Dr. Ben Carson: #BlackLivesMatter Focused On The Wrong Targets (Video)

GOP 2016 candidate Dr. Ben Carson was invited on to the Kelly File, Monday night to talk about his excellent USA Today oped criticizing Black Lives Matters.

Carson writes:

The idea that disrupting and protesting Bernie Sanders speeches will change what is wrong in America is lunacy. The “BlackLivesMatter” movement is focused on the wrong targets, to the detriment of blacks who would like to see real change and to the benefit of its powerful white liberal funders using the attacks on Sanders for political purposes that mean nothing for the problems that face our community.

The notion that some lives might matter less than others is meant to enrage. That anger is distracting us from what matters most. We’re right to be angry, but we have to stay smart.

Of course, the protesters are right that racial policing issues exist and some rotten policemen took actions that killed innocent people. Those actions were inexcusable and they should be prosecuted to deter such acts in the future.

He concluded by saying:

We should have a talk with the Democratic Party.  Let’s tell them, we don’t want to be clothed, fed and housed. We want honor and dignity.

We don’t want a plan to give us public housing in nice neighborhoods. We want an end to excuses for schools that leave us without the means to buy our own houses where we choose to live. We want the skills needed to compete, not a consolation prize of Section 8, Food Stamps and a lifetime of government paperwork.

Finally, we need to go over to the Republican Party. We need to tell them they have ignored us for too long. They need to invite us in and listen to us. We need to communicate and find a different way.

There are many things to be angry about when you are consumed by hopelessness. Bernie Sanders isn’t one of them.

“Whoa!” Way to lay it out,” Megyn Kelly gushed. we have been talking for months on this show about how

Some believe too few in the black community have turned and said Stop! Don’t act as victim. Don’t look squarely at the police. Start looking inward. It’s not that there’s nothing wrong with the police at all – it’s not that there’s no police brutality, but there is a major problem plaguing inner city America right now,  and in too many circles has been ignored.

The former pediatric neurosurgeon said there are a lot of folks in the black community who think like he does but they are afraid to speak out. “because you’ll be called a name. You’ll be scorned. That’s what the established progressive party wants. They don’t want anybody to speak out against this. They want to demonize anybody who does because they want to maintain their power,” he explained.

Dr. Carson said he wasn’t sure if the Democrat party would be able to maintain their grasp on the black community going into the future.

Dr. Ben Carson’s Full #CPAC2015 Speech

Former pediatric neurosurgeon and possible 2016 presidential contender Dr. Ben Carson kicked off CPAC 2015 with a speech calling for end to government dependency.

“We need to understand what true compassion is to reach out to individuals who think that being dependent is reasonable as long as they feel safe,” Carson said. “It’s not compassion to pat them on the head and say ‘there, there, I’m going to take care of all your needs, your healthcare, your food.’ That’s the opposite of compassion.”

“I’m not interested in getting rid of a safety net, I’m interested in getting rid of dependency.” Carson said to much applause.

Dr. Ben Carson Reacts to Obama’s Prayer Breakfast Speech: “Perhaps We’re Being Betrayed”

Famed Pediatric Neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson suggested that Christians are being betrayed by their president on Fox and Friends Saturday.

Asked about Barack Obama’s controversial National Prayer Breakfast remarks, Carson said, “well, certainly his words give us some insight into his thinking and his actions or lack thereof, and, you know, there have been atrocities committed throughout human history in the name of religion, and they’re all horrible, and to sit down and try to decide which one is worse than the other, doesn’t make any sense. We should condemn them all, give no quarter to anyone who is involved in such activities, and to try to divert the attention away from the outrage that has been focused on the radical Islamic terrorists, in this manner is rather disingenuous, I’m sure, to say the least.”

In response to how he reacted to the president’s remarks as a Christian, Carson said, “obviously, it makes me feel that perhaps we’re being betrayed. perhaps we don’t have a leader who feels the same about things as most of us do, but the good thing is, we have a system in place, that has allowed us to take control.

Dr. Carson also discussed with Tucker Carlson his personal formula for success – “THINK BIG.”

With an acrostic, Dr. Carson spells out his philosophy of living:

  • T-Talents/time: Recognize them as gifts.

  • H -Hope for all good things and be honest.

  • I -Insight from people and good books.

  • N -Be nice to all people.

  • K -Knowledge: Recognize it as the key to living.

  • B -Books: Read them actively.

  • I -In-depth learning skills: Develop them.

  • G -God: Never get too big for Him.

Left wing extremist group, Southern Poverty Law Center has decided to put Dr. Carson on their “Extremist Watch List.” Because in America, today, if you are a proponent  for traditional marriage, you are an EXTREMIST who needs to be WATCHED.

Via Legal Insurrection:

SPLC’s “Extremist” watch lists are particularly notorious, and in some cases blatantly political.

Most of the people on the list are on it without much controversy, including Klan and neo-Nazi figures.  But several critics of political Islam are on the list, as was Rand Paul in 2011 (accused ofElectoral Extremism).

Landing on SPLC’s Extremist list can be politically deadly, and also deadly in the real sense.  TheFamily Research Council made the list because of its position on same-sex marriage, inspiring Floyd Lee Corkins to go on a murderous shooting spree at FRC headquarters.

Yesterday I noticed a name I was surprised to see on the list: Ben Carson, listed as “anti-LGBT.”

One gets the definite feeling that progressives like the SPLC and the president of the United States consider “extremists” like the gentle Dr. Ben Carson to be a greater evil and threat to their well-being  than the violent Islamists who are currently rampaging throughout the Middle East and Northern Africa.

Straw Poll Winner Dr. Ben Carson Prescribes Remedies For Critical Patient (Video)

Via Freedom’s Lighthouse, I bring you the complete video of Dr. Ben Carson’s speech at the Western Conservative Summit, where he articulated his remedies for a very sick patient – the United States of America.

Carson’s diagnosis for America as it stands, now? It is in “critical condition at this stage,” the good doctor said, “and if we don’t do something about it in the relatively near future, it will be over.”

Carson echoed the late great Andrew Breitbart at his last CPAC in 2012 when he said, “Republicans, Conservatives, People of Faith” and other people of “common sense”  must come together and support the winner in order to defeat the radical Progressive Left in 2016. “After the primaries are over, don’t take your marbles and go home if your candidate didn’t win,” Carson said.

He shared his views on a host of issues, and did a great job of sharing how we can deal with our massive National Debt, and how we can replace ObamaCare with a private, market-based approach to Health Care. Carson was optimistic throughout that the nation can be saved, and in fact, declared “We will return to power” – meaning people of common sense – because God is not finished with America.

Carson won the presidential straw poll at the conference, garnering 22% of the vote.

He was followed by Texas Sen. Ted Cruz with 13 percent and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin with 12 percent.

Others who finished in the top 10 were Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, former Sen. Rick Santorum, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, former New York Lt. Gov. Betsy McCaughey, former Florida Rep. Allen West and Wisconsin Sen. Paul Ryan.

The three-day summit included dozens of speakers affiliated with the tea party, such as Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, Tea Party Patriots co-founder Jenny Beth Martin and former Florida Rep. Allen West.