Thursday Link Round-up

Photo via Seeing Red AZ

In case you haven’t noticed, (because we got a late start, this week)I have a new Ten Buck Friday poll up on my right sidebar. Right Klik calls it the Ten Buck Fridays: Winner’s Circle:

All of the candidates featured in this week’s poll have won in previous TBF polls. Many were considered to be underdogs early in the election season, but now they’re much more competitive. All of these candidates need our help…

(To ensure that your vote is counted, vote before you view results… and vote from home if possible.)

Dan Riehl asks Should A GOP House Investigate Media Matters?: Mark Levin says yes in his Facebook post, Media Matters: Criminal front group. He, like many of us, has been saying that for years. It’s way past time something be done about this blatant State-sponsored propaganda. Going forward, the stupid, hapless, go-along-to-get-along Republican party needs to become a smart,  ruthless, this-commie-b.s-happening-right-under-our-noses- needs-to-end party.

Jim Geraghty says this RGA ad will either Stir Your Outrage, Or Give You a Seizure:

Nobody can be this stupid? Oh yes, they can: Deficit Is a Myth, Nothing to See Here, Move Along, The mindless drones willing to vote for such unprincipled buffoonery are no Einsteins, either.

Michelle Malkin has the poop on another TARP-style banking bailout bill that “somehow reached President Obama’s desk in the legislative rush before Congress adjourned for the midterm election break”. Did you know about this? I didn’t know about this…

What the hell: How stealth banking bailout reached Obama’s desk

More Malkin: Obamacare Idealists Somehow Find Way to Be Even More Nauseating

Gah, pass the Dramamine. Ah geez. BFH couldn’t resist: The HERO of Society

Wintery Night expounds on the rare courage of Medal of Honor recipients: What can Christians learn from Rob Miller’s Medal of Honor story?

Check back…I’ll be adding more links as the day wears on.

Ed Lasky at The American Thinker: Democrat Dirty Tricks: A Primer on Stealing Elections

Desperate times call for desperate measures, and we are beginning to see the Democrats start to rely on “dirty tricks” to spoil the fun (because if you have to run from the policies that are destroying your party’s popularity, you have to resort to all means, fair and foul — and mostly foul — to win). Politics is war by another means, and when the Democrats are led by the Cook County Gang that could not play straight, all sorts of tactics will emerge.

Uncoverage: Whitman’s Ex-Housekeeper’s Attorney has Ties to Terrorism, Democrats

Big Hollywood: Top 25 Greatest Halloween Films: #25 — ‘The Blair Witch Project’ (1999)

Also at Big Hollywood, Greg Gutfeld has a Funtime Game! Who Will ‘Parker Spitzer’ Have On Next to Trash Palin?

The crap almost writes itself.

So I’ve come up with a game to help CNN plan the next three shows. Just match a lefty guest, to a predictable Palin insult.

Ed Asner could call Palin, an “empty-headed threat to freedom.”

Sean Penn could says she’s, “a mindless zombie with a bloodlust for power.”

John Cusack could joke she’s “A thick-skulled simpleton embraced by violent yokels.”

Tim Robbins could chime in: “Palin is an imbecile in half-wit’s clothing.”

And his mom, Susan Sarandon could dismiss her as, “A Nazi with nice breasts.”

This could go on for…years!

Oooooh: The Daily Radar: EXCLUSIVE: Eliot Spitzer’s Madam Says Former NY Gov Looks Like ‘Gremlin’ On ‘Boring’ New TV ShowEXCLUSIVE: Eliot Spitzer’s Madam Says Former NY Gov Looks Like ‘Gremlin’ On ‘Boring’ New TV Show

“I read that they were investing all this money in a stylist and I thought no matter what money you throw at this man, at the end of the day, he’s still a gremlin and a dishonest, corrupt career politician whose only interest is rehabilitating his own image enough to get back into politics.

“It’s pretty sad that CNN has given him a forum to let him influence the lives of other.”

The Daily Caller: U.S. waivers after threats of lost health coverage prompting a good question from Erick Erickson: What’s The Point Of Obamacare Then?

Drew at AoSHQ chimes in:

It’s not bad enough that the government is mucking around in people’s health care decisions; now big government is going to be in the business of handing out special dispensations for the chosen few. If you like your coverage, you can keep it…if we deign to give you a waiver. I wonder what groups will be looked upon favorably by this gangster administration and which will be told to go to hell. I’m sure it’ll all be very fair and equitable.

