Pelosi Calls Bush “A Total Failure”

Project much, Pelosi?

Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit noticed that the AP tried to downplay the shameful display by saying it was “unusual” for her. Au contraire. See GP for other examples of her classlessness.

But the Democrats aren’t known for class, and restraint, especially during election years.

6 thoughts on “Pelosi Calls Bush “A Total Failure”

  1. What kind of approval rating numbers are those total failures in Congress garnering? Single digits? Yeah, Nancy that’s a clear signal of just how successful you are and the leadership skills you possess. You stupid twit.


  2. Bush is the worst president in American history. Bush facilitated the 9/11 attacks. Subsequently, Bush lied to Congress and the American people relative to the reasons for invading Iraq. Bush purposefully misled Congress and the American people. Then, Bush murdered more than 4,000 United States service members. And Bush wounded more than 30,000 United States service members. In torturing prisoners of war, Bush patently violated the Geneva Convention. Bush unlawfully wiretapped United States citizens. In using “signing statements” to challenge hundreds of laws passed by Congress, Bush violated the Constitution. Bush has ignored global warming. Bush is guilty of criminal negligence relative to the response to Hurricane Katrina. Bush disobeys our democratic values and Constitution. Bush is a disgrace to the United States.

    Pelosi is right: Bush is indeed a total failure.

    Submitted by Andrew Yu-Jen Wang
    B.S., Summa Cum Laude, 1996
    Messiah College, Grantham, PA


  3. I’m amazed that you were willing to sign your name to such a venomous load of b.s. And by b.s….I mean complete and utter lies.

    I’m not surprised that you don’t see the irony in the fact that Pelosi, who’s lead congress to the historically low approval rating of 14% since her election as Speaker, would call someone else “a failure”.

    I would respond to your retarded b.s. on a point by point basis, like a did with this imbecile,
    but I really don’t want to lose my cool again. I have a reputation to uphold, you know.


  4. Wow, Andy. You did a great job soaking up everything your professors told you. Too bad you didn’t learn any critical thinking while you were there. I guess it goes to show you how little your degree is worth.

    Bush is the worst president in American history.
    I’m sure you and your freinds believe this. However, when or if you finish growing up, you will realize that understanding the best or worst of history’s leaders comes with a perspective that only time and a full knowledge of all the events during that leader’s tenure. Neither is present here.

    Bush facilitated the 9/11 attacks.
    Utter unsubstaniated nonsense. By repeating this silliness in a serious forum, you have revealed yourself to be an utter neophyte, or a complete fool. I’ll let others decide.

    Subsequently, Bush lied to Congress and the American people relative to the reasons for invading Iraq. Bush purposefully misled Congress and the American people.
    Again, without proof, you are simply a thumbsucking idiot screaming at the adults helping to keep you safe because you never finished adjusting to what the real world has in store for you.

    Then, Bush murdered more than 4,000 United States service members. And Bush wounded more than 30,000 United States service members.
    Wow. All by himself? Damn. All while fooling some of theleft into thinking that he was the biggest idiot to ever occupy the Oval Office. I guess he really is a genius.

    In torturing prisoners of war, Bush patently violated the Geneva Convention.
    I love it when amateurs play lawyer. It reminds me that I really did choose the right profession, because if it was left in the hands of persons like yourself, everyday would be a crisis. You cannot be a “prisoner of war” unless you are captured on the field of battle, IN UNIFORM, fighting another nation. The hadjis were not in uniform, and as such could have been executed as spies, as is allowed in the Geneva Convention. The fact that they are kept alive, fed three squares a day, in air conditioning, and allowed to worship with their holy book and prayer mats says far more about our country and its leader than may ever successfully pierce your impenetrable skull.

    Bush unlawfully wiretapped United States citizens.
    No, intelligence agencies listened to phone calls placed to persons in states that are hostile to our nation and our way of life.

    In using “signing statements” to challenge hundreds of laws passed by Congress, Bush violated the Constitution.
    Congress can pass whatever it likes. If the President does not sign it, a bill does not become a law, and nothing in the Constitution prohibits a signing statement. They did teach you to read at the college, didn’t they?

    Bush has ignored global warming.
    No, Bush has not taken comprehensive steps to ruin the nation’s economy to reduce activity that HAS NOT been demonstrated to have contributed to the event alleged to be global warming, a phenomena which itself is dubuious as temperature readings from oceans around the globe have shown NO increase in ambient temperature for the last 3 years. While Al Gore has a lot of money at stake in the global ponzi scheme of carbon credits, the truth is a lot less exciting, and does little to support the steps that Global Warming Fear Mongers would Impose on out nation and not others. No Chicken Little, the sky is NOT falling.

    Bush is guilty of criminal negligence relative to the response to Hurricane Katrina.
    Sorry. The only way that this statement is possibly true is if you believe that person’s have no responsibility for themselves and that their LOCAL government owes them no responsibilty either. The ones in Mississippi got the hell out of the way, and rebuilt without waiting for Uncle to do it for them, as did the residents of Texas for Ike. Meanwhile, Ray “Chocolate City” Nagin could have mobilized the buses and gotten the residents with no other means out ON HIS OWN, and the local government could have lived up to its own responsibilities for years prior with regard to the levees. So, no, that one’s a non-starter.

    Bush disobeys our democratic values and Constitution.
    Again, no. He has done nothing to injure democracy, and has demonstrated a far greater regard for the Constitution than his contemporaries in Congress.

    Bush is a disgrace to the United States.
    I know that you would like to believe this, and that deep down in the darkest quarters of your brain, the ones you have obviously let lay fallow for too long, you have worked to shield your treasured meme from the wealth of evidence to the contrary. However, as we are still one the few and first on the scene with aid, anywhere in the world when a disaster occurs, should be more than enough to reveal this lie. Don’t confuse the jealousy and anger of other nations who have their own misdeeds or casual inattention brought to light by our actions for some kind of regard that should be sought after and prized when conferred on us.

    Pelosi is right: Bush is indeed a total failure.
    SanFran Nan does know about failure. Her Congress has the lowest approval rating for a Congress EVAH! It is less than HALF of Bush’s approval rating. I think she is projecting, and I think you should have buyer’s remorse for backing the wrong horse.

    Been a pleasure schooling you. Come back when you have learned to think.

    Blackiswhite, Imperial Agent Provocateur
    B.A., Political Science, University of Michigan, With Honors, 1990
    J.D., Cum Laude, Thomas Cooley School of Law, 2001
    LL.M., University of Washington School of Law, 2005


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