With Andrew Breitbart Leading the Charge – The Right-Wing Blogosphere Goes To War Against the Institutional Left

Alexa Shrugs reminds us of this affecting image of Breitbart from Ben Howe’s Tribute video, looking straight at the camera and simply saying, “War.”

Over the weekend, a funny thing happened in the right wing blogosphere. While at first, the faint-hearted were inclined to throw Rush under the bus for using over the top, inappropriate rhetoric to point out the absurdity of Sandra Fluke’s pathetic testimony before Congress. But over the weekend, the tide turned, and conservatives have gone to war, just as Breitbart would have liked it.

Alexa  is on the warpath:

This is war.  I am going to defend Limbaugh from the radical Leftists who want to take him off the air.  And I am going to call out our opponents by name.  Starting with Sandra Fluke, David Gregory and David Friend.

Sandra Fluke is a 30 year old woman who is president of Law Students for Reproductive Justice and went to Georgetown Law despite knowing that their insurance does not cover birth control – because they are a Catholic institution – and made it her mission to force them to change their policy.  Remember when I mentioned how feminazis lied and said a Congressional hearing on religious concerns about the Obamacare contraceptive mandate was only men?  They had wanted Sandra Fluke to testify – I guess Allison Dabbs Garrett and Dr. Laura Champion, the two women who DID testify at the “all-male” panel, just don’t count as women because they don’t toe the radical feminist line.

When Rush made his comments about Sandra Fluke, I thought he was going overboard in order to bring media attention to the farcical nature of her testimony. If that was his m/o, it backfired because the media firestorm that predictably ensued led to the DNC fund-raising off of it, and  Rush losing a number of sponsors. The Democrat Media Complex is doing what it does best – picking a (conservative) targeting it, freezing it, and doing its best to de-legitimize it. Never mind the fact that the left is so consistently  vile in its treatment of conservative women, it’s barely worth mentioning it when they call Sarah Palin, Michelle Malkin, or Laura Ingraham, and let’s not be sexist, here – even Rick Santorum – a vile name. Yes, thanks to the efforts of gay activist, Dan Savage, we’ve got a major candidate for President of the United States whose name, according to Google is defined in the most vile and depraved terms imaginable. And the MSM calls that “Santorum’s Google problem.” (yuk, yuk.) Because it’s HIS problem that left-wing activists have done this to him, and Google refuses to fix it.

Couldn’t it thus be said that Sandra Fluke has a “talk radio problem”. Because after all, it’s her own extreme views that led this to happen to her.

Ben Howe finds the excruciating double standard to be a bit much, and asks:  Carbonite Drops Ads from Rush Limbaugh but Not Ed Schultz?

You see, Carbonite is also the sponsor for a radio show you probably have not heard of, The Ed Schultz Show.  Ed Schultz made a similar remark to Rush’s although his was less a question about the usage of the word (as it was for Rush) and more him just screaming that Laura Ingraham is a “right wing slut.”

Now I wonder why Friend’s daughters don’t’ come to mind here?  Could this be a publicity stunt?  Could they just be dropping sponsorship of Rush in an effort to gain some exposure to help their company get new customers? Because let’s face it, they’ll get more exposure from dropping Rush then they’ll ever get from keeping Shultz.  And they could probably use it given that companies like DropBox have moved forward into advanced cloud backups and access while Carbonite seems hopelessly invested in remaining in the year 2006, but I digress.

I asked them on twitter and on FaceBook why the difference in treatment and so far haven’t gotten a reply.

In the twitter verse, fellow non-Carbonite user Amish Dude pointed me to one possible reason.

On the bright side, DaTechGuy believes the sponsors who have left Rush have chosen poorly:

Rush has been on the radio now since the late 80′s. People who were listening to him now have children who are listening to him. This is a vast and self-sustaining audience base and nothing he said or the media did will cause that base to abandon him. He will be drawing huge radio numbers long after Sandra fluke is a media footnote. There are many talk radio shows out there but there is only one Rush Limbaugh.

However for Sleep Number, Legal Zoom, Carbonate and pro-flowers and the rest, it’s a different story.

There are many alternatives to all of these companies and all of them are merely a click or two away.

