About Those Obama Basketballs…

You already saw this story, I’ll warrant. Another embarrassing example of Obama cult-of-personality on display and with POTUS shamelessly playing along…

It’s no secret that Obama is seeking a return to the  “cool” of his 2008 campaign 

“I know that it’s not going to be exactly the same as when I was young and vibrant and new,” he said at a fundraiser last year. “And there was — posters everywhere, hope. The logo was really fresh. And let’s face it, it was cool to support me back then. At cocktail parties, you could sort of say, ‘Yeah, this Obama guy, you haven’t heard of him? Let me tell you about him.’”

– but how cool is shooting hoops with a ball that has his own mug on it and missing seven shots in a row?

The following video from left wing Politico shows the bricker-in-chief clanking four shots before finally making more. Prior to this, and not shown in the video to embarass Obama even more was him missing three shots with NBA players and Harlem Globetrotters players.

The whole thing turned out to be a public relations fiasco…with one reporter saying, “Apparently, the basketball lesson doesn’t include instruction in humility.”

There’s an asterisk now on Tapper’s headline: Jake Tapper: Hoopster In Chief Has Own Image on Ball* Why the asterisk,  Jake?

*This post has been updated with information that the balls were supplied by the NBA/WNBA players at the event.

Ohhh…..I’m guessing someone from the WH press office contacted Tapper, and asked him to update his post with that information so Obama wouldn’t look like such a narcissistic putz. Well. Sorry.  He still looks like a narcissistic putz. He didn’t have to use the Obama basketballs. He could have said, nope –  this crap ends right now – today. No more of this  creepy cult of personality iconography is going to be tolerated from this day forward. No thank you to Obama images on flags, basketballs, clocks, Chia heads, flip flops, soda, soap on a rope, perfume, jack-in-the boxes or anything else – this is the United States, damn it – not North Korea.

But no….it’s all tolerated and even encouraged. Obama can’t help it if he’s so popular and cool that people keep wanting to have his image and iconography adorning every-day objects…like even spatulas – sold on his own campaign website.

It continues to be kinda tricky balancing the cool with the creepy.


Video: Vets Seeing Red Over Obama-Flag Flown In Front of Democrat Headquarters in FL

Obama flags are nothing new. They have been flying here and there for three and a half years in clear violation of the flag code,  and the Obama administration has done absolutely nothing to discourage it. I suspect Obama kinda digs it.

Some vets in Lake County, FL, however, were incensed when they saw a flag with Obama’s mug flying outside the Democrat party headquarters.

WFTV reported:

The flag, which features a picture of President Obama, was taken down Tuesday afternoon.

Korean war veteran Don Van Beck said his blood was boiling.

“I can’t describe how upset was because you just don’t do that to the American flag,” Van Beck said.

Van Beck found it flying outside Lake County Democratic headquarters under the stars and stripes. Marine Corps vet John Masterjohn was seeing red.

“Joseph Stalin, pictures of Mao, pictures of Adolph Hitler. The pomp, the ceremony — the flags like that,” Masterjohn said.

Nearly a dozen veterans went to the door and aimed to take it down.

On his show, today, Rush juxtaposed the flag story with the Obama administration’s recent decision to allow an Indian tribe in Wyoming to shoot bald eagles, his point being  that there seems to be a war on the symbols of America.

And in the case of the bald eagles, it’s a shooting war!  You can shoot bald eagles and now Obama’s face is on an American flag at Democrat Party headquarters in Lake County, Florida.

You can shoot bald eagles and now Obama’s face is on an American flag at Democrat Party headquarters in Lake County, Florida.  Now, it should be noted, the Obama flag was being flown there for several months before anybody complained about it.  I mean, for crying out loud, you would think that a Cuban flag or a picture of Che Guevara would be enough for ’em.  But no! They had to go further. They had to put Obama’s picture on the American flag.

They’ve been doing it for years, Rush…

He went on to explain what he thinks is going on:

What Obama wants is to establish separate laws, depending on which tribe or which race you belong to.  And the Constitution doesn’t do that, and the Declaration of Independence doesn’t do that.  This is all part of Obama’s disdain for the Constitution.  Obama, ladies and gentlemen, looks at the Constitution as “rich white man’s law.”  The Founders, in his view, were rich white guys. And the Constitution to him and others like him is what they call a “charter of negative liberties.”  And what that means to them is the Constitution tells government what it cannot do and how it cannot infringe on our natural, God-given rights which result from our birth and creation.  Well, Obama wants a constitution that specifically spells out what the government can do.