Via kill_truck on Twitter: For Sale: A picture of Marilyn Monroe you’ve probably never seen.

Via sistertoldjah on Twitter: A handy website that tracks lawsuits against ObamaCare:

Across the country, Americans are fighting against the new health care law, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). On this site, you’ll find a list of the challenges that are currently moving through our court system, which you can click on to get more information. As of today, there are more than 20 active cases challenging Obama’s health care reform, with 21 states as Plaintiffs.

New info on Obama’s Communist Mentor due to his declassified 600-page FBI file, which was recently released through a freedom-of-information request: Frankly Speaking… Davis’ bizarre son weighs in in the comments.

More good links at Potluck, (plus the only time in your life you will ever see this headline): Get your vulture fart carbon credits

Quin Hillyer is a wet blanket, but he’s right: The Election Doomsday Scenario – not a prediction of how things will be, but can be if we re not vigilant.

An even more unsettling report from Labor Report at Big Government: How Unions or Their Allies Could Be Stealing November’s Elections Right Now

In order to break this down, here are the disconnected dots that are detailed below:

  • First Dot: The SOS Project
  • Second Dot: The SEIU’s Shenanigans
  • Third Dot: 11 Million Illegal Immigrants
  • Fourth Dot: The Fake ID Industry & Meg Whitman
  • Fifth Dot: Voter Registration
  • Sixth Dot: Union GOTV Strategies
  • Seventh Dot: Early Voting
  • Connecting the Dots

I’ve been saying all year that these villains are not going to give up their power, (and give Issa subpoena power) that easily. Why have Dem leaders been so confident?Why have they been so brazen in their disrespect for the peoples’ will?

Heads up if you live in the KC area. Political Chips is sponsoring: Borders, Bagels & Constitutional Enlightenment – Featuring Kris Kobach, Darla Jaye, & The Conservative Minority Panel

Time: October 9, 2010 from 8am to 11:30am
Location: Glenwood Fine Arts Theater – SE Corner of 95th & Metcalf (Behind Metcalf Mall)
Street: 9575 Metcalf Avenue
City/Town: Overland Park, KS
Website or Map:
Phone: Contact: Leslie Schmidt (913) 220-7672
Event Type: fundraiser


Why Does Kris Kobach Pose Such A Threat To The Left And Their Liberal Agenda?

Answer: Kris Kobach’s plan to end voter fraud will
seriously jeopardize the base of undocumented

Congratulations are in order to our Fedoraed friend!: DaTechGuy on DaRadio is DaReality!

Billboard of the day seen at The Other McCain: Republican Ray McKinney Reminds Georgia Voters They Have a Choice

Heartache: Ace: Of Course: VFW Endorses Cowardly Lawyer Over Heroic Soldier

More Ace: Chris Christie: No, I’m Quite Serious, I’m Not Spending Money We Don’t Have

Video takedown of vile, Dem backed shenanigans on Twitter:

TWITTERGATE – This is a story about how the Democrats hired a Twitter-Thug to run their social-media campaign and to smear the Tea Party.
The evidence submitted demonstrates the systematic and deliberate provocation towards people in an attempt to elicit unfavorable responses after a series of malicious and vile attacks.
The idea was to antagonize, collect and present selected responses as proof of “extremism” within the Tea Party.
What you are about to see is the documented account of how this system was implemented, who these people are and who hired them.
Some of the collected material is vulgar and profane. View discretion is advised.

Linked by Michelle Malkin, Buzzworthy, thanks!

Frankly Speaking…

In early 2008, after I had started looking into Obama’s background, I remember thinking, “Wow, as soon as the general public hears about this, it’s going to be curtains for this guy. There is no way! He’s unelectable!”

A case in point:  February of 2008,  Cliff Kincaid wrote a stunning piece for Accuracy in Media, Obama’s Communist Mentor.

Who was Frank? Obama only says that he had “some modest notoriety once,” was “a contemporary of Richard Wright and Langston Hughes during his years in Chicago…” but was now “pushing eighty.” He writes about “Frank and his old Black Power dashiki self” giving him advice before he left for Occidental College in 1979 at the age of 18.

