More Bad Stuff About Hillary Via The NYTs

The New York Times have been smacking Hillary around for the past couple of months with one damaging story after another.

You can read all about the latest scandal, here. It concerns former Clinton WH hatchet-man Sid Vicious Blumenthal – a man so slimy he was persona non-grata in the grubby Obama State Department.

So he ended up working on a clandestine basis for Sec. Hillary while he was an employee of the Clinton Foundation/Slush Fund.

As Tim Carney puts it after reading this NYT bombshell, “Hillary Clinton helped push us into an illegal war in Libya, and her advisor was making money off regime change.” Well, he was trying, if the Times is to be believed. And he was doing it as — ta da — an employee of the Clinton Foundation.

While advising Mrs. Clinton on Libya, Mr. Blumenthal, who had been barred from a State Department job by aides to President Obama, was also employed by her family’s philanthropy, the Clinton Foundation, to help with research, “message guidance” and planning of commemorative events, according to foundation officials. During the same period, he also worked on and off as a paid consultant to Media Matters and American Bridge, organizations that helped lay the groundwork for Mrs. Clinton’s 2016 campaign.

Much of the Libya intelligence that Mr. Blumenthal passed on to Mrs. Clinton appears to have come from a group of business associates he was advising as they sought to win contracts from the Libyan transitional government. The venture, which was ultimately unsuccessful, involved other Clinton friends, a private military contractor and one former C.I.A. spy seeking to get in on the ground floor of the new Libyan economy…

And so on….

Wow, what’s wrong with that picture?

Not the fact that Hillary is one hell of a corrupt individual who surrounds herself with scumbags like Sydney Blumenthal. We already knew that.

No, the fact that the New York Times is doing its job and reporting on it.

I mean, I don’t know about you, but I remember all of 2007 and 2008 going by without the New York Times breaking any news stories about Obama’s communist ties, his friendships with Frank Marshall Davis, domestic terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, and his stark raving lunatic Pastor Jeremiah Wright – not to mention his membership to Man’s Country in Chicago – not to mention about 40 other things about his background that could have torpedoed his campaign.

But boy. It’s a different ballgame for Grandma-Clinton, huh?

The NYTs is commonly referred to as “the house organ of the Obama administration,” incidentally — if you get my drift.

Eyewitness: Viral Video Of Homeless Good Samaritan is a Hoax

Right before Christmas, a heart-warming video by YouTube prankster Josh Paler took the internet by storm. In it, a big hearted homeless man was given $100 and he used it to buy groceries for some down-on-their luck people at a nearby park. Here’s the video in case you haven’t seen it:

I didn’t use that video for my Saturday Movie Matinee, last week, because as adorable as it was – my BS meter was spinning all over the place.


My instincts have been proven right:

“The whole thing is bullshit”

The purveyors of the website Vocativ were suspicious, too, and said so: Did Josh Paler Lin Stage His Viral Video About Helping the Homeless?

A California man who watched the event as it was being staged, says a significant portion of the video has been faked.

Via Vocativ:

As of Tuesday morning, the video had racked up more than 27 million views on YouTube and inspired more than 150 glowing news articles from around the world. Following its success, Lin launched an Indiegogo fundraising campaign to “help Thomas get a fresh start,” which has netted more than $127,000 in well-meaning donations from the public.

But now a nursing student from Anaheim has come forward to say there’s no way Thomas could have been secretly filmed—because he and Lin arrived at the liquor store in the same car. “The whole thing is bullshit,” says Taugan Tan Kadalim, who claims that on Dec. 20 he was outside the Euclid Liquor & Market, where the video’s pivotal scene is set. “Thomas knew he was being followed.”

The 26-year-old says he stopped at the store to buy a lottery ticket before picking up his girlfriend, who lives in an apartment complex directly across the street. As he was walking out of the liquor store, Kadalim says he spotted Lin sitting in the driver’s seat of a nearby vehicle and recognized him immediately from his previous prank videos. “I was like, ‘Oh my God, it’s him,” says Kadalim, adding that he subscribed to Lin’s YouTube channel. “I couldn’t believe it.”

Read the rest at Vocativ

What a fitting end to 2014 — the year of  Ben Trovato, eh?


An Ace commenter (I’m guessing) found an stunningly similar video from November 2013. This time, it’s a homeless vet who immediately starts giving away the money.


Linked by AoSHQ, thanks!

WFB Supercut: Why The Dems Lost (Video)

When Republicans talk about improving their “brand” – they don’t mean changing or concealing their principles so they can be more palatable to certain constituencies that don’t traditionally vote Republican. They mean doing a better job reaching out and explaining their principles to those constituencies.

