A Robot Theater Presentation: Arguing With Lefties

Amusing, but depressingly accurate:

Hat tip: Babalu

Speaking of useful idiots.… A gaggle of lefty bloggers (proggers?) were invited to the White House for meeting with the Big Kahuna, today.

On Wednesday, the president conducted what appears to be the first ever in-person sit-down with political bloggers, hosting a group of five in the White House.

The invitees fall more under the rubric of ideological or issue-oriented activists as opposed to online reporters, though the names are familiar to most political junkies. An administration official confirmed that Joe Sudbay of AMERICABlog; Duncan Black (“Atrios”), who runs the site Eschaton; Barbara Morrill, who writes for the DailyKos; Jon Amato, who edits Crooks and Liars; and Oliver Willis, who runs an eponymous site, spoke with the president on Wednesday.


Iowahawk has the exclusive transcript from the meeting: One Afternoon In the Office of the Powerful Man On Earth:

Rush Transcript

I would like to thank you all again for agreeing to meet with the President on such short notice. I know that all of you, like the President, have very busy schedules. In order that we keep the President on his, I would like to…. excuse me sir, what are you doing?

Who, me?


I’m just taking one of these souvenir pens.

I’m sorry sir, that is the Abraham Lincoln fountain pen. The one used to sign the Emancipation Proclamation.

So it stays here? On the desk?


Hey man, my bad. I’ll put it right back in the holder thingy.

As I was saying…

How about this ashtray?

No sir. We will distribute a few small personal gifts to you at the conclusion of the meeting. As I was saying, the President is on a tight schedule today, so in order to make yours a productive meeting it is important that we keep it brisk and to the point. First I’d like to give you some protocol.

Is that anything like Darvocet? Because if it is I better have just a half-hit, I’m already on my third gin since lunch.

No ma’am. Protocol is the formal etiquette we use here for meetings. Sir?

Sorry, just checking out the desk drawers.

Keep reading…


Limbaugh: What the Country Will Look Like Should Obama’s Agenda Prevail

Alternate title: What I missed on The Rush Limbaugh Show, Today, Because I went on a Class Field Trip With My Son.

This was was apparently a tour de force by El Rushbo:

RUSH:  You don’t have to wait ten years to find out what we’re going to be like.  You want me to quickly run down what the country would look like if the Democrats maintain this kind of control?


RUSH:  Okay, very simple.  And we can do this, we can do this because Imam Obama said that his agenda is on the ballot.  So all we have to do is look at his agenda.  Well, what did his agenda do?  Obama’s agenda has dramatically driven up unemployment.  Unemployment will continue to be high and go higher if the Democrats stay in power.  Obama has driven up the deficit so we would have to expect the deficit will remain high.  We also know that taxes will go up on the premise that we will lower the deficit by raising taxes.  So Americans will become poorer.  Fewer Americans will be working.  Those who aren’t working will be taken care of with transfer payments, redistribution of wealth, as Obama continues his assault on achievement.  The remaining achievers in this country will become targeted even more.

With higher taxes, punitive regulations, disincentives to start businesses and what have you.  A vote for a Democrat is a vote for the results of Obama’s agenda.  Under Obama and without any complaint from Democrats, we have deliberate attempts to spark class warfare and racial divide.  We have more racial division in this country than we’ve had since 1964, sponsored by and brought to us by Obama.  We have an attorney general who looks the other way at black-on-white election fraud. By design.  We have a civil rights division of the Justice Department that says its only reason for existence is to make sure that blacks are not cheated in elections.  It’s okay if whites are, because that’s just leveling the playing field from years ago.

Class warfare will continue, racial division will continue and get even worse. By design.  We have czars.  We have people appointed by the president to serve in positions that do work that we don’t know.  They are paid salaries we don’t know.  They are accountable to no one.  They report only to Obama; they do not have to get confirmed before the Senate.  We have an all-out effort to empower parasitic unions to continue to fund outrageous, unpayable gold-plate pensions. States’ bankruptcy will proceed on schedule, the unions and their pension plans and their health payments and their retirement funds will be paid no matter what consequence occurs to your me or our country.  All of this destruction, all of this transfer of wealth, all of this redistribution, all of this overseeing of America in decline will be paid for by the American taxpayer.

Vote Democrat if you want this to continue.  Vote Democrat if you want more of all of this.

Keep reading at the link.

Needless to say……don’t vote Democrat.

Hat tip: Lucianne