(For information on Obama’s Marxist activities at Occidental College, see this 6 part interview with former classmate [and former Marxist] Dr. John Drew, conducted on the B-Cast. Obama was already a committed Marxist by the time he started college, according to Drew.)

This “Frank” is none other than Frank Marshall Davis, the black communist writer now considered by some to be in the same category of prominence as Maya Angelou and Alice Walker. In the summer/fall 2003 issue of African American Review, James A. Miller of George Washington University reviews a book by John Edgar Tidwell, a professor at the University of Kansas, about Davis’s career, and notes, “In Davis’s case, his political commitments led him to join the American Communist Party during the middle of World War II-even though he never publicly admitted his Party membership.”

That was the first time most of us in the conservative media had heard of him, although he had been on Trevor Loudon’s radar screen since March 2007, when he wrote   Obama’s Marxist Mentor. Some of us thought that it was a significant story that would have legs. Unfortunately many bloggers shied away from it because they didn’t want to be seen as “red-baiters”. The MSM had no interest in it, whatsoever. Including  Drudge:

Drudge Plays Role of Censor

While Obama’s far-left support seems to be worthy of news and comment, Matt Drudge of Drudge Report fame has just rejected two paid ads submitted by my group America’s Survival, Inc. about the influence that CPUSA member Davis exerted over a young Obama. The ads featured a photo of Davis and a communist hammer and sickle. They asked, “Who is this man?,” and urged viewers to click to “Meet the mysterious Red Mentor” so they could be directed to two reports on the subject. The ads were “too controversial,” Drudge’s representative told me.

A few lonely voices in the blogosphere pounded the story, though. I mentioned him here, included Davis in my Reds Who Support Obama post, and again Another Commie For Obamie.

At this point, some shill, who claimed to be Mark Davis,  the son of Frank Marshall Davis (on his OFA page), started commenting on my posts under the pseudonym, “Kaleokualoha”.

Kaleokualoha Says:

Every person of integrity will probably agree the slander and libel are wrong, especially when the target is a dead poet who cannot defend himself. Yet this is exactly what is happening. By defaming the character of my father, Frank Marshall Davis, and exaggerating his radical influence on Barack Obama in “Obama’s Communist Mentor” and other AIM reports, bloggers seek to portray Barack Obama as unworthy of becoming President of the United States. While there are legitimate concerns regarding every candidate, their disinformation regarding my father is especially heinous.

They vilify a dead poet who loved the United States, and who was more likely to teach random acts of kindness than disloyalty to young Barack Obama. They deliberately misrepresent the values Obama may have internalized through this relationship, in a transparent attempt to smear Obama’s character. Like weeds in a garden of truth, such disinformation must be removed at their roots. Unfortunately, their Internet brigade is very efficient at spreading this disinformation. Fortunately, their credibility can be destroyed in the eyes of people of integrity, through irrefutable proof of their deliberate misrepresentation.

Some of their most egregious misrepresentations are claims that Davis was a “lifelong member of the Communist Party USA,” and that he was a “Stalinist” because he “stayed with the Communist Party even after the Hitler-Stalin pact” of 1939, and that “his values, passed on to Obama, were those of a communist agent who pledged allegiance to Stalin.” These unprecedented claims were made AFTER the release of “Obama’s Communist Mentor,” suggesting they were either fabricated or discovered since February 2008. They should be challenged at their source: Cliff Kincaid (editor of Accuracy In Media in his “Media Excuse Obama’s False Advertising” column) and Bill Steigerwald, associate editor of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, in a 7 June 2008 interview (

That’s only about half of one comment. He wrote several long-winded, obfuscating comments on different posts. Here’s part of another one from, AP Whitewashes the Frank Marshall Davis Story:

In June 2008, however, Kincaid starts the “Stalinist” falsehood ( This is where Kincaid explains that he calls Davis a “Stalinist” because “he stayed with the CPUSA after the Hitler-Stalin pact” (1939). This contradicts Kincaid’s February 2008 column, which states Davis did not even JOIN the CPUSA until later. Obviously Davis could not have “stayed with” the CPUSA before he even joined the CPUSA. Obviously, Kincaid’s stated reason is invalid. Obviously, something else changed between February and June 2008, when Kincaid suddenly starts calling Davis a “Stalinist.” Davis suddenly became a “Stalinist” because Cliff Kincaid said so??

