Video: GW Throws Out Perfect First Pitch In Game 4 Of World Series

Just like old times:

When it was time for him to pitch the ball, he pitched it with no hesitation,  no mugging for the camera, without a second thought. And it was a solid strike.

Big League Stew Reports:

George W. Bush came into Sunday’s Game 4  of the World Series with a reputation as the best first pitcher in presidential history to uphold.

Mission, uh, accomplished.

With his father George H.W. Bush looking on from just a few feet away, the experienced Republican righthander threw an impressive no-bounce heater to Texas Rangers team president Nolan Ryan behind the plate. While the pitch had nowhere near the emotional impact of Bush’s strike during the 2001 World Series after 9/11, it was a big moment for Bush, who used to own the team, and for his family’s constituents in the state of Texas.


(For comparison’s sake):

Oh My: Obama Couldn’t Name Any White Sox Players When Asked

Video: Obama’s First Pitch At Nationals Game “High and Wide”

Compare/Contrast Obama/Bush First Pitches

Hat tip: Gateway Pundit

Linked by Michelle Malkin in Buzzworthy, thanks!

Video: Keith Ellison Crashes MN Integrity Watch Presser -Is Caught In Lie

This is just incredible….In Hennepin and Ramsey counties in MN, voters have been banned by election officials from wearing “tea party apparel”, and Integrity Watch pins to the polls. Why? Because some voters might be intimidated? The “North Star State” has become the “Red Star Police State”, it seems.

Why do Democrats object to voter I.D.s?   Why do they object to poll watchers? Why would anyone be intimidated if they are properly registered to vote?

Dems, as usual, doth protest too much.

Election Integrity Watch reported:

On Thursday, October 28, Election Integrity Watch filed a federal lawsuit against an illegal and unconstitutional policy instituted by Hennepin and Ramsey Counties, blocking people from voting if they are wearing “Tea Party” apparel or “Election Integrity Watch / Please ID Me” buttons.

Representative Keith Ellison (D-MN-5) claims Election Integrity Watch is out to suppress minority and student voters and uses deception to make his case.

When he crashed the press conference to impugn the neighborhood watch approach to encourage citizen involvement in protecting election integrity, he got caught with a difficult question. See how he used doctored Election Integrity Watch materials to make his unsubstantiated and outrageous points.

Wow, I’m pretty sure that didn’t go as well as Ellison had hoped….

I wonder why ensuring that we have honest and fair elections, is such a threat to people like Keith Ellison?

See also: Fox News Covers Election Integrity Watch


Gateway Pundit: Obama to Send Voter Observers to AZ to Crack Down on Poll Monitors

The Obama Justice Dept dismissed the Black Panther Voter intimidation case because minorities were the defendants. Now, they’re  concerned that conservative poll-watchers in AZ are going to intimidate minority voters, who should not be in the least bit intimidated if they are legally registered to vote.

Do you see a pattern, here?

If you are white, and conservative...this administration considers you the enemy.

Hat tip: Infidel Joe

Happy Halloween From The Turk Campaign

The Turk campaign took part in two Halloween parades, today, the Peculiar Harvest Parade, and the big Independence Halloween Parade. There were several political floats, (including Cleaver’s) but Turk had the largest (and most enthusiastic) contingent. The pictures below were taken right before they started down the parade route.

The two lovely young ladies you see in the middle of the float, below, led the crowd in several chants for Turk. I enjoyed their passion.

The man, himself

The Lee’s Summit Journal reported on the popular support for Turk campaign, earlier this week:

“This is a grassroots campaign,” Turk said. “And the party is not sponsoring this race.”

In fact, according to the Federal Ethics Commission website, Turk’s donations come from primarily individual donors – with his largest single donations coming in at $2,400.

Cleaver’s campaign reports $256,740 of cash on hand as of Oct. 13, to Turk’s $62,000. And just last week he announced he was spending $40,000 on his campaign’s first ever television advertisement.

“Being able to run a credible campaign on very little money is difficult,” Turk said. “A lot of times credibility comes with money. People are used to interacting with million-dollar campaigns.”

But Turk’s cash flow isn’t bringing him down. He says that’s what grassroots campaigns are all about.

“We have so many volunteers that we look like a million-dollar campaign. But it’s all just elbow grease.”

In fact, you could say Turk’s showing in this race is a culmination of his previous two campaigns. He started small, going door-to-door in all areas of the Fifth District – including the urban core and more liberal areas of Kansas City – just to get his name out there.

“My support really comes from everywhere,” Turk said. “I’ve treated all of the Fifth District the same.”

Now his name is out there. And this year, he said, is the year.

“It’s the perfect storm,” Turk said. “Cleaver has taken some votes that I think are unpopular with many people in this district. And I have become well-enough known that people know I will listen to them no matter what. With those two things working together, I think we’re going to win.”


