How MO-5 Conservatives Can Show Their Support For Jacob Turk, Friday Afternoon

Turk and friends after winning the primary, August 3rd.

The Kansas City areas tea party organization, Political Chips, is announcing an event for Republican District 5 Candidate, Jacob Turk.

With one week to go, Jacob Turk pulls even with Emanuel Cleaver in virtual dead heat! This exciting news was the hi-light of the Chris Stigall “Red Meat Tour” on Tuesday evening which featured several prominent candidates on both sides of State Line including every major news outlet.

You can see my coverage of the evening, including video of the speakers, here.

Next to the possible defeat of Nancy Pelosi, a Jacob Turk victory over Emanuel Cleaver would be a phenomenal accomplishment and would definitely go down in history as one of the greatest election defeats ever!

We may not have the funds to put on a star studded free concert to buy votes, like some people, (not that we would even want to), but we can certainly show our support for Turk in other ways…

Political Chips is organizing a “Sign Wave” in support of Jacob Turk this Friday beginning at 4:30 pm at the intersection of 63rd & Brookside in Brookside Missouri. You can make your own sign or show your support by holding a “Jacob Turk for Congress” sign. We are working towards obtaining a small batch of these to be available on-site. Please where a blue shirt if you can. A Jacob Turk t-shirt would be a bonus!

For those of you residing outside of the 5th District, please note that Jacob Turk’s Congressional vote is every bit as important as any other Congressman and counts the same! Let’s ride the wave of momentum and push Turk over the finish line in style!

Sounds like a plan!


Video: A Doctor Explains Health Care Rationing Under ObamaCare

Dr. David Janda gave this talk explaining the rationing inherent in ObamaCare on October 13, 2010, and it’s going viral.

Via: Dr. Rob Steele, who’s running in MI against an ObamaCare auther, John Dingall, on a platform of repeal and replace.

Hat tip: New Zeal

Another one of Loudon’s great video finds:Marxism in America” by Lt. Gen. (Ret.) W.G. Boykin

I almost swiped that, too, but my conscience wouldn’t let me do it. Go watch, and tremble for your country.


Mark Levin interviewed Dr. Steele on his radio show, Thursday:


Robin Carnahan Campaign Offers Voters Free Concert For Voter Registration Card

Join Robin Carnahan for a “birthday Jam” for Emanuel Cleaver, featuring Peaches and Herb, Evelyn Champagne King, and the Chi-Lites – a $95 dollar value, “for only your voter registration card” paid for by the MO Democratic State Committee, thank you Robin Carnahan!


Chris Stigall reported this on his radio show, this morning:

Either she’s desperate, or she’s got a lot of extra money to spend in the closing days of her campaign. Robin Carnahan is “throwing a birthday party” for Emmanuel Cleaver this Saturday featuring Peaches and Herb, etc.
All it costs you is your voter registration! NOT MAKING THIS UP….(yes, this is a real ad airing on …KC radio.)

There’s a reason  they’re taking these desperate, flop sweating measures…

Jacob Turk, who’s run a quiet, grass roots campaign, without any Republican Party, or PAC support, is now, according to the latest polling, in a dead heat with Cleaver.


FYI, in case you hit the links, and were wondering where the content went…the posts from Chris Stigall’s KCMO blog, and Facebook page were taken down because of “legal issues”  but by tomorrow, he plans to resume mocking the ad.

Linked by Doug Ross’ Larwyn’s Links, thanks!


“Moderate” Jon Stewart Tells Obama His Legislative Approach Seems “Timid” At Times

Stewart certainly lived up to this description of himself in his Discover the Networks profile, last night:

Stewart’s style of humor tends to be relatively gentle when poking fun at Democrats, but more pointed with regard to Republicans. While he regularly focuses a bemused sardonic eye on the foibles of conservatives, his chief criticism of Democrats tends to be that they are not liberal enough, or that they confront and oppose Republicans too weakly.

This exchange, which took place last night on The Daily show, puts the lie to the idea that  John Stewart represents sanity and moderation in the Democrat party:

In a discussion on health care reform, in which Stewart referenced a conversation he had with a member of the audience before taping began, Stewart told the president he ran with such “audacity,” but that his legislative approaches have seemed “timid” at times.

Obama disagreed,  and assured Jon that “change” doesn’t happen over night.

Jon Stewart is not a moderate Democrat. He’s not a garden variety liberal. When you look at Obama and his agenda, and think, “he hasn’t done enough”, you are a far left ideologue. The only people who think ObamaCare doesn’t “go far enough” are  socialist single-payer advocates, like Jan Schakowsky, who is out there on the very far left of the political spectrum.

See for yourself: (link fixed):

As you can see, Schakowsky is nowhere near the center of the spectrum. She represents the kook fringe who think ObamaCare “didn’t go far enough”, because it didn’t include the public option in the health care bill, which would have led to single payer more quickly.

The “Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear”  on the National Mall, is being billed as a rally “for the people who think shouting is annoying, counterproductive, and terrible for your throat.” 

Ours is a rally for the people who’ve been too busy to go to rallies, who actually have lives and families and jobs (or are looking for jobs) — not so much the Silent Majority as the Busy Majority. If we had to sum up the political view of our participants in a single sentence… we couldn’t. That’s sort of the point.

Riiiight. From the looks of it, this moderate answer to the tea party for people “too busy to attend rallies” is turning out to be more like  another One Nation moonbat fest.

The LA Times reports:

The rally’s Facebook page is a hive of activity, much of it aimed at the political left, with posts about get-out-the-vote efforts and plugs for Democratic candidates mixed in with logistics advice. As of Wednesday afternoon, more than 223,000 people indicated they planned to attend.

I can guaran-damn-tee you that no genuine political moderates or Republican leaning voters are going to be at this hive of left-wing activity being billed as a “rally to restore sanity”. Who are they trying to kid?


Ryan Mauro, NewsReal: Jon Stewart Voted “Most Influential Male.” In Related News, This Country Is Going Down the Tubes


More evidence this rally is not about “restoring sanity”…

Cliff Kincaid: Terrorist Ayers Endorses Stewart/Colbert Rallies

When comics Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert announced their rallies on the national mall scheduled for this Saturday, they may not have expected—or wanted—an endorsement from Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers. But Ayers told the Ford Motor Company-sponsored Green Festival in Washington, D.C. last Saturday that the event will be a needed respite from the “Alice in Wonderland” world of military domination of the planet and wars waged by the U.S. “empire.”

The October 30 Stewart/Colbert rallies, dubbed “Restore Sanity” and “Keep Fear Alive,” are “worth attending,” Ayers said.

Linked by Michelle Malkin in Buzzworthy, thanks!
