As Homicides Skyrocket in Baltimore, Cops Are Looking To Leave (Video)

Thanks to the racial grievance narrative that was embraced and perpetuated by Obama, Holder, Loretta Lynch, Sharpton, the BlackLivesMatter crowd, and the entire Baltimore city government, Baltimore cops are now feeling harassed and intimidated to the point that they can no longer do their jobs –  and as a result, criminals are running wild.

Everybody is happy – thugs get to do whatever they want, and cops get paid to sit around on their asses and eat donuts. (The ones who haven’t put in their two week notices, that is.)

Crime is skyrocketing in Baltimore. (Remember, it’s a hard and fast rule: Everything bad skyrockets under Obama.)

Megyn Kelly, Wednesday night, ran through the alarming numbers: Homicides are up 40%, non-fatal shootings are up 60%.

“The Western district of the city where the riots took place have seen 22 homicides in just the last four months – that’s more than the entirety of last year. And just today, five more people were shot in a broad daylight gun-battle ranging over a half mile down residential streets. All of this happens while arrests are down 32%, and police reps say the rank and file feel alienated by this prosecutor and are concerned about doing their jobs.”

Kelly went on to say that the Mayor and the police chief have come out to say that the police are not “holding back.”

Kelly’s guest, former LAPD detective Mark Fuhrman explained what is going on.

“They’re not holding back – they’re being very cautious about following all the rules. They know nobody’s got their back in the city government, their own police chief’s going to throw them under the bus – so they’re doing everything by the book – they’re answering the radio calls and they’re making no proactive stops. They’re not getting out and shaking people down, wondering what people are doing, searching people – looking for guns, drugs — they’re basically just answering the calls for service,” Fuhrman said.  “And this is exactly what the city government gets. They get a police department that answers the cat-in-the-tree call – and that’s it.”

Megyn Kelly noted that in the course of doing their jobs, cops now have to worry that one mistake they make could “turn into charges of false arrest, false imprisonment, and the loss of their freedom.”

She added, “we’re already hearing from some of our Baltimore police officer sources that they’re looking to leave this police force.”

Fuhrman “well, that’s what’s going to happen. The only people you’re going to have left are the people that are either going to do nothing and just agree with the administration (weasels who will probably end up being on the take) or they’re going to leave the department. Officers are actually going to find better places to go that actually respect them and actually back them when they actually do lawful arrests – actually do their job.

(Way to go Fuhrman! You said “actually” 5 times in one sentence!) 

Fuhrman continued, “Megyn you have to see what’s going on here. You have two dynamics. You have the city administration and every government official in Baltimore trying to get police scalps. They are not throwing them under the bus – they’re trying to get scalps. Now, while that’s going on, all the gang members, all the drug dealers, all the two bit criminals, all the wannabes – it’s vacation! They know they’ll be able to take advantage of the police not wanting to be in the area because they are the target of these gang members and drug dealers and they’re also the target of their own administration – so they’re going to pull back, they’re going to do their job, and they’re going to stay out of trouble.”

Kelly concluded by noting that the prosecutor Marilyn Mosby sat down with Vogue magazine while the city is awash in murders she should be prosecuting.

One thought on “As Homicides Skyrocket in Baltimore, Cops Are Looking To Leave (Video)

  1. Pingback: Baltimore Cops Say They’re Giving the People What They Want – “a Softer, Less Aggressive Police Dept” | Nice Deb

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