Democrats, on the other hand, get by through stealth –  their “how can we fool them today?” M/O. The reason they have to rely on phony “War on Women”, class warfare, race-baiting tactics, is because when they tell the truth about their agenda, they are rejected. That can lead to uncomfortable moments on the campaign trail when the media actually does their job and holds them accountable.

Keep in mind as you watch this, that these guys were the Democrats’ A team.

Via Washington Free Beacon.

Hat tip: White House Dossier

George Zimmerman, Hero (Video)

After being acquitted of murder, George Zimmerman was probably asking himself, ‘now that I have my life back, how do I get my reputation back?’ A week later, an opportunity arose, and the famed neighborhood watchman leaped into action.

On Wednesday, July 17 at about 5:45 PM  Sanford Police responded to a single car accident in the area of I- 4 and State Road 46 in Sanford. A blue Ford Explorer SUV  traveled off the road and rolled over. There were four occupants inside the vehicle, two parents and two children.

The deputy reported, when he arrived on the scene that one of the two men there was George Zimmerman. According to Sanford Police Zimmerman had a fire extinguisher and helped assist the family to get them out of the vehicle.

Kerry Picket of Breitbart News reports that according to an eyewitness, people on the scene  recognized Zimmerman and thanked him for his help before he left.

The left’s attempt to demonize Zimmerman just took a major hit, folks.

(His favorability rating was already higher than Al Sharpton’s.)

John Hayward wrote at the Conversation, that Obama had delivered the  Zimmerman Coda with his “Trayvon speech”, last week, signaling to his “media bots” to focus now on Stand Your Ground laws.

But Obama’s attempt to wrangle political leverage out of the Zimmerman verdict is falling flat:  There’s No Appetite For Repealing Stand Your Ground Laws.

This latest news about George Zimmerman, I think is the “Zimmerman Coda.”

Rep. Moran’s Son Likely a Victim of Right Wing False Flag Operation


Pat Moran, victim of the right-wing smear machine.

/Channeling Left-wing blogger, Marcy Wheeler of “Emptywheel”….

Rethuglicans are at it again, smearing a good man’s name for their own political ends. One of the teabagging ringleaders, the execrable Jeff Quinton, “reported” this slanderous drivel, earlier today:

Rep. Moran’s son pleads guilty to assaulting girlfriend

When we last heard from Patrick Moran, son of Rep. Jim Moran, he was on video describing how to commit voter fraud. He later resigned from his father’s campaign over the video.

Today, the Washington City Paper reports:

Moran and his girlfriend were fighting outside 14th St. bar The Getaway around 1:23 a.m. on Dec. 1, according to a police report, over Moran talking to another woman at the bar. Suddenly, Moran allegedly slammed his girlfriend’s head into the bar’s metal trash can cage.

After the attack, police described Moran’s girlfriend as “bleeding heavily from her nose nose and also observed that her nose and right eye were extremely swollen.” One of the ambulance technicians who transported her to Howard University Hospital told police that Moran appeared to have broken her nose and given her a skull fracture under her right eye.

When I saw this story–claiming that a “violent Moran” beat his girlfriend’s face in –I knew right away it was likely a false flag.

Exhibit A. “The last we heard from Patrick Moran”, he was being railroaded by Lee Stranahan’s buddy, the right wing con artist, James O’Keefe of Project something or other, in a heavily edited video that supposedly proved Moran was engaging in election fraud, but proved nothing of the sort. It was another completely discredited Breitbot hoax.

Exhibit B. Stranahan works for Breitbart, need I say more?

Exhibit C. Adding to the barrage of deceptive lies is the notorious, tip jar rattling grifter, RS McCain, a proven racist, who’s well known for reporting things that are not true.

Exhibit D. A source from the bar says that unknown persons wearing patriotic tea-bag type garb entered the bar, and deliberately provoked the peaceful Moran, causing him to take a few swings in their direction. According to the source, Moran’s fist missed its mark and in the confusion, he ended up slamming his girlfriend into the trash can cage. The teabaggers left the bar before police and paramedics got to the scene.

Exhibit E. A video of the source telling his story at the local Progressives for Progress office, has been posted onYouTube.

It appears the KochBots just staged another false flag!!!11!

Linked by Michelle Malkin, and Doug Ross, and Flopping Aces, thanks!

Something is Indeed Wrong

The American Spectator’s Ben Stein seems a little depressed lately, and looking out at the same Geo-political landscape he is, I can’t say I blame him. He concludes his latest morose diary by saying:

There is just a feeling in the air, a look in the sky at dusk, a look on people’s faces. Fear is everywhere. Mr. Obama cannot lose this election unless enough people believe it’s within their power to stop the ticking of the clock, and I do not feel that groundswell. Not at all. When the American media turns its back on our own religions of tolerance and adores a religion of intolerance, times are upside down. The MSM says it’s all fine, trust The Prince of Grant Park, Chicago. But I have always preferred the admonition, “Put not your trust in princes.” Something is wrong.