Obama wants a constitution where the government is supreme and paramount, not the individual.  And so he wants to establish separate laws, depending on which tribe or which race you happen to belong to. The Constitution is a rich white man’s law.  This is all part of it. It’s the core philosophy of “Critical Race Theory,” which is the subject that the Breitbart people are examining with their videos of Derrick Bell from Harvard who Obama supported, and Soledad O’Brien…

And another brilliant point made by el Rushbo:

A little aside to those of you who are Catholics. The Northern Arapahoe tribe files a federal lawsuit, a religious aspect that they can kill the bald eagle, and the Obama administration: Oh, your religion says that you need to kill the eagle? Here’s your permit. Indians’ religion is respected to kill the bald eagle, but not the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church, freedom of religion is under assault. The Northern Arapahoe Indian tribe, Native Americans, blank check. You need to kill the bald eagle, here’s the permit.

The “positive liberties” are doled out as the Totalitarians see fit.

RE: The President’s “Longstanding Disapproval Of The Use Of His Image For Commercial Purposes”

So Benetton, an overpriced clothing company, decided it wanted to draw attention to its struggling business by using images of famous people kissing each other in what Keith Koffler calls its “I’M NOT GOING TO BE IGNORED advertising campaign.”

Here’s Benetton’s poster of Barack Obama locking lips with Hugo Chavez.

Although grossing people out seems like an odd  way to attract business, it would appear that no laws have been broken.

But the White House has weighed  in with this terse statement:

“The White House has a long-standing policy disapproving of the use of the president’s name and likeness for commercial purposes,” deputy press secretary Eric Schultz said in a statement. Schultz, according to Politico, declined to say if the White House would take action.


By longstanding policy, does he mean, since the time Benetton used the President’s likeness to make Pharaoh Obama look ridiculous?

If someone can point to me instances where this “long-standing policy disapproving of the use of the president’s name and likeness for commercial purposes” has ever manifested itself, before now, I’d much appreciate it.

Because Nice Deb remembers well how throughout the years of 2008 and 2009, the President’s likeness was used on a whole array of commercial products – to the point where it was frankly creepy and obscene, and I don’t remember the President saying boo about it.

Remember Obama perfume, for instance?

I remember it well because I started a category, Obama Cult Products, back in 2008, and I tracked each and every bizarre and disturbing new item that would appear on the market. I found the cult of personality nature of these products unseemly and kept wondering   when  the candidate and then the President would finally say, “enough!”

Especially in the cases where his likeness was actually used on American flags, and waved in honor of his inauguration.

In September of 2009, I finally exclaimed, Why Doesn’t The President Put A Stop To This?

Here’s what I wrote at the time:

The United States Flag Code provision 176 (g): “The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature.

At some point, wouldn’t you expect the President of the United States step up and say that this gross breech of flag etiquette in his honor should stop? He may not be able to stop entrepreneurs from making a buck off of his image, but he can certainly discourage the practice. He loves to give speeches, doesn’t he? And hasn’t he been dubbed the “Omnipresent President” because of his tendency to involve himself  in every day minutia? How hard would it be for Obama to get one of his media toadies to ask him about this, so he can take the opportunity to express his distaste for these flag desecrations?

Jill Sprik at The American Thinker listed this as one of the Top 20 Things Obama Doesn’t Say:

7. Stop already with all forms of ‘cult of personality’ behavior.  I am a public servant, just like all those who have served before and all who will come after my term is complete.  It’s not about me, it’s about the country.

Perhaps he could surprise us all, and say something like that?

To the best of my recollection – it never happened. So I’m calling BS on Eric Schultz, who – after all – hasn’t been with the White House all that long. He was hired in May of this year to do damage control handle press matters related to the U.S. Department of Justice and investigations held by the House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA).

He’s the charmer who “screamed and cussed” at Sharyl Attkisson for “not being reasonable” in her reportage, unlike most of the lapdog media.

Too bad there’s no “longstanding policy of disapproval” in the Obama White House for bullying, trollish media flacks.

Linked by Weasel Zippers, thanks!


Obama Campaign Hawking “Made in the USA” Mugs and Tee Shirts

Jake Tapper has the story:

President Obama’s 2012 presidential campaign today started selling “Made in the USA” t-shirts featuring images of both President Obama and the long-form birth certificate he released copies of last month.

“Wear your support for this campaign with an official Made in the USA T-shirt,” his website advertises. Donate $25 or more today and we’ll send you your limited-edition shirt.

Coffee-mugs are also available.

Okay, so the Obama camp must think the birth certificate issue helps them. I’m not sure why after the deplorable way Obama handled the whole deal.