I’m hearing rumors of a multi-million dollar birthday present  for Emanuel Cleaver. A friend emails that she heard him make the announcement on 1590 KPRT, this morning:

“Now I shouldn’t be saying this because the press conference has not happened yet…”
Funding has been secured for The ShotSpotter multi-million dollar tracking device that purports to reduce crime by notifying law enforcement anytime a gunshot is detected by the device within a certain zone.  The ShotSpotter will be located within the “Green Zone,” which overlaps at least partially with zip code 64130.  And it sounds (to me) like the $$ is coming via Obama’s Stimulus Slush Fund, which was designed (imo) to secure Democratic seats in Congress.
Apparently, there will be a big announcement — just in time for the Nov. election!
Last Spring Crime Scene KC had reported:

KCPD is working on a proposal to get ShotSpotter technology for the city’s Green Impact Zone and made a presentation today to the city’s public safety committee.

Officials are seeking federal grants to help pay for the project, which would cost about $2 million. If it gets approved, ShotSpotter could be installed by fall 2011.

It sounds like a useful tool to use against crime — it’s just such an amazing coincidence that the announcement will be coming on the eve of the November election.

Jacob Turk Rally In Brookside

Kansas City’s premiere tea party organization, Political Chips, held a rally in Brookside, this afternoon, for Republican District 5 Candidate, Jacob Turk. It was a beautiful day to be outside, and dozens of district 5 voters turned up at rush hour, to show their support for Turk, who is in a dead heat with Cleaver, according to the latest polls.

Naturally, I took some pictures:

Jacob Turk (right) arrived towards the end of the rally, and posed for some pictures.

As we go into the final weekend of campaigning for this district-5 underdog, a man who KMBZ’s Scott Park’s insists, ” doesn’t have a prayer”, let’s  keep these words from Jim Geraghty’s, Obi-Wan in mind:

Crazy stuff happens in wave elections. And right now the “happy times” wave seems close. But if the Superwave shows up — and the Gallup low turnout number is probably indicative (at 14 this week, which is unheard of) — anything could happen.

And for Jacob Turk on November 2, I believe it will.


Friday Free-For-All

HotAir: Breaking: Bomb found on Yemen-to-US cargo flight; Update: NYC too? Update: CNN backtracking? Update: Wires attached to “white powder”

Ace Of Spades HQ: Breaking: Coordinated Terror Attacks Underway?

Michelle Malkin:Terror in the skies: UPS planes targeted; Updated

Michelle Malkin: Terror in the Beltway: Marines, military targeted

Patterico: Update on Marine Corps Shootings (Update: Breaking News on Possible Fourth Attack)


The rumors are true…CPUSA is now openly supporting Obama and the Democrats. Here, via NewZeal, is Jarvis Tyner, national executive vice-chair of  Communist Party USA, speaking in Detroit on Oct. 7, on the importance of  a huge voter turnout by  “left and progressive” minded people on November 2.

MORE from Gateway Pundit: By the Way… The Commies Are Now Openly Stumping For Donks

J. Christian Adams  at Pajamas Media: Voter Fraud Watch: A Primer on What to Watch For

Voter fraud app for your phone:

Just in time for Election Day, American Majority Action has created the nation’s first mobile application to help identify, report and track suspected incidents of voter fraud and intimidation. This free, cutting edge system will enable voters to take action to help defend their right to vote. Whether you’re a campaign junkie, or just want a better America, Voter Fraud will help you report violations at the election booth and serve to uphold the democratic process.

NewsReal Blog:David Horowitz’s Thoughts on the Election

iOWNTHEWORLD: SPECIAL: WorldWide Exclusive Video Debut – “SPOOKY DUDE” by Chris Cassone

Michelle Malkin: Standing tall: The rise & resilience of conservative women

The Blog Professor: Video of James Cameron & Google CEO: “Criminal” to Deny Global Warming whatever, Cameron was last seen running away from a debate with the “criminal” Not Evil Just Wrong folks.

Hot Air video: Dem Rep: We don’t have a voter-fraud problem Watch of the audience.

Video: Move-On Activist Chokes Conservative Protester

Those MoveOn “Republicorp” folks sure have been busy, lately….the Soros bat signal must have them on high alert for the election season. As I’m sure you remember, last week, in KY,  an over exuberant activist lunged towards Rand Paul, and pushed a sign in his face. Paul supporters tackled her to the ground, and one guy, briefly stepped on her. No arrests were made.

In Arizona, a MoveOn activist went a little coo coo for cocoa puffs on a conservative protester.

Check it out:

James Massee was exercising his 1st Amendment rights when a Gabrielle Giffords supporter tried to stop him by choking him. James got an officer instead of defending himself physically and ultimately didn’t press charges. Here is some video of the tail end of the incident as well as what happened in James’ own words.

MoveOn leaders, showing some intellectual honesty for change, are calling on activists to display their disappointment in the latest violence by taking pictures of themselves holding signs, and making sad faces, always such a poignant way to make a statement:

Join us in telling activist thugs attacking the tea party: “If you choke me, 1,000 more will take my place” by uploading a picture of yourself holding a sign saying “You can’t choke me.”

Bravo MoveOn! The Tea Party thanks you for your efforts.

(Idea totally stolen from Doug Ross, spoofing original MoveOn b.s.)

Linked by Doug Ross, Larwyn’s Links, thanks!