For all the bluster of the left for all the tweets and facebook posts and MSM stories the real pressure these companies will feel is on their bottom line. It will come from the orders unplaced, the subscriptions unrenewed and the business that will flow to their competitors by Rush’s listeners looking for alternatives to the companies that dropped him.

These companies married the left in haste, they will repent at leisure, if they last that long.

Update: Both Legal Insurrection and Althouse blogged Rush, here is the key quote:acct with carbonite:

Keep reading.

Adrienne canceled her account with Carbonite My live chat with Carbonite…

since all the circuits to their 800 number are jammed.

Dana Loesch chided Republicans for falling for the manufactured controversy:

The Obama administration withered for several weeks under the intense criticism from Catholic leaders regarding the forced violation of religious liberty within the HHS mandate. In an effort to turn the tables, Democrats suggested that the GOP want to abridge women’s rights because Republicans expect women to obtain and pay for their own birth control. This afternoon John BoehnerCarly Fiorina, and Rick Santorum bravely provided cover for the President and the ridiculous narrative of “the war on women.”

Each of them utterly failed in this response, but unlike Santorum, Boehner and Fiorina aren’t running a presidential campaign with the hopes of becoming the nominee so they can battle the media in the general.

This reason right here is why Republicans defeat themselves: It doesn’t matter what Barack Obama’s record is if Republicans so willingly allow the media to reframe a debate about religious liberty as a fight over women’s rights.

More have admonished Limbaugh’s description of Sandra Fluke than admonished a 30 year-old woman embarrassing herself before congress by testifying that she simply cannot stop getting it on and her inability to control her urges constitutes infringing upon everyone else for a bailout.

And now this interesting tidbit comes out about the young coed, via The Other McCain: Sandra Fluke Argued for Mandatory Coverage for Sex-Change Surgery

Rather belatedly, we are becoming aware that this supposedly typical Georgetown coed is not very typical at all:

[B]irth control is not all that Ms. Fluke believes private health insurance must cover. She also, apparently, believes that it is discrimination deserving of legal action if “gender reassignment” surgeries are not covered by employer provided health insurance. She makes these views clear in an article she co-edited with Karen Hu in the Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law.
The title of the article . . . is “Employment Discrimination Against LGBTQ Persons” and was published in the Journal’s 2011 Annual Review.

Remember, as Byron York previously reported, Fluke was rejected as a last-minute substitute witness at a Feb. 16 committee hearing because staffers for Chairman Issa were unable to discover Fluke’s claim to expertise relevant to the subject of the hearing.


Yep, Carbonite chose poorly: Fire Andrea Mitchell reports Carbonite stock approaches 52-week low since dropping sponsorship of Rush Limbaugh show.

More people pushing back against the media narrative:

Legal Insurrection: Welcome to total political war

Dan Riehl: Stand With Rush, Or Lie Down And Die Alone

Ace: Me and My Wheelbarrow, Squeakin’ Around

Michelle Malkin: The anti-Rush revival revived — and Barack Obama’s petty presidency

Hot Air: Kirsten Powers on Rush and Sandra Fluke: Where’s the outrage at misogynistic liberal men?

Gateway Pundit: The Misogynist Left Mash-Up (Video)

Dan Riehl, Big Journalism:The Left’s eWar On Rush

Dana Loesch, Big Journalism:Left Petitions To Kick Rush Off Air

MRC: NBC Brings On Al Sharpton to Slam ‘Offensive and Misogynist’ Limbaugh; Ignores Reverend’s Offensive Past

Publius Forum: WARNING: If You Use Carbonite Computer Backup Service, Cancel it NOW

WHD: Obama Called Fluke but Said Nothing to Tornado Victims

Weasel Zippers: $9: Price For a Month’s Supply of Birth Control Pills With No Health Insurance At Target 3 Miles From Georgetown Law…

The Sundries Shack: What a Real War on Women Looks Like

Flopping Aces: The Evolution of a Phony Crisis

Radio Equalizer: TWIST AND SPOUT – Why No Consequences For Lefty Hate Talk?

Doug Ross: All You Need To Know About Sandra Fluke in 30 Seconds

DaTechGuy: The more you know about Sandra Fluke…Update (Hope Carbonite backed up their old business model)

The Weekly Standard: The Daily Grind: Chasing Andrew

Jeffrey Lord, The American Spectator: Rally For Rush

Lee Stranahan, Big Journalism: Is Sandra Fluke Coordinating with the White House?

