Ward Churchill Still Crazy After All These Years (Video)

I’m sure you remember the “little Eichmanns”  comment made by the nutty professor in Colorado right after 9/11 – “while the bodies were still smoldering.”

Before Marxist faux indian academic Elizabeth Warren hit the public scene, there was Marxist faux indian Ward Churchill.

Megyn Kelly does a great job critiquing his obnoxious and hateful words, and keeping her cool as the pompous windbag berates her for being “too dense” to appreciate his brilliance.

Churchill was finally cut loose from the University of Colorado Boulder in 2007 after a long career there that began in 1978.

In January 2005, during the controversy over his 9/11 remarks, Churchill resigned as chairman of the ethnic studies department at the University of Colorado — his term as chair was scheduled to expire in June of that year.[22] On May 16, 2006, the Investigative Committee of the Standing Committee on Research Misconduct at the University of Coloradoconcluded that Churchill had committed multiple counts of academic misconduct, specifically plagiarism, fabrication, and falsification.[3] On July 24, 2007, Churchill was fired for academic misconduct in an eight to one vote by the University of Colorado’s Board of Regents.

Think of all of the young, impressionable minds he filled with his poisonous anti-American swill. Probably at least as many as Obama’s pal, Bill Ayers — and a thousand other Marxist professors like them. Including of course Obama – who did, after all, hire on as his “Green Czar,” a man who participated in an anti-American/terrorist sympathizing protest  in Oakland, Ca on 9/12/2001. 

“It’s the bombs that the government has been dropping around the world that are now blowing up inside the U.S. borders… We’ve got something stronger than bombs, we have solidarity. That dream of revolutionary change is stronger than bombs.” – Van Jones , Obama’s Green Czar

I’m actually surprised Obama never found a place in his administration for fellow travelers Ward Churchill and Bill Ayers. (Of course Ayers probably consulted heavily on Common Core.)

They’re all cut from the same sickening, Marxist, anti-American cloth.


Last week, Kelly interviewed author and commentator Dinesh D’Souza on the left-wing extremism of people like Ward Churchill and Barack Obama.