After purposefully blocking examination of the document for two and a half years, Obama expects unanimous praise for finally producing it? Really?

Well guess what. More than a few  of  us think there’s something profoundly weird about the way Obama handled the  issue right from the beginning, when he posted a copy of his  COLB on The Daily Kos, for cripes sake.

One wonders what reporters such as Tapper would have thought if a notable Republican had done this. Wouldn’t they have found it uncommon strange that the Republican candidate  was retaining lawyers and  amassing affidavits rather than producing  what turned out to be an easily producible document? Would they have aimed their poison pens at the people asking the questions rather than the candidate who was shiftily taking steps to avoid producing something so readily available?

As Andrew McCarthy opined after Obama finally produced the birth certificate:

… let’s not ignore that Obama did move heaven and earth. This is not just a matter of him thumbing his nose at a fringe collection of nutty “birthers.” There have been several court cases. It is flat out bizarre that one should have to be sued to compel conformance with a routine that millions of Americans comply with every day. Many of these court cases, if not all, could have been short-circuited (indeed, many of the later ones would not have been filed at all) if Obama had just produced the birth certificate. Instead, he not only refused to produce it; he and his campaign paid thousands of dollars in legal fees (in some places it is reported to be well over a million dollars) to fight the lawsuits — and Obama’s lawyers even threatened to seek disciplinary sanctions against lawyers for daring to file the lawsuits. Since Obama has been president, moreover, not just the time of courts and private lawyers has been tied up; government lawyers have had to spend their time — on the public’s dime — on this nonsense.

But we’re supposed to forget all that. “Born in the USA!” “Fight the smears!”

McCarthy writes that the only thing about the whole stinking matter that’s clear, is that Obama knows that the MSM is in his hip pocket.

 That is, he knew that he would not be held to the same standard as other politicians, and that if he acted in an unreasonable manner by withholding basic, easily available information that any other person seeking the presidency would be expected — be compelled — to produce, the media would portray as weirdos those demanding the information, not Obama and his stonewalling accomplices. And he also knows that, having now finally produced the document only because the game was starting to hurt him politically, the media will not focus on how easy it would have been to produce the birth certificate three years ago, or on how much time and money has been wasted by his gamesmanship; they’ll instead portray him as beleaguered and the people who have been seeking the basic information (i.e., doing the media’s job) as discredited whackos.

…Which brings us back to Tapper:

“Remember ‘fight the smears’ from the 2008 campaign?” asked campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt. “This is the mobile version of it.”

Fight the Smears was an Obama campaign website from 2008 that attempted to refute untruths about the campaign, such as the claim that then-Sen. Obama was a Muslim.

Yes, I remember the farcical “Fight the Smears” website. The one that insisted that Obama barely knew Bill Ayers when we know otherwise and had little to do with ACORN, when we know otherwise.

Thanks for reminding me.

One more thing….

That Fight the Smears post that Tapper linked to purports that Obama never practiced Islam:

“Barack Obama has never been Muslim and never practiced Islam. But rumors about his religion intended to frighten some voters persist, and they mostly return to one point of fact: his name. “Barack” is the candidate’s Kenyan father’s name; Obama’s middle name, “Hussein,” is his grandfather’s name. Obama has described his father as atheist or agnostic. His Kansan mom, whose grandparents were devout Protestants, lived a secular life. Obama’s only personal contact with Islam came as a boy when he moved to Jakarta, Indonesia, with a stepfather who mixed his Islam with Hindu and Animist traditions. In five years there, Obama attended a Roman Catholic school, then a public elementary school, where he sat through a class each week of religious studies. As an adult, Obama turned to Christianity in the late ’80s in Chicago, at Trinity United Church of Christ, where he was baptized, married‹and baptized his kids. As a new U.S. senator, Obama took his oath on the family Bible.”

Psssst, Tapper – Obama did indeed practice Islam in Indonesia as a child. It’s not exactly a secret…

In Suborned in the USA, McCarthy wrote:

In any event, the records of the Catholic school and the public school Obama attended during his last year in Indonesia identify him as a Muslim. As Obama relates in Dreams from My Father, he took Koran classes. As Obama doesn’t relate in Dreams from My Father, children in Indonesia attended religious instruction in accordance with their family’s chosen faith. Moreover, acquaintances recall that young Barry occasionally attended Friday prayers at the local mosque, and Maya Soetoro-Ng, Obama’s half-sister (born after Lolo and Ann moved the family to Jakarta), told the New York Times in a 2008 interview, “My whole family was Muslim, and most of the people I knew were Muslim.” In fact, back in March 2007 — i.e., during the early “Islamic ties are good” phase of Obama’s campaign — the candidate wistfully shared with New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof his memories of the muezzin’s Arabic call to prayer: “one of the prettiest sounds on earth at sunset.” Kristof marveled at the “first-rate accent” with which Obama was able to repeat its opening lines.