I doubt you will find any references to Davis being a “Stalinist” before Kincaid’s new label. Did the FBI or Congressional investigators consider him a “Stalinist”? I don’t think so!

The reason I bring this up is because I just finished reading yet another article in NRO, entitled, “Obama’s Communist Mentor by Paul Kenger, a researcher who, since the early 1990s, has “been absorbed with archives from the Soviet and Communist world — I’ve looked at every kind of declassified holding.”

In recent years, I’ve concentrated on an extraordinary cache of material from the Comintern Archives on Communist Party USA (CPUSA). This material is utterly damning to the American Left, especially in its vindication of the worst fears and warnings of anti-Communists. Not surprisingly, our illustrious “scholars” in the academy are studiously ignoring it.

Kenger has just written a 600 page book, called Dupes, which prominently features Frank Marshall Davis:

After an almost four-year-long sojourn in which I tried to ascertain whether Davis was a progressive duped by Communists, or, conversely, a Communist who duped progressives, I determined the latter. No doubt, this conclusion — which means the leader of the free world was strongly influenced by a Marxist — will bring the unholy wrath of liberals. Yet, they should brace themselves for another kind of anger. Once they read what Davis did and wrote, they might redirect their rage. In truth, Davis’s targets were mainly Democrats, and especially a Democratic icon, Harry Truman. What Davis said about Truman was unbelievably outrageous. Worse, he said it because it was the Moscow line.


With the help of two super-impressive researchers, including one living in Hawaii, I procured Davis’s weekly “Frank-ly Speaking” columns for the Record. These writings flawlessly parroted official Soviet propaganda and portrayed the likes of Harry Truman, George Marshall, and other courageous Democrats as colonialist-imperialist-fascist-racist monsters. Davis even denounced the Marshall Plan. As any student of this era knows, only the Soviet Union, via the public voices of Stalin and Molotov, took this absurd position.

In column after column, Davis claimed Truman craved not only a “third world war,” but to “rule Russia.” Davis said that Truman’s “fascism, American style” was motivated by an anti-Communism that was fueled by veiled racism. Davis repeatedly asserted that the Soviet Union not only desired peace — as Stalin seized Eastern Europe, while also killing tens of millions of his own people — but had abolished poverty, unemployment, and even racism.

Such examples from Davis are so voluminous that they constitute the longest chapter in my 600-plus-page book. Summarizing them here is impossible. But here are three telling examples.

The disgusting Stalinist propaganda Davis was spouting in these articles were written in 1950.

As someone who has long studied this period, I recognized Davis’s writing immediately as the crass propaganda pushed by Communists around the world at that time. Congress thought the same thing. Within only months of the appearance of these columns in the Honolulu Record, Davis’s name was appearing in investigations of the Communist movement. Eventually, in December 1956, he was called to testify before the U.S. Senate, where he pleaded the Fifth Amendment. In a Senate report in 1957 titled “Scope of Soviet Activity in the United States,” Davis was plainly listed as “an identified member of the Communist Party.”


The real smoking gun, however, is Davis’s declassified 600-page FBI file, which was recently released through a freedom-of-information request by a fellow researcher. A cursory glance at these pages — which include accounts by informants and eyewitnesses — quickly reveals that Davis was a Communist. As evidence for readers, we have isolated and published about a dozen pages from the file in the appendix of my book, including one that lists Davis’s actual Communist-party number: 47544.

That number is consistent with those of the period. Consider the Communist-party numbers of some of the Hollywood Ten figures whom liberals laughably still defend as innocent lambs: John Howard Lawson (47275), Albert Maltz (47196), Alvah Bessie (46836).In sum, a mentor of the current president of the United States was a Communist — and not only a party member, but an actual propagandist for Stalin’s USSR, a man who unceasingly demonized Democratic presidents and their policies and cherished ideals. Even in World War II, Davis was on the wrong side: He was flatly pro-Soviet and anti-American.

You can read Kengor’s entire piece at NRO.

Okay, so it turns out, Kaleokualoha, that your dad was indeed, beyond a shadow of a doubt,  a card carrying, propagandizing Stalinist Commie.

The question is whether you are  a progressive duped by Communists, or, conversely, a Communist who duped progressives, (you sure as hell didn’t dupe me)

I’ve determined the latter.

Linked by Doug Ross, thanks