Ambassador to Dominican Republic Threw Big ol’ Gay Pool Party at Embassy To Celebrate SCOTUS Decision

gay pool party

In the wake of the Supreme Court decision on same sex marriage, America’s top diplomat in the Dominican Republic showed his “gay pride” by throwing a fabulous pool party – with bevy of hot studs – at the embassy pool.

US Ambassador James “Wally” Brewster, a major fundraiser for Obama’s 2012 campaign, has been the Dominican Republic’s top diplomat since November of 2013.

Brewster formerly served on the national board of directors for the Human Rights Campaign, the radical gay rights group that *illegally obtained from the IRS, the confidential donor list of the National Organization for Marriage.

“My first pool party celebrating equality !!!” the diplomat’s husband, Bob J. Satawake gushed in a Facebook post.

When Obama announced Brewster’s appointment in June of 2013, scandalized religious groups in the majority Catholic country protested.

Church leaders considered it a sign of a lack of respect from Obama.

CNN reported in November of 2013:

“He has not considered the particularities of our people. The United States is trying to impose on us marriage between gays and lesbians as well as adoption by these couples,” said Father Luis Rosario, director of youth ministries for the church.

Cardinal Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez has also criticized Brewster’s selection several times since Obama announced his appointment over the summer.

Local media reported that an evangelical church called for “black Monday” protests, asking people to show their opposition to Brewster by tying black ribbons on their cars, according to local media reports.

Fast forward two years and you can see how this exquisite, culturally sensitive appointment is working out in the 68.9% Roman Catholic country.

Via Diario Libra: (with rough Google translation):

As part of the celebration, the US ambassador to RD, Wally Brewster, held a meeting at the pool of the embassy, on 28 June, LGBT Pride Day. ” My first pool party celebrating equality !!!  is the text accompanying the picture of activity, published in the Facebook profile diplomat husband, Bob J. Satawake.

Hat tip: The Diplomad:

*Hans Von Spakovsky and John Fund reported last July on the corrupt collusion between Obama’s IRS and the Human Right’s campaign and the resulting wrist slap they received:

Despite its agreement to settle a lawsuit filed by the National Organization for Marriage against the IRS for the illegal disclosure of confidential tax information, it has not prosecuted any of the individuals or organizations who illegally disclosed and published that information.

The IRS, which was represented by Justice Department lawyers in the civil case, agreed to pay NOM $50,000 at the end of June over the agency’s illegal disclosure of confidential tax return information. 501(c)(4) organizations like NOM are required to file an IRS tax form, Schedule B, listing all of their donors who have contributed more than $5,000. But under federal law, that information is not available to the public since forced disclosure would obviously violate the First Amendment rights of the organization.

In March of 2012, NOM discovered that its Schedule B with all of its confidential information had been posted on the website of the Human Rights Campaign and the Huffington Post, disclosing the names and addresses of major donors. NOM is a conservative organization trying to preserve traditional marriage and the Human Rights Campaign is a very liberal, pro-gay rights organization that is a big ally of the Obama administration and devoted political enemy of NOM. In fact, HRC’s president at the time was Joe Solmonese, the co-chair of President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign. This list generated stories such as in the Huffington Post critical of Mitt Romney because a political action committee linked to Romney had contributed to NOM.

The IRS Scandal Now an Obama DOJ and FBI Scandal (Video)

Documents released by Judicial Watch Tuesday showed the Department of Justice colluding with the Internal Revenue Service to cook up criminal prosecutions of targeted non-profit conservative groups, begging the question of how the DOJ can possible investigate a scandal that it was involved with itself.

Via PJ Media: 

The newly obtained records include an official “DOJ Recap” report detailing an October 2010 meeting between Lois Lerner, DOJ officials and the FBI. The documents also reveal that the Obama DOJ wanted IRS employees who were going to testify to Congress to turn over documents to the DOJ before giving them to Congress.

