A Folk Ditty: November

Every once in a while I discover someone or something on the internet that makes me marvel that I didn’t know about him/her/it sooner. This is one of those times…

I spotted this video at Hillbuzz and had to swipe it because I love this gal’s spunk. They’re impressed with this  phenomenon they call the rise of anti-Leftist folk songs on YouTube.

It’s a little dated – circa late January 2010:

I wanted to know who this talented woman was.

She has it all… she sings, plays, and no doubt wrote this song herself.  And she performs her masterpiece …right in her own living room.

Her name is Megan Fox and she’s  a stay at home mom who has her own blog talk radio show and also blogs at The Intolerant Fox. I’m listening to her podcast about the One Nation rally, right now.

Another great conservative  to follow, for sure.


Announcing This Week’s 10 Buck Friday Winner: Congratulations Joel Demos (Again)

It must feel like deja-vu all over again for Joel Demos, because this makes his second win in our 10 buck Friday polls.You can donate your $10 bucks (or more), here. Remember to put  “10 Buck Fridays” in the occupation box.

Demos is still considered the longshot in this Minneapolis-based 5th district race, but he’s become a minor celebrity among the political media for a series of clever web ads. Like this one:

I can’t imagine why it’s a “long shot” for Demos when his opponent is the deplorable Keith Ellison who has ties to Hamas, ISNA and CAIR. But it is what it is. Part of the problem is there are still a lot of people who haven’t heard of him.

The Other McCain says, Beat Keith Ellison . . . For the Children!

You’re looking at that picture and saying, “Oh, how sweet!”

Meanwhile, Keith Ellison’s supporters are looking at that picture and shouting: “Death to the infidel dogs!

Come on!  Send this poor guy some bucks!


A Little Background Info On Obama’s New Anti-Military National Security Adviser

pic of Tom Donilon via AP

Obama’s National Security Adviser, Marine General Jim Jones resigned on Friday, and is being replaced by political operative Tom Donilon.

Any thoughts people were having that Obama might move to the center after the Dem shellacking in November can now be officially put to rest.

John, at Powerline provides a little background information on the President’s new National Security Adviser:

For a long time, Donilon lived his life from presidential campaign to campaign.

The Democratic operative worked on his first Democratic National Convention at 24, and he’s been helping elect candidates ever since. He has worked for Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Joseph R. Biden. …

He was a registered lobbyist from 1999 through 2005, and his sole client was Fannie Mae. … His brother is Michael C. Donilon, a counselor to Vice President Joseph R. Biden. His wife, Cathy Russell, is Jill Biden’s chief of staff.

Andrew McCarthy notes that Defense Sec. Robert Gates had been quoted as saying that Tom Donilon would be “a disaster” if appointed national security adviser.

According to Bob Woodward’s new book, Obama’s Wars, which has somehow gotten less attention at the Times than Woodward’s Bush-era tomes, Gates described Donilon, as clueless when it comes to the military and was deeply offended by the disrespect the former Fannie Mae lobbyist showed to senior military leadership.

The RNC has a profile on the Dem political operative who is now Obama’s Natl Security Adviser, here.

Feel safer now, proles? We are truly in the best of hands, huh? Good thing we can absorb another attack”.


Doug Ross has more: Beautiful. Obama’s New National Security Adviser Had a Direct Hand In Destroying The Housing Market As Fannie Mae Executive

Linked by Michelle Malkin in Buzzworthy, Doug Ross, Bits Blog, and Pirate’s Cove, (who’s celebrating his 300th Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup post), thanks!
