The New Wedge Issue for 2016: LGBT Rights

The following is a heads up about what is about to be unleashed on U.S. Military bases, from my pal Reeko in DC:

Some of the most spectacular failures in the Leftist-Progressive playbook of dirty tricks of how to win sympathetic media support – and ultimately elections, are now being exposed as nothing more than exaggerated lies.

Worse yet, they no longer work on the masses. Largely due to the internet, truth bombs have exploded all over the Left’s coveted wedge issues. The War On Women has been thoroughly debunked.

Global Warming has been outed as the hoax it always was.

Wall Street versus Main Street has now been co-opted by Occupy Wall Street, Bernie Sanders groupies, and of course their clueless accomplices in the Libertarian Party.

The whole Hands Up Don’t Shoot/Black Lives Matter/White Privilege meme is continuously squandered each and every Saturday night just in Chicago alone.

Speaking of racist wedge issues, that whole Anti-Immigrant-Refugee-So-You-Must-Be-Racist meme has also been blown sky high by a porous border aided and abetted by our own willful accomplices in DHS, ICE, Border Patrol, and various Courts, allowing an influx of illegal colonists, crime, disease, drugs, and umm, what was that other one? Oh yea, Islamic Jihad.

None of these wedge issues are working for the Leftists, even when ramped up to the max. Not to worry. When the Left gets hammered on issues and truths, they get desperate. Then they invent another issue. Only this time, “Look! Squirrel!” has nuts…

The Obama administration has long been planning a much anticipated full-frontal assault on any of the last remnants of any decency left in his fundamentally transformed abomination that was our nation under the rubric of diversity and inclusion. That may sound like hyperbole, but sadly it isn’t.

Obama’s transgender bathroom decree was just a hint of what is yet to come. June is scheduled to be LGBT/Gay Pride Month, which normally passes by as just a mild irritant to our collective moralities, but this year, something very different is about to happen in June.

Far and wide within our government the official memos and schedules relating to the various planned Pride events are slowly but steadily being released throughout federal agencies. It appears that the onslaught of decadence will mostly focus on military bases, but even if local and national media only depict these events even delicately, rest assured that the breadth, scope, and volume of the all-encompassing events will be thoroughly disgusting to the vast majority of Americans.

Any resistance to this onslaught of deviancy will be met with charges of homophobe, bigotry, fascist, etc… ad nauseam. Thus, a new wedge issue soon will be thrust in our collective faces by the Left – just in time for Election 2016 “The Summer of Love” edition.

While this issue may come just in time to supposedly help a flagging Democratic nominee gain sympathy with the electorate, some people might instead think it is too late to feign moral outrage. Most folks realize that as far as the LGBT issue is concerned, that camel’s nose is not just under the tent, but the entire camel herd is inside the tent, and We The People are outside in the desert with our heads firmly buried in the sand. The citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah would approve.

Besides parades, picnics, luncheons, conferences, Harvey Milk Days, homo soft porn posters, and mandatory classes and speeches, there is a whole slew of wanton promiscuous “pride” events that are about to be shocked into our collective consciousness. All this will be done under the cover of diversity and inclusion – excluding Judeo-Christian morals, whether you like it or not.

If you thought San Francisco’s past Gay Pride Parades weren’t that bad, then you probably haven’t been paying attention, nor have any clue, for example, what is public fisting, or what a bear scruff and his twink are all about.

CAUTION: Do not Google those images or words without a filter. I will not post a link here, so just be advised they are definitely Not Safe For Work!
All this will be coming to a military base this month. Even worse, you will see lots of LGBT military in (and out) of uniform participating in various events around the country, publicly doing things that used to make people barf and were actually illegal once upon a time.

For example, here is a typical memo sent to all recipients at a typical military base just last week: (Redaction of agency specifics were made for anonymity. Emphasis added.)

“Please distribute to all XXXXX Personnel
“XXXXXX-Advisory 16-XXXXX Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month

“Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month is observed every June.  The observance is a recognition of the impact lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals have had on history – locally, nationally, and internationally.

“XXXXX installations have planned and organized events to observe LGBT Pride Month.  Event information can be found here: https://XXXXX  Maximum participation and cooperation in special observance events is highly encouraged; workload permitting and with supervisor’s approval.  Contact your servicing Civilian Personnel Office for additional details.”

Normally, the whole Pride month just passes as a mild irritant, but not this year. It will be, by design, a complete in-your-face movement. The LGBT mafia now controls the military at all levels. Officially, Don’t-Ask-Don’t-Tell is now Shout-It-And-Get-Promoted/Disapprove-It-And-Get-Fired.

I personally have witnessed what used to be called “PDA”s (public display of affection – a no-no in the military) while in uniform of gay men and women, witnessed by ranking officers who dutifully looked away for fear of grimacing or otherwise becoming uncomfortable.