Records also detail how the Obama IRS gave the FBI 21 computer disks, containing 1.25 million pages of confidential IRS returns from 113,000 nonprofit social 501(c)(4) welfare groups  – or nearly every 501(c)(4) in the United States – as part of its prosecution effort. According to a letter from then-House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) to IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, “This revelation likely means that the IRS – including possibly Lois Lerner – violated federal tax law by transmitting this information to the Justice Department.”

The documents were produced subsequent to courtorders in two Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits: Judicial Watch v. Internal Revenue Service (No. 1:14-cv-1956) and Judicial Watch v. Department of Justice (No. 1:14-cv-1239).

“These new documents show that the Obama IRS scandal is also an Obama DOJ and FBI scandal,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The FBI and Justice Department worked with Lois Lerner and the IRS to concoct some reason to put President Obama’s opponents in jail before his reelection. And this abuse resulted in the FBI’s illegally obtaining confidential taxpayer information. How can the Justice Department and FBI investigate the very scandal in which they are implicated?”

In January of 2014, Senator Ted Cruz sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder asking for the Justice Department to appoint a special prosecutor to look into actions by the tax-collecting agency.

Fox News Political analyst Monica Crowly was on Fox News to talk about this weaponization of federal agencies to target Obama’s enemies.

“This now cries out for a Special Prosecutor,” Crowley said. “Because obviously we’re not going to get answers if left to the congressional members of congress -who were trying to get answers, but can’t because the administration continues to stonewall.”

Our Watcher’s Council Nominations – Down To The River Edition

In view of recent events…

Welcome to the Watcher’s Council, a blogging group consisting of some of the most incisive blogs in the ‘sphere, and the longest running group of its kind in existence. Every week, the members nominate two posts each, one written by themselves and one written by someone from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council.Then we vote on the best two posts, with the results appearing on Friday morning.

Council News:

This week, The Pirate’s Cove, Wolf Howling, Gates Of Vienna and Seraphic Secret earned honorable mention status with some great articles.

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Simple, no?

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Our Watcher’s Council nominations, this week….

Council Submissions

Honorable Mentions

Non-Council Submissions

  • The Free Beacon

FLASHBACK: Clinton Son-in-Law Bet Big on Greek Recovery submitted by Don Surber

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Ralph Peters: Obama’s ‘Cognitive Dissonance’ Preventing Him From Dealing Effectively With ISIS

Lt. Col. Ralph Peters was on the O’Reilly Factor, Tuesday night to talk about Obama’s latest bland and stupid mutterings on ISIS (or ISIL as he insists on calling them.)

“No amount of military force will end the terror that is ISIL,” Obama lectured, frequently looking down at his notes because TOTUS was apparently in the shop.

“He’s right about one thing,” Peters said after listening to the clip.  “There are underlying problems which, as you pointed out, we can’t fix. And the underlying problems are the collapse of the civilization. We can’t do anything about that. What we can do – is go after our enemies. He knows how many foreign fighters are flocking to their standards.

Peters noted that Obama gets high level briefings – ‘”above top secret” – every day.

“He knows how serious Islamic State is. He knows how deep the caliphate’s roots are going. He knows how many sympathizers there are. But he’s got a problem – it’s cognitive dissonance – he knows there’s a problem – but he can’t bring himself to accept that there’s only a military solution and we have two thousand years of evidence of religious insurgencies in every major religion. None has been put down with empathy, aid, and negotiations. You can’t negotiate with cobras.”

Worrying that ISIS could take very well take Damascus, Peters said,  “the military can’t be a Pollyanna like Obama is. You’ve got to prepare for the worst thing that could conceivably happen…”

“The American people are willing to vote for a Pollyanna, these days, Ralph,” O’Reilly interrupted.

And he’s right. We get the leaders we deserve, and though it’s hard to conceive of anybody worse than Obama – the American voter will likely continue their appalling lack of common sense, decency and judgement in 2016.