Legal Insurrection: Announcing The Carbonite Accountability Project

Gateway Pundit: Hooray!… Missouri House to Honor Rush Limbaugh With His Bust in Capitol Rotunda

Questions And Observations: How To Manipulate Women Voters: An Obama Campaign Primer

Dan Riehl: Compare Limbaugh’s Class, To Imus’ Trash

Republican Policy Institute: Rep. Darrell Issa Counters False Narrative About HHS Mandate

Michelle Malkin: Capital One “drops” Rush, sticks with serial misogynist Alec Baldwin

Dan Riehl: Think Progress: The Stalinists Are Here

Linked by Michelle Malkin, thanks!

Poll: Vote For Your Favorite New Thug-Tracking Website Name

Yesterday, as new reports of Dem thuggery continued to roll in, I was reminded of the professional left’s farcical, “Tea Party Tracker” which was launched by the NAACP, Media Matters, Think Progress and New Left Media. Their site hasn’t had much to report because as we all know, tea partiers are peaceful, reasonable people who just want their voices to be heard. As of yesterday, it hadn’t even updated since 10/20/10. It’s almost like it was launched primarily as a pre-election stunt to smear the right.

But it got me to thinking – if the left is going to create a site to try to prove that tea partiers are racist (which they aren’t), why don’t we have a site set up  to expose the violence and moonbattery on the left? Yes, we have an army of Davids posting these videos and stories on their own blogs, YouTube, and Facebook accounts as they come in, but I thought it would be helpful in countering the media narrative (teaparty: racist hatemongers – leftwingers: peaceful and righteous) if we had one place to store all the videos and news accounts. This site will have little commentary – just videos and news accounts of left-wing thuggery and/or moonbattery. I’ll set up a new email account for tips, which people can access at the site.

This isn’t a stunt. And it’s not an unfair smear. Right wing activists have been aware of extreme  left-wing thuggery for years, but the public at large doesn’t see it because the Make Believe media doesn’t like to cover it.

My post, Hey, Maybe It’s Time For a Conservative Counterpart to “Tea Party Tracker”, got a good response, with many great suggestions for names for the new site. Today, I ‘m asking people to vote on their favorite name.

Please share this poll, I’d like a good response.

Linked by Big Fur at From iOWNTHEWORLD, thanks!


Hey, Maybe It’s Time For a Conservative Counterpart to “Tea Party Tracker”(UPDATE- Name That Website!)

Pic from union astroturf rally in Denver via El Marco.

Remember how late  last Summer, the NAACP partnered with Media Matters, Think Progress and New Left Media to launch the weak and laughable teapartytracker.org, a website  set up to  publish and monitor “racism and other forms of extremism within the Tea Party movement?” Apparently, they had trouble finding material because their last post is dated 10/20/10, and it links to a progressive organization’s “study” of supposed Tea party racism. Where are the damning videos? The one featured on their website merely shows a New Left Media reporter sticking a microphone in the faces of calm and reasonable tea partiers attending Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally in DC, last Fall.

When anti-Koch protesters in CA attacked Clarence Thomas with disgusting and blatantly racist comments, not long ago, the same NAACP couldn’t be bothered  to condemn the comments.

A hard and fast rule every. time. progressives hold a rally, their extreme, hard-left pathologies are on display. And now, with more and more conservative activists covering their events, their moonbattery is increasingly videotaped for everyone to see. Just in the past week, with pro-union rallies occurring in multiple states, we’ve been given reams of incredible material to expose them with:

SATURDAY: Union protester is arrested for attempting to jack with the tea partiers’ sound system at the Madison rally.

TUESDAY: Union protesters accost a gay black tea partier in Denver Colorado. They call him “son,” and ask him if he has any children that he “claims.”

WEDNESDAY: Diminutive Tabitha Hale ventures from the new Freedom Works offices (moved to a more secure location because they received a lot of threats) to get some video of the protesters outside. She is promptly slapped upside the head by a CWA protester.

Videos at Big Journalism.