You want to revisit all this crap?  Let’s do it. Not that it matters, but why lie about it? And why enable the lies?

The Obama Camp is up to its old dishonest tricks. Not that they have ever been anything but dishonest.

Depressingly, the MSM is still more than happy to play along.

Hat tip: Ace.


I just came up with my own tee-shirt idea…who would buy one of these babies?



Let me know what you think.

I’d sell it for less than the Obama campaign is asking for their dorkwad shirts, too.


Jack Cashill at The American Thinker calls the pathetic cabal of  lickspittles who cover American politics in the MSM  these days, “anti-journalists”,  in a recent piece at the American Thinker.

Unlike every other candidate in modern presidential history, Obama did not choose to share any of his essential documents, and the media happily obliged him.  As Corsi details, Obama has shielded those records involved with his adoption, his kindergarten, Punahou School, Occidental College, his passport and travel, Columbia University (including his senior thesis), Harvard Law School, his medical history, his Chicago law practice, his State Senate career, as well as his SAT and LSAT scores, and, until recently, his very birth certificate.
Then, too, there is the question of Obama’s Connecticut-based Social Security number, a question that Corsi tackles, but the media inevitably dodge.

You know what’s strange? Jerome Corsi was once widely admired by Republicans for co- writing the Swift-boat tell-all that torpedoed John Kerry’s presidential campaign. He wrote the truth about Kerry’s record in Vietnam, and it was ugly. We dug him for that.

Now, Corsi is persona non grata in polite circles… nobody wants to pay attention to his years of research into Obama’s origins because suddenly it’s become uncool to do so. Because the anti-journalists, or ” journolisters” tell us so.

We know these people run cover for Obama…we know they lie….we know they would be in constant attack mode if a Republican had half of the background questions Obama has. Yet, we back off like wussies.

Linked by Michelle Malkin in Buzzworthy, thanks!

Presenting The Obama Seal Team 6 Action Figure

It looks like an effort is underway to revive  the 2008 cult of personality/Obamania  the country mercifully outgrew by mid-2009.

Yes, this really exists.:

I’m not sure how successful this campaign will be with images like these now embedded in the nation’s collective memory:

See Also:

Gateway Pundit: Fantasy Obama Doll Released With Big Guns …Update: Rush Limbaugh – “They Used Michelle’s Body” (Video)


Continue reading

Why Doesn’t The President Put A Stop To This?


You can buy the flag seen above on Ebay for $4.99.

The United States Flag Code provision 176 (g): “The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature.

And this isn’t the first time we’ve seen this.

We saw Obama flags waving right before inauguration day, and Obama said nothing.


At some point, wouldn’t you expect the President of the United States step up and say that this gross breech of flag etiquette in his honor should stop? He may not be able to stop entrepreneurs from making a buck off of his image, but he can certainly discourage the practice. He loves to give speeches, doesn’t he? And hasn’t he been dubbed the “Omnipresent President” because of his tendency to involve himself  in every day minutia? How hard would it be for Obama to get one of his media toadies to ask him about this, so he can take the opportunity to express his distaste for these flag desecrations?

Jill Sprik at The American Thinker listed this as one of the Top 20 Things Obama Doesn’t Say:

7. Stop already with all forms of ‘cult of personality’ behavior.  I am a public servant, just like all those who have served before and all who will come after my term is complete.  It’s not about me, it’s about the country.

Perhaps he could surprise us all, and say something like that?

Or perhaps this is just par for the course for a guy who once had the United States flag removed from his campaign plane’s tail to be replaced  with his personal logo.


A push-back seen on Facebook:

obama burning flag

Free speech, baby!

What do you want to bet that there are lefties out there who find this image deplorable, violent and offensive, but have no problem at all when real American flags are burned?

More  Obama cultishness:

Bam Wins Nobel Peace Prize

The Obama Jack In The Box

Obama Fingers

Obama Sushi

Obama Snacks

Cult Website:”What Obama Means To Me”




Obama Rhinestone Lapel Pin

Obama Soap-On-A-Rope

A New Addition To The Holy Family

Obama Soda

Obama Victory Plate

President Obama Coloring And Activity Book

Yes We Can Perfume

Obama Model Airplane And More!