Bizarre New Super PAC Ad Has Kasich Winning the Nomination at Convention

I wrote a post at PJ Media not too long ago about Kashich’s – uh – unseemly evolution from thinking the idea of a brokered/contested convention was “cockamamie” only a couple of months ago – to where he is these days – bringing it up in interviews as something that will be really fun – a really “cool” civics lesson for the kiddies.

Now a pro- Kasich Super PAC is openly fantasizing about the Ohio governor winning the nomination at a contested convention with a new ad that is being called, “weird”, “weak” and “kinda sad.”

It’s all those things with an emphasis on SAD:

In case you didn’t know, the Kasich campaign was scoffing at the idea of a brokered convention back in February:

During a conference call with reporters, the Ohio governor’s senior strategist John Weaver called the idea “cockamamie” and dismissed a New York Times story describing Kasich advisers quietly seeking support for the strategy. Instead, Weaver described a path — one that many establishment Republicans have in turn described as cockamamie — to hang on by a thread through unfriendly Super Tuesday contests and out-wait other faltering rivals to wind up in a head-to-head race with Trump.

Then, he said, Kasich could win the nomination on the convention’s first ballot.

Kasich failed to win a single state in the Super Tuesday contests on March 1, and only managed to secure 21 of the 595 delegates.

The next day on the Hugh Hewitt Show, Kasich suggested that he hadn’t given much thought to the prospect of a brokered convention and pretended he had barely even heard of such a thing: “I don’t know what they call it — some call it brokered — there’s other names for the convention,” Kasich said haltingly. “Is that a possibility? Anything’s a possibility in this year. But I don’t really anticipate that happening,” he said, still insistent that he was the guy who would secure the 1,237 delegates needed to win the nomination (even though it was mathematically impossible at that point.)

Now, we’ve gotten to the point where not only do they “anticipate that happening,” they actually anticipate that the perennial also-ran will come out on top.

Maybe that’s why Kasich is already vetting V.P. candidates.

Just when you think his campaign can not get any more delusional….it gets even more delusional.