I once watched a Major waiting in a barber shop, as a young enlisted man was getting his haircut when his obvious husband (same last nametag) came up to him – while also in uniform – and giggled and held hands and then gave a passionate, tongue swallowing deep kiss before going to do the couple’s shopping errands. The poor Major simply turned his face away, trying to hide his disgust. When he saw that I was indeed watching him with a huge frown of disappointment, he meekly offered: “You have no idea how bad it is. Pretty soon they’ll demand we stand up and cheer if we want to keep our rank.” As disgusted as I was at the PDA, I felt so sorry for that Major and the others in the barbershop.

The fact is, in the military you don’t have to be LGBT in order to fully, openly and enthusiastically push their agenda. Any useful idiot can do that, and yes, those types will be fast-tracked all the way to the top.

This proven method of fish rotting from the head is now a concrete practice and was long ago made official in the guise of “affirmative action” – which itself has morphed into code words and terms such as “diversity” “inclusion” “historical significance” or “historical contributions” and are all the latest weasel words used by smart administrators.

My guess is, this June the LGBT mafia running the Department of Defense will release new uniform guidelines for cross-dressing General Officers. Tri-sexual bathrooms are already a foregone conclusion. Get ready to be disgusted.
-Reeko Forsazh

Live: IRS Chief Kosinen Misconduct Hearing

The House Judiciary Committee is holding a hearing this morning to examine the allegations of misconduct against IRS Commissioner John Koskinen and decide whether he deserves to be impeached.

Lawmakers on the committee summoned Koskinen to answer accusations from the House Oversight panel that he failed to preserve documents Congress requested, and didn’t tell the full truth about Lois Lerner’s erased backup tapes, but the IRS chief will not be appearing at the hearing.

The IRS issued the following statement:

“When the committee announced this hearing, he was returning from China after meeting with tax administrators of 43 nations,” the statement reads. “The committee’s quick timetable left him without the time to fully prepare for Tuesday’s hearing. In addition, he also has been preparing for a previous commitment to appear before a House Ways and Means Committee hearing on Wednesday.”


Smoking Gun Email Found: Hillary Instructed Aide to Strip Markings Before Sending Classified Data

send non secure
Last August, when it became known that emails from the intelligence community were somehow making it onto her personal server, more than a few of us wondered, Did Someone in Hillary’s Inner Circle Strip Classified Markings From Her Emails?
That question has been answered thanks to the belated State Department document dump that was executed in the middle of the night.
Among this latest tranche of Hillary’s emails, Fox News picked up on a significant exchange that is –let’s just say — highly problematic.

The latest batch of emails released from Hillary Clinton’s personal account from her tenure as secretary of state includes 66 messages deemed classified at some level, the State Department said early Friday. In one email, Clinton even seemed to coach a top adviser on how to send secure information outside secure channels. Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, has repeatedly maintained that she did not send or receive classified material on her personal account. The State Department claims none of the emails now marked classified were labled as such at the time they were sent. However, one email thread from June 2011 appears to include Clinton telling her top adviser Jake Sullivan to send secure information through insecure means. In response to Clinton’s request for a set of since-redacted talking points, Sullivan writes, “They say they’ve had issues sending secure fax. They’re working on it.” Clinton responds “If they can’t, turn into nonpaper [with] no identifying heading and send nonsecure.” Ironically, an email thread from four months earlier shows Clinton saying she was “surprised” that a diplomatic officer named John Godfrey used a personal email account to send a memo on Libya policy after the fall of Muammar Qaddafi.

Hillary, of course, as Secretary of State, had been  explicitly instructed by the State Department on the correct procedures for disseminating secure information.

As Guy Benson notes at Townhall, “State sanctioned at least one top diplomat for disregarding those rules.”
 Mrs. Clinton may have been especially “surprised” at Godfrey’s actions because they came after she’d been issued a dire warning that foreign entities were aggressively targeting State Department officials’ personal, unsecure email accounts. But lest you need reminding, Hillary Clinton exclusively used such accounts to conduct all of her official business — via an improper, unsecure, private server — before and after this urgent red flag was brought to her attention.

(2) “Clinton…has repeatedly maintained that she did not send or receive classified material on her personal account.”  This assertion has been disproven by the more than 1,000 classified emails discovered on her private server, including 66 additions from this batch alone.  Her myriad excuses for this have been debunked piece by piece.

(3) Her final justification — which is legally irrelevant, as Hillary herself has personally attested — is that none of the sensitive material that she wrongfully transmitted through her unsecure server was “marked classified” at the time.  Again, this is meaningless, especially when it comes to highly secret material that she was obligated to recognize and protect as soon as it was produced.  But the email chain referenced above includes an instruction from Hillary Clinton to a State Department aide (who now works on her campaign) to strip classified information — it remains redacted to this day — of its classified markings [“identifying heading”] and “send nonsecure.”

