Age goo (the “Free Empathy” table) and po-mo Left wackiness (animal-rights nuts), the inevitable Let’s-Eradicate-Israel crowd (“Free Palestine, from the river to the sea!”). But, that being said, almost every organized enterprise and piece of printed material I have encountered has been socialist or communist. It’s been a long time since I saw anybody peddling books by Lenin. It’s been a long time since anybody told me the Ukrainians had it coming.

The media found the one or two racists in the Tea Party and made them the face of the movement; meanwhile, it finds the one or two people who are not avowedly Marxist and makes them the standard-bearer.

White House Dossier’s Keith Koffler weighs in:

President Obama is intensifying his identification with the Occupy Wall Street movement.

This is truly frightening.

It would be one thing for Obama to practice benign neglect, to communicate that everyone has a right to protest without really commenting on the movement itself.

But it must be unprecedented for a president of the United States to suggest an affinity for radical leftists who despise capitalism and seek to upend the economic and political system.

I’ve watched enough video and seen enough commentary out of the Occupy Everything crowd to understand who these people are. They are not average people out of work who want jobs, or mainstream Democratic Party reformers who believe in more regulation and government programs.

These are stereotypical leftists who want wrenching change that cannot be achieved by democratic means and that would require the type of government or third party intervention into the economy and people’s lives that is incompatible with democracy.

But Obama has thrown in with these people, starting with his press conference statement earlier this month that they are expressing “the frustrations that the American people feel.”

I agree completely that by overtly supporting this openly Marxist, and anti-Semitic movement, Obama has given us a very bad omen of things to come. Nothing this President does surprises me, anymore, so when something like this happens, I tend to shrug, now, and say, “Of course”. But a President throwing in with lawless radicals is something that should chill us all to the bone.

November 2012 cannot get here soon enough.

Video: #OccupyAmerica Zombies

Another great video production from MN Majority:

No clear message, no consistent demands, violence, civil disorder, filth, crude behavior… These are the characteristics of the Occupy America movement, mindless minions possessed by the failed economic policies of President Barack Obama.

See also:

An #OWS news round-up:

Big Journalism’s Dana Loesch: OWS Defecates On Cop Cars, Vandalizes Property, Pelosi Says “Bless Them”

Josh Eboch, Freedomworks: Occupy Wall St. and the Tea Party: A Tale of Two Protests

The Daily Mail: A very privileged protest: Wearing $300 jeans and from some of the most exclusive schools, the children of the one per cent out for a good time at Occupy Wall Street