What set him off isn’t the depressing fact that ‘the United States is beaming TV ads all over Pakistan apologizing for a derogatory Internet trailer for a nonexistent movie demeaning the being that Muslims call “The Prophet Mohammed,”‘ because I guess we’ve come to expect such craven behavior from this administration, by now. He’s referring to something he considers much worse:

Have you noticed that in the past few years, and especially in the past few weeks since the murder of the Ambassador and his guards and colleague in Benghazi (a city that Erwin Rommel loved and whose inhabitants he praised), whenever the New York Times refers to Mohammed, they always call him, without quotation marks, The Prophet Mohammed, as if everyone with any sense understands that OF COURSE Mohammed is The One True Prophet and that it’s just understood that Mohammed is The Prophet.

I see this in other news outlets and on TV, too. Sober-looking newsmen and newswomen mention Mohammed as The Prophet Mohammed. No ifs, ands or buts. I hear it on the BBC World Service, too.

Now, if Muslims want to believe that Mohammed is The Prophet, God bless them. Fine and dandy. If anyone wants to believe that, good luck to him or her. But why does our mainstream media here in the USA, an overwhelmingly Christian country, refer to Islam’s prophet as “The Prophet”?

Have you ever seen any major newspaper here in the USA refer to Jesus Christ as “The Son of God, God Incarnate, The Lord Jesus Christ”? Can you imagine the New York Times running a story about a crucifix resting in urine at an “art gallery” as an offense against “The Lord Jesus, Son of God”? Can you imagine any large newspaper in this country running a story about the Pope and referring to him as “The Holy Father, The Bridge Between Heaven and Earth”? Or about Mary, as “Holy Mary, Mother of God”? It would never happen.

Yep. Something is wrong.

How about this one via Creeping Sharia:

Submitting troops to sharia law? Bring them home. via Paul Sperry: The Pentagon is blaming US troops for ‘friendly fire’ attacks that have killed dozens of Americans, ordering sensitivity training about Islam –

Afghan security forces, our supposed allies, are slaughtering American troops. Thirty-three soldiers have been killed by “green on blue” attacks this year alone. The situation is so bad that the training of Afghan forces has been temporarily suspended.

How has the Pentagon responded?

By blaming our troops.

Top officials believe culturally offensive behavior is the motivation behind the killings, so it’s stepped up Islamic sensitivity training for our troops.

If you don’t want to be shot in the back by your Afghan training partners, the Pentagon advises, don’t offend their religious sensibilities. Don’t kick your feet up on a table, for instance, and never ask to see a picture of their wives and kids. “There’s a percentage [of attacks] which are cultural affronts,” Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey said in a recent interview.

In the past three years, uniformed Afghans have murdered at least 97 US and NATO troops.

Hit the link to see a list of other “cultural affronts” our troops are being ordered to refrain from out of “sensitivity” to people who would kill over them.

Something JUST AIN’T RIGHT, there.

And today, after the secretary-general warned Ahmadinejad of “potentially harmful consequences of his inflammatory rhetoric”, the Iranian president told reporters in New York that Israel has “no roots” in Middle East history.

He called the country a “historical phase” that has only been “occupying the land” for about 60 or 70 years — as opposed to Iran, a nation with thousands of years of history, he said.

He also claimed Iran doesn’t take Israel’s threats of a military strike against its nuclear facilities seriously.

“We did not take [Israel] into account,” Ahmadinejad said. “They represent a small disturbance that will be eliminated in the future.”

Israel’s UN envoy walked out of the UN assembly, Monday, after Ahmadinejad began speaking about the ‘rule of law’.

“There is no law and no justice,” Prosor said, objecting to the fact that Ahmadinejad was allowed to speak at the forum. “The leader of an outlaw country that systematically violates the fundamental principles of the rule of law has no place here.”

“It’s a shame and a disgrace that someone like [Ahmadinejad] was given a voice on such an important issue,” the envoy added. “Allowing Ahmadinejad to give a UN speech on an issue like the rule of law is like appointing a pyromaniac as a fire commissioner.”

Prosor’s legal team followed him out of the UN hall.

Once upon a time the United States’ UN envoy would have joined them, as they always have in the past. But not this time.

A US Foreign Policy Expert  told Shep Smith today, “Israelis Really Don’t Think We’re On Their Side.”

Echoing Ahmadinejad, Obama called Israeli concern over Iran’s genocidal nuclear program “noise”

Nice. Top State Department Official Emails Reporter to Tell Him to “F**k Off”

Something is very very wrong.

Linked by Michelle Malkin, thanks!