 Only one such email was found, but note her “matter-of-fact” attitude. This has all the appearance of standard operating procedure for her.
Hillary is so busted.

The only questions now are whether Comey’s recommendation to indict will be heeded by Loretta Lynch, and whether she will continue running even if indicted. There are different opinions on that.





Project Veritas Catches MD Dep Atty Gen Acting Like A Sleeze and Giving Away State Secrets

I’m not usually interested in the sex lives of public figures, and tend to demur when these types of stories pop up – but  the sickening left-wing pig-pile on pro-lifers and gun rights advocates in the wake of the Planned Parenthood shooting has left me not feeling very charitable.

So if Maryland’s married Deputy Attorney General Thiruvendran Vignargian doesn’t like having his dirty laundry spread around by me, he can thank Governor Hickenlooper,  CBS, NBC, and ABC, and all the other disgraceful Democrats who have jumped on this vicious pro-abort propaganda bandwagon.

Via Project Veritas:

An undercover female journalist from Project Veritas recently attended a national conference for state attorney generals in New York City. While there, she met Maryland Deputy Attorney General Thiruvendran Vignarajah, who attempted to lure the journalist to his hotel room. Vignargian, who is married, proceeded to disclose confidential information to the journalist, presumably in order to impress her.

 The confidential information he disclosed has implications in a major Environmental Protection Agency case which has at least 44 states involved in the complex issue. This case “will determine the fate of President Obama’s signature climate change policy,” according to E & E News.

White House Blames GOP For $500 million Syrian Rebel Training Fiasco

We’ve had seven years now of Obama screwing things up and not taking responsibility for it, so it should come as no surprise that he is blaming the GOP for his latest fiasco.

Obama’s $500 million program to train and arm the Syrian rebels has flopped in spectacular fashion, so naturally the craven Obama regime is pretending they had nothing to do with it – it was all the Republicans’ fault.  Obama never thought it would work. He just went along because John McCain and Lindsey Graham were just so goshdarn insistent he couldn’t say no. He didn’t want to hurt John McCain’s feelings, so he magnanimously let him try something big.

It’s offensive frankly, that anyone would point fingers at this president, when the fault so clearly lies with the Republicans in Congress. Obama’s fighting to make the world a better place for you and me, and other people keep spoiling it.

Via The Washington Free Beacon:

JOSH EARNEST (9/16/15): Many of you have understandably asked me questions about the claims of our critics who suggest that the administration should invest more deeply in training and equipping members of the Syrian opposition, that that was the recipe for success … That is not something this administration ever believed, but it is something that our critics [Read Republicans] will have to answer for.

EARNEST (6/30/14): The president for some time has been concerned that the lawlessness and violence we’ve seen in Syria does have a destabilizing, dangerous impact … A way to address that, in our view, is to bolster the moderate opposition, provide them additional assistance.

BARACK OBAMA (9/07/14): We have a Free Syrian Army and a moderate opposition, that we have steadily been working with, that we have vetted … At the West Point speech I gave, I said we need to put more resources into the moderate opposition.

EARNEST (9/09/14): The president does believe that there would be value…to ramp up assistance that we provide to members of the moderate opposition.

JOHN KERRY (9/18/14) Stepping up the efforts with respect to the moderate opposition is an essential piece of any strategy against ISIL.

OBAMA (9/18/14): With this effort, we will provide training and equipment to help them grow stronger.

EARNEST (9/16/15): But I think it’s also time for our critics to fess up in this regard as well. They were wrong.

Is this not what we’ve come to expect from these insufferable A-holes?

FLASHBACK to Feb 2013, when Rush Limbaugh had a eureka moment:

You may have figured this out long ago, but it just hit me — and if you figured it out long ago and you’ve been trying to get through here and tell me, I wish you’d have gotten through. For those of you who figured it out and I didn’t, I’m just now getting to it. I apologize for being a late arrival to the party, but now — now — it all makes sense. For five years Obama has never once allowed himself to be seen as governing.

He is constantly campaigning against mysterious forces who have ill intentions trying to harm you and this great country. There are these figures behind the screen, behind the curtain. Romney was one. Bush was one. There are others. Obama’s trying to expose them.

Rush would go on to develop this thought into what he called the Limbaugh Theorem, which is that “Obama has mastered the ability to always be seen as opposing everything that’s happening, even the things he is causing to happen. He is on a perpetual campaign.”


