Democrat sets up fake “Nazi Skinheads for McCain” group (posted by Beth)

What a jaw-droppingly stupid stunt.

A political group registered last week with the Internal Revenue Service, “Nazi Skinheads for McCain 2008,” is aimed at skewering the presumptive Republican nominee, not backing him, an organizer said yesterday.

“I’m not a Nazi skinhead. I’m not a McCain supporter, either,” an unemployed software designer from Jacksonville, Fla., Kier O’Neil told The New York Sun Tuesday. “I’m kind of a disaffected Republican. I would rather have pretty much anybody in office than to have a Republican back in office.”

“Disaffected Republican.” Riiiiiight. This guy has to be the stupidest tool ever to have embarked upon a lame dirty trickster campaign. Hello, Kier O’Neil. How’s that volunteer work for the Democrats working out for you?

* clicky *
Democrat Kier O'Neil sets up fake Nazis for McCain site
OOPS! Nice try, douchebag.

Another genius Obama voter?
Democrat Kier O'Neil

hat tip Thanks to TC
