Obama “Mad as Hell” Video Montage

Earlier today at the Conversation, John Hayward suggested that “someone should make a list of all the times Obama has claimed he was enraged by some damaging news story he later dismissed, without ever doing anything about it. ”

Just off the top of my head, King Barack the Furious was supposedly “mad as hell” about: his trillion-dollar “stimulus” not producing any jobs, his signature health-care achievement killing millions of insurance policies despite his promises to the contrary, the IRS scandal, the YouTube video that he falsely portrayed as causing the Benghazi riots, CIA officials who supposedly lied to him about the YouTube video causing the Benghazi riots, HealthCareDotGov blowing up on the launch pad, Secret Service agents frolicking with prostitutes in Colombia, and government agencies blowing piles of taxpayer money on frivolities.  I don’t recall if he sent any spokesbots out to claim he was mad as hell about Operation Fast and Furious, but since the media buried that one pretty quickly, maybe he didn’t feel obliged to fake any anger.

Oh, King Barack the Furious feigned outrage at that one, too.

Watch the video.

Courtesy of of our friends at the RNC 

See also, The Conversation: 

Whistleblower retaliation in the VA scandal

 May 19, 2014 12:09 PM PT

It’s just not a proper scandal party until we’ve got alleged retaliation against whistleblowers.  TheColoradoan brings us such a story from Fort Collins, one of several hospitals and clinics involved in the VA scandal:

The whistleblower behind the federal investigation of the Fort Collins Veterans Affairs clinic said she was put on two-week unpaid leave for not “cooking the books” when scheduling appointments.

Lisa Lee, a former Navy reservist now on active duty in Hawaii, told the Coloradoan she and another scheduler were transferred from Fort Collins in March 2013 for refusing to hide wait times between desired appointment dates and actual dates. She said the suspension came after she filed an internal grievance about the transfer and scheduling practices.

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 May 19, 2014 10:00 AM PT

In response to Obama “Madder than Hell” Over VA, But Who Actually Has The Scars?:

As odd as  McDonough’s choice of words were – “I’ve got the scars to prove it” – in Sunday’s interview with CBS News’ Major Garrett, that wasn’t even the first time he used it. He used the same talking points in an interview with CNN, last Thursday.

Obama “Madder than Hell” Over VA, But Who Actually Has The Scars?

 May 18, 2014 9:38 AM PT
When asked on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus said “Hillary Clinton’s age and health are valid campaign issues” should she opt to run for the presidency in 2016.

The question picked up on comments by Karl Rove suggesting Hillary Clinton may have suffered brain damage in 2012.

“I think that health and age is fair game,” Priebus said. “It was fair game for Ronald Reagan. It was fair game for John McCain.”

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3 thoughts on “Obama “Mad as Hell” Video Montage

  1. Nobody should be surprised over this latest incident. Someone needs to demand that the entire White House staff be fired since the President doesn’t ever get any of this bad news through his “official” channels. I guess he’d rather listen to the crowd on television that fawn over him. How many missed 3am phone calls does this make now?

    I’ve maintained for decades now that the dims can never be trusted with any matters that pertain to National Security or the Military. The only time a dim feels that the Military is useful, is when they are utilized as “meals on wheels”. The ROE that they issue and demand that the Military operate under is more considerate of the enemy than our own Troops. It causes many more injuries and deaths than what is necessary.

    When the dims shut down the government the last time, when the entire 18% of the government came to a screeching halt, the People who where mostly targeted were the Military, School children and Veterans. A total of two people ended up getting laid off as the dims promised that thousands would be affected. The ones who suffered the most {at the hands of the dims} were Veterans and KIA Military Families. Fischer House stepped up and fronted the Insurance money to Families of the fallen, because the government refused to do it. Then they shut Veterans out of their own Memorials in Washington. Anything for maximum infliction of pain.

    dims are the least tolerant, most vicious and biggest racists going, they always have been, this regime has just taken it to another level


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