On top of that, Michelle Malkin has: Video: Rhode Island union supporter to cameraman – “I’ll f**k you in the ass, you faggot”

and Video: Ohio union goon curses Tea Party activists (language warning)

and More Union Civility: Eyewitness to Boston thuggery; Plus: Die, elderly Tea Partiers, die!

Uncoverage: Tea Party Congress Candidate Roughed Up by Union Goons at Mass. Rally

Here’s Breitbart Tv with another: More Hate From Union Thug Protesters: ‘You’re a Bad Jew’

These obvious candidates for the new Az Institute for Civil Discourse need more exposure.

It’s all well and good that we are posting these videos on our own sites, but I think it would be helpful if there was one website that did nothing but tracked these types of episodes. Call it “Thug Watch”, or “Left-Wing Tracker” – I’m sure someone could think of something better.

One thing is for sure – we would have plenty of material to keep it updated.

The Make Believe Media have no interest in covering stories that counter their anti-tea party narrative. Since we have to do it ourselves, we should make it easier for the public to find the truth.


Here are some more examples of left-wing thuggery I listed in a post last August:

As the tea party “edges closer” to violence (not), the left continues its reign of political terror, unabated – firebombing campaign offices, stabbing Muslim cabdrivers, cussing out Holocaust survivors, biting off fingers, SRLC Republican beatdowns, throwing eggs at tea party buses,   etc,   etcetc. (I can go on forever).

Lefty union members, especially, have been the biggest perpetrators of town hall and tea party violence:

Union Thugs Attack Protester In Tampa

SEIU Thugs Attack a Black Conservative Kenneth Gladney Outside Russ Carnahan Townhall

Breaking: Radical Union Organizer-Black Liberation Activist Slugs Tea Party Protester in Face (Video) …Update: YouTube Removes Attack Video

CNA goon assaults cameramen at anti-Whitman rally.

Union Thugs Invade Tea Party Searchlight Nevada – Aggressors Play the Race Card (videos)

Union Thugs Attack Tea Party Member in Fort Lauderdale

Union thugs storm the front yards of banking lobbyists, take over some banks


“Mostly Peaceful” May Day Rally In SF Turns Violent As Pro-Illegal Immigrant Protesters Attack And Injure Minutemen

Video: Extreme Content Warning – (Recording Liberal hate speech)

See what I mean? We need to put all these in one place.


James the Wanderer suggested I hold a contest to come up with a good name for the site:

Ideas so far:

Little Miss Attila: “Dem Thuggery”

Mama AJ: “Beware the Union Label”

James the Wanderer: Hatewatch

My idea was “Thug Watch”.

billiams Says:  How about “Moonbeam Monitor” or “Nutroots on Display

Bildo Says: Thugopolis, DemoThugs, ThugsRUnion, Look for the Thug Lable

Lee has some good ones:



If no one else steps up, I’ll get the website and YouTube channel going, myself.  Hubby has agreed to help me with it. I want to have it ready to go by Sat. night for this weekend’s union protests..

Keep giving me ideas for names.


Check back tomorrow. I’ll have a poll up so people can vote for their favorite name.

Linked by Michelle Malkin in Buzzworthy, and Little Miss Attila, thanks.


Rush Stands Athwart The Narrative And Yells Stop

As the nation remembers the Oklahoma City bombing on its 15th anniversary, the left seizes the opportunity to link  Timothy McVeigh to conservative protesters, today. This is a tactic, Bill Clinton had some success with.

John from Powerline reports:

Bill Clinton appeared at a symposium on the bombing sponsored by a left-wing think tank and linked the mad bomber to today’s opponents of the Democrats’ radical agenda.

Just before the symposium, in an interview with the New York Times, Clinton elaborated on the theme:

“There can be real consequences when what you say animates people who do things you would never do,” Mr. Clinton said in an interview, saying that Timothy McVeigh, who carried out the Oklahoma City bombing, and those who assisted him, “were profoundly alienated, disconnected people who bought into this militant antigovernment line.” …

Rush Limbaugh is having none of it, and reminds listeners what it was that inspired Timothy McVeigh to commit his terrorist act…hint: it wasn’t talk radio:

Via Weasel Zippers:

Limbaugh Blasts Clinton: What Was The Cause Of The Oklahoma City Bombing? Talk Radio Or The Waco Invasion?…


Rush Launches “Operation S.O.B.”