Report: US-Trained Syrian Rebel Leader Defects to Al-Qaeda

Congress Should Vote No On Arming the Syrian Rebels

Syrian Rebels Infested With ‘Muslim Brotherhood-Type Islamists and Al Qaeda Fighters

Iranians Warned U.S. That Syrian Rebels Had Chemical Weapons Over a Year Ago…

Seymour Hersh: Obama Didn’t Tell The Whole Story on Syrian Chemical Attack – Knew Rebels Had Access To Sarin Gas

30 Bodies of Christians Massacred By Syrian Rebels, Last Month Found In Mass Grave

Obama Waives Federal Law That Prevents Arming of Terrorists So He Can Arm The Syrian Rebels

Cruz On Obama’s Plan To Arm Syrian Rebels: “Don’t Give Weapons To People Who Want To Kill Us” (Video)

Report: US-Trained Syrian Rebel Leader Defects to Al-Qaeda

Concern Grows That ISIS Could Slip into US Amid Surge of Syrian refugees (Video)

Grief Stricken Christian Woman in Syria Lashes Out: ‘We Blame Obama!…He Is Helping The Rebels’…

Video: Tearful Christian Woman Terrorized Out Of Her Syrian Village Begs Obama To Stop Arming The Rebel Jihadists

Hostage Released From Syrian Prison Says he Overheard Rebel Captors Admitting Insurgents Used The Chemical Weapons (Video)

Video: Senator McCain Gets An Earful From Passionate Syrian Woman At Town Hall

US Backed Islamist Reportedly Now Leads ISIS in Libya

Report: US-Trained Syrian Rebel Leader Defects to Al-Qaeda

You are never going to believe this, but according to Patrick Poole at PJ Media, those Syrian rebel soldiers the US has been arming and funding for over a year –  have not been working out so well.

The latest report he points to indicates that a U.S.-trained Syrian rebel leader has “deceived his American handlers and has defected to Jabhat al-Nusra — the official al-Qaeda affiliate in Syria.”

This report comes just days after a senior U.S. military commander told Congress that only 4 to 5 U.S.-trained Syrian fighters are effectively engaged against ISIS as a result of a $500 million program pushed through by GOP congressional leadership a year ago. Since July 2014, I have repeatedly covered the frequent defections of “vetted moderate” Syrian rebel groups to al-Qaeda and ISIS here at PJ Media.

Yeah, who could have seen this coming? Besides practically everyone?

On September 17, 2014, I regretfully reported that the GOP-led Congress had very stupidly voted to authorize Obama’s (obviously underdeveloped) plan to arm and train the terrorists  rebels.

I really really want to be wrong about thinking this is a huge mistake, but I have a very bad feeling about arming people with values and loyalties so antithetical to ours with American weapons. My greatest fear is that these weapons will eventually be turned on American soldiers, and will lead to more Christians and ethnic minorities being slaughtered in the Middle East.

Why on earth do we think this is a good idea?

One thing I didn’t foresee was the colossal waste of money we would spend to arm and train 4-5 dudes. I mean – I think we all could have predicted that it was not going to be cost efficient with Obama in charge – but $500 mil to arm 5 guys, huh? That is some impressive malfeasance right there – even for the Obama administration.

And it all comes courtesy of the Stupid Party.

Take your bows, Lindsey and John. Brava.

Just when you think it can not get any worse…tomorrow comes.


More from the UK Telegraph:

“Immediately.” That’s how reliable these US trained and vetted rebel soldiers are.



Congress Should Vote No On Arming the Syrian Rebels

Syrian Rebels Infested With ‘Muslim Brotherhood-Type Islamists and Al Qaeda Fighters

Iranians Warned U.S. That Syrian Rebels Had Chemical Weapons Over a Year Ago…

Seymour Hersh: Obama Didn’t Tell The Whole Story on Syrian Chemical Attack – Knew Rebels Had Access To Sarin Gas

30 Bodies of Christians Massacred By Syrian Rebels, Last Month Found In Mass Grave

Obama Waives Federal Law That Prevents Arming of Terrorists So He Can Arm The Syrian Rebels

Cruz On Obama’s Plan To Arm Syrian Rebels: “Don’t Give Weapons To People Who Want To Kill Us” (Video)

Report: US-Trained Syrian Rebel Leader Defects to Al-Qaeda

Concern Grows That ISIS Could Slip into US Amid Surge of Syrian refugees (Video)

Grief Stricken Christian Woman in Syria Lashes Out: ‘We Blame Obama!…He Is Helping The Rebels’…

Video: Tearful Christian Woman Terrorized Out Of Her Syrian Village Begs Obama To Stop Arming The Rebel Jihadists

Hostage Released From Syrian Prison Says he Overheard Rebel Captors Admitting Insurgents Used The Chemical Weapons (Video)

Video: Senator McCain Gets An Earful From Passionate Syrian Woman At Town Hall

US Backed Islamist Reportedly Now Leads ISIS in Libya