Cry Me A River, Chumps

Lefties at Daily Kos, DU, FiredogLake and even Barack Obama’s own website (heh!) are rending their garments and gnashing their teeth over their Messiah’s latest betrayal (move toward sanity) on the FISA bill. Comments are ranging from *hilarious:

…while Obama voted for it. It is past time to through this DINO over and bigin a draft Hillary effort. The time is not too late. I beseech everyone to join me in taking this fight all the way to Denver. We cannot allow this man who has broken every promise he has made to us to become our Democratic nominee, it is fast becoming an abomination.

to paranoid delusional:

I have something I want to put on Ebay. It’s the “Obama ’08” sticker I ripped from my car’s back window today and threw in my trash can. What’s it worth? Can I be arrested, tortured and killed by my government for doing that? Oh, that’s right, the Military Commissions Act said so. Congress passed it. Can this typed message be copied by my government? Oh yeah, thanks Barack and GOP. Now that we have trashed the Constitution and laughed off that old Magna Charta, can Mr. 28% and Senator Obama of the 9% Club keep the good times rolling. Look-out

1930’s Germany! Here we come…

to heartbreaking:

Look Barack- me and lots of other lefty grassroots types, you know, the one who are reponsible for your massive turnouts and record fuidraising, are really pisssed off at you for gettting FISA wrong. Hey- we know you have to do some “righty” pandering- ( I can live with the handguns reversal ) but what the fuck? FISA? You and all you dumb ass buddies on capitol hill just took a massive dump on the 4th amendment, and for what? AM I missing something? Is there some surprise coming that I am unaware of? Are you going to like say “psyche” or something all of a sudden? I have raised over 1500.00 for your campaign and have donated at least 300 of my own in cash as well as countless hours working “gratis”to register voters and spread the mesage of hope and change and this is what you give me? Im a township captain for Christ Sake and Im beginning to question your integrity- big time! Please do somehing soon to revive my waining faith in your because right now, Nader looks damn good. Please Barack-

Rich Lowry calmly explains how it is to these starry eyed rubes whose faiths have been so shaken:

In the past few weeks, Obama has broken two pledges (to take public financing in the general election and to filibuster legal immunity for telecoms that cooperated with the government in terrorist surveillance); has belittled his own rhetoric during the primary campaign (saying it could get “overheated and amplified” on the issue of trade); redefined his promise to meet without preconditions with the leaders of hostile states until it’s basically meaningless; endorsed a Supreme Court decision striking down a Washington, D.C., gun ban his campaign had previously said he supported; and made muddy, centrist-sounding statements about his positions on Iraq and abortion that he had to go back and try to clarify.

Has there ever in recent political memory been so much calculation and bad faith by a politician who has made so much of eschewing both? We now know that Barack Obama is not naive, but his ardent supporters are. Obama exhorted them to “believe” — one of his favorite words — in him and his virtue above all, and as soon as they gave him the nomination he wanted, he showed how foolishly credulous they had been. When it comes to triangulating, he’s Hillary Clinton without the baggage.

You see…Barack knows these lefty chumps are going to come out in droves to vote for him, anyway. And he’s right. They will. They may be crying in their coffees today, but all will be forgiven by November, and they’ll be more than happy to pull that lever for him.

Although Obama’s fund-raising goose may be cooked.

Cat from Cathouse Chat recently came across this monument to Obama’s growing list of lies and flip flops while on vacation in Hawaii:

At first I figured that some Republican activist set that up…but then I changed my mind. It’s probably one of those disaffected Obamaniacs who did it.


*No, I’m not linking to those weirdos. You can google it if you don’t believe me.

3 thoughts on “Cry Me A River, Chumps

  1. Pingback: The Exaggerations, Lies, Distortions, and Flip-Flops Of Barack Obama (UPDATED) « Nice Deb

  2. So what do we do if between now and November, Obama votes conservatively on everything he bothers to show up to vote for? Obviously, I’m not saying that would happen, I’m just imagining some weird sci-fi twist where Obama’s been playing along as a liberal all these years to get the Dems to nominate him, then is gonna open up a can of conservative whoop-ass when he gets into office.


  3. I’m just imagining some weird sci-fi twist where Obama’s been playing along as a liberal all these years to get the Dems to nominate him, then is gonna open up a can of conservative whoop-ass when he gets into office.

    The ultimate triumph of Karl Rove – his own Manchurian Candidate.


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