“Oh! God love ya…what am I talkin’ about”?

Biden, on the trail with a fresh new set of gaffes under his belt, has Rush saying, “We’ve got to keep this guy on the Obama campaign”.

We’ve all seen the wild internet rumors. We’ve all seen the viral email, Rush more than anyone. He says his inbox is overflowing with this email:

“On or about October 5th, Biden will excuse himself from the ticket,
citing health problems, and he will be replaced by Hillary.  This is timed
to occur after the VP debate on 10/2.
There have been talks all weekend about how to proceed with this info.
Generally, the feeling is that we should all go ahead and get it out there
to as many blog sites and personal email lists as is possible.  I have
already seen a few short blurbs about this – the ‘health problem’ cited in
those articles was aneurysm.  Probably many of you have heard the same

The Maharushie is clearly concerned, hence the need for a new operation to prevent “The Gaffemaster” from being thrown under the bus:

Stay tuned…I will relay instructions to the VRWC as soon as they become clear.


Here’s what El Rushbo said on his show, yesterday:

Obama is the next target for a bailout, I am convinced.  Now, let me set this up.  I’m sure that quite a few of you who are spending any time at all on the computer have received what I have received a gazillion times.  By the way, as a little heads up, those of you out there who receive things in e-mail, these flash blast e-mails that go out: If you think I haven’t seen it yet, change your mind. By the time you see it, I have seen it so many times, I have practically thrown the computer up against the wall.  You don’t need to forward these things to me.  I am a magnet for this stuff.  Anyway, the latest going around is this flash e-mail sent by somebody claiming to have inside information at the DNC that the Democrat National Committee and Obama have gotten together and they have decided to get rid of Biden.

October 5th is the day that they’re going to get rid of Biden, and the reason they’re going to get rid of him — the excuse that they will use — is that Biden will declare a medical emergency of some kind. You know, he once had an aneurysm that they caught in time and were able to have surgery on.  If something like this happens, folks, it’s not going to be medical, because that would impact his Senate service.  If he comes up with something medical to disqualify him as Barry’s running mate then how does he go back to the Senate?  What I have heard, and I don’t put any stock in it — well, I haven’t put any stock in it, until today.  These gaffes just keep mounting up here.  And some of them really don’t make any sense.  I mean Biden out there ripping one of Obama’s own ads?

Exit Polls Show Party Switchers In PA Leaned Toward Obama

That would put the lie to the effectiveness of Operation Chaos:

About half the party-switchers had been registered Republicans, while the rest had been unaffiliated with either party or were voting for the first time in Pennsylvania.

Most of those new Democrats were mobilized to come out for Obama, and they were nearly one-fifth of Obama’s supporters. Even the former Republicans favored Obama over Clinton, largely invalidating rumors that Republicans would vote strategically in the Democratic primary in support of Clinton, hoping she would be easier to defeat in November.

I don’t think Rush can go on his show tomorrow and say that Operation Chaos has “met and exceeded expectations”. Unless many of those polled were just dinking around with the exit poll questioner. Which is a distinct possibility. Another one is, many Republicans are looking at Obama as the candidate who would be easier to beat in November.

The supposed Obama Republican, or “Obamican”, I sense is an urban legend. Or I should say, farce.

What few there are, I believe are statistically insignificant. But liberals love to pretend, as S Weasel points out in her hilarious post about “pro gun” ‘Duck Slaying Moonbats’ of The American Hunters and Shooters Association.

The choice facing Republicans who wanted to enter the fray, was, “Do we vote for Hillary and help prolong this crazed raccoon fight for awhile longer, or do we help knock her out once and for all”?

I think the latter choice is the saner one at this point. She is a ruthless, and determined opponent who fights like a cornered animal when the going gets tough. She would be harder than Obama to beat at this point in the general. Obama has gotten some damaging media attention in recent weeks and the hits just keep coming. Every day must be like Christmas for the RNC’s opposition research team, when it comes to Obama. Most of the dirt on Hillary is already out there, but new things are popping up about Obama every other day.

Republicans who voted for Obama, I believe did so for strategic reasons.