Video: GW Throws Out Perfect First Pitch In Game 4 Of World Series

Just like old times:

When it was time for him to pitch the ball, he pitched it with no hesitation,  no mugging for the camera, without a second thought. And it was a solid strike.

Big League Stew Reports:

George W. Bush came into Sunday’s Game 4  of the World Series with a reputation as the best first pitcher in presidential history to uphold.

Mission, uh, accomplished.

With his father George H.W. Bush looking on from just a few feet away, the experienced Republican righthander threw an impressive no-bounce heater to Texas Rangers team president Nolan Ryan behind the plate. While the pitch had nowhere near the emotional impact of Bush’s strike during the 2001 World Series after 9/11, it was a big moment for Bush, who used to own the team, and for his family’s constituents in the state of Texas.


(For comparison’s sake):

Oh My: Obama Couldn’t Name Any White Sox Players When Asked

Video: Obama’s First Pitch At Nationals Game “High and Wide”

Compare/Contrast Obama/Bush First Pitches

Hat tip: Gateway Pundit

Linked by Michelle Malkin in Buzzworthy, thanks!

Video: Keith Ellison Crashes MN Integrity Watch Presser -Is Caught In Lie

This is just incredible….In Hennepin and Ramsey counties in MN, voters have been banned by election officials from wearing “tea party apparel”, and Integrity Watch pins to the polls. Why? Because some voters might be intimidated? The “North Star State” has become the “Red Star Police State”, it seems.

Why do Democrats object to voter I.D.s?   Why do they object to poll watchers? Why would anyone be intimidated if they are properly registered to vote?

Dems, as usual, doth protest too much.

Election Integrity Watch reported:

On Thursday, October 28, Election Integrity Watch filed a federal lawsuit against an illegal and unconstitutional policy instituted by Hennepin and Ramsey Counties, blocking people from voting if they are wearing “Tea Party” apparel or “Election Integrity Watch / Please ID Me” buttons.

Representative Keith Ellison (D-MN-5) claims Election Integrity Watch is out to suppress minority and student voters and uses deception to make his case.

When he crashed the press conference to impugn the neighborhood watch approach to encourage citizen involvement in protecting election integrity, he got caught with a difficult question. See how he used doctored Election Integrity Watch materials to make his unsubstantiated and outrageous points.

Wow, I’m pretty sure that didn’t go as well as Ellison had hoped….

I wonder why ensuring that we have honest and fair elections, is such a threat to people like Keith Ellison?

See also: Fox News Covers Election Integrity Watch


Gateway Pundit: Obama to Send Voter Observers to AZ to Crack Down on Poll Monitors

The Obama Justice Dept dismissed the Black Panther Voter intimidation case because minorities were the defendants. Now, they’re  concerned that conservative poll-watchers in AZ are going to intimidate minority voters, who should not be in the least bit intimidated if they are legally registered to vote.

Do you see a pattern, here?

If you are white, and conservative...this administration considers you the enemy.

Hat tip: Infidel Joe