Lefty Predicts “Right Wing Crazies” Will Go On Violent Rampage, Start Civil War, If Obama Is Elected

Oh shoot…they’re on to us!

This is via Firedoglake:

If there is a President Obama come next Jan. 20, normal folks better brace for what the right-wing crazies have in mind. Because it’s becoming clear that they are winding themselves up now for a fresh spate of violence if Obama wins.

When was the last spate of right wing violence? When Janet Reno firebombed the Branch Davidians in Waco, TX?

In any event, a pattern is already developing, ranging from the Klan fellows who promise that Obama will be shot to the white supremacists who are actually rooting for him to win because they’re certain he will fail. We’re hearing a lot of language from the racist and “Patriot” right indicating that they expect a Democratic president to enact policies (particularly regarding gun control) that will inspire “civil war.” Which means they are looking for excuses to act out.

As always with these folks, there’s a lot of projection going on here. Because even if a President Obama follows only the most moderate of liberal agendas, the far right will look upon those policies as cause for “civil war.” That was how they responded to Bill Clinton, after all — a white male Southerner with generally conservative leanings. One can only imagine how a liberal black man from Illinois would fare.

Holy moly! Projection, he says? Who are the folks actually talking about crashing, disrupting and rioting at the Democrat and Republican conventions? Hint: They’re not right wing crazies.

The extremist right went into remission, largely, with the election of George W. Bush; militias disbanded because their followers believed the threat of an oppressive, gun-grabbing, baby-killing “New World Order” had largely passed. They bided their time by forming Minutemen brigades. Now they can see that their “safe” era is coming to an end.

All this time, there really has been hankering for an excuse to start acting out violently, and they see any Democratic presidency as providing that excuse. But an Obama presidency in particular will do so.

My word, but that is some mighty fine paranoid-delusional crazy, right there.

Well, there is indeed a potential threat looming after this election in which terrorists will make ordinary people feel unsafe about going to places like malls — just like they did in the 1990s.

WTF? I don’t remember being afraid to go to malls in the nineties.

But they won’t be Arabs coming from Baghdad. They’ll be little Timmy McVeighs from Buffalo.


You just knew McVeigh would be mentioned. It’s always him and the abortion clinic bomber. They pretty much describe the whole right wing to these people.

The extremist right went into remission, largely, with the election of George W. Bush; militias disbanded because their followers believed the threat of an oppressive, gun-grabbing, baby-killing “New World Order” had largely passed. They bided their time by forming Minutemen brigades. Now they can see that their “safe” era is coming to an end. All this time, there really has been hankering for an excuse to start acting out violently, and they see any Democratic presidency as providing that excuse. But an Obama presidency in particular will do so.


Then again, to the folks on the right, that doesn’t seem to be a problem. To the rest of us, well, we had better be prepared. I think we’ll all find that the “law enforcement approach to terrorism” is a lot more effective than those same right-wingers have been telling us the past few years.

That last bit sounds like a veiled (dare I say) fascist threat.

Here’s what one of their clear eyed, not in the least bit crazy commenters said:

Even if the next generation of Christianist jihaddis manage to blow something up, hard right rethugs would still try to blame the attack on muslims, or perhaps on us…. and the press will buy into it.

Yessiree! We all know who the real enemies of the State are. Those darn Christianists!

Huh, fancy that.

Hat tip: Weasel Zippers

11 thoughts on “Lefty Predicts “Right Wing Crazies” Will Go On Violent Rampage, Start Civil War, If Obama Is Elected

  1. The Left truly, truly doesn’t understand anything about mainstream conservatism. Most conservatives have grown up with a huge amount of exposure to liberal ideals and thought processes, so we have a pretty fair idea what’s going through the opposition’s minds. The Left? They have built these extremist caricatures up in their heads, and that’s how they conceive of the Right.

    I think we’ll all find that the “law enforcement approach to terrorism” is a lot more effective than those same right-wingers have been telling us the past few years.

    This boggles the mind. Nobody ever said that law enforcement didn’t have a significant role in the suppression of terrorism, it just couldn’t handle situations like Afghanistan, where the state was sponsoring terrorism and wouldn’t allow law enforcement to act. Certainly we have had extremely effective law enforcement over the past 7 years, working on an international basis, and complementing our military efforts.

    The Left never understood that.


  2. I Niewert’s essay might be a roundabout accidental acknowledgment that the left has behaved very badly over the past eight years, and that what has happened and what will happen in the next few months, during the nomination and election process, is justified because we right-wingers will be dishing out the same or worse.

    I’m glad to know all us right wingers are chomping at the bit to start some violence. Makes me feel just like my heroes from A Clockwork Orange. I’d better run out and get some more guns to cling to, right now.


  3. I’m bracing for the riots if Obambi loses. It will naturally be because all of us conservative types are racist nutjobs. But of course, WE won’t be burning our neighborhoods to the ground if Obambi wins.


  4. That was how they responded to Bill Clinton, after all

    Wait a sec, did you guys throw a civil war during the Clinton Era and forget to invite me?!? Dammit, I’m always the last to find out these things!!!


  5. My guns are cleaned and I have plenty of ammo. Unfortunately, one can only hunt varmints this time of year. . . and Pennsylvania doesn’t consider “liberals” as a game animal.


  6. Humm, I don’t think that the portion of the American public that has the most recent record of rioting and burning down parts of cities is the right wing white guys.


  7. The extremist right went into remission, largely, with the election of George W. Bush; militias disbanded because their followers believed the threat of an oppressive, gun-grabbing, baby-killing “New World Order” had largely passed.

    Really? I thought they went into remission at the point when the average meeting contained 30% undercover Federal LEOs, 25% undercover state LEOs, 20% undercover local LEOs, 20% undercover journalists, and 5% guys who wandered into the wrong room by accident.

    By the way, is my memory playing tricks on me or did the ‘militias’ become a problem when George HW Bush was still in office?


  8. Pingback: Michelle Malkin » Obama advocating concealed handguns? Only rhetorically.

  9. Sorry binz, I had to delete your comment because of its profound profanity, and gratuitous insults.

    Feel free to try again.

    But keep in mind that one lone wacko is not a violent rampage of rightwing crazies starting a civil war. We have always seen the occasional, unstable, dangerous lunatic and they come in various political stripes, (Like the uni-bomber). However, it’s the leftwing crazies who are the biggest threat to our peace and tranquility, as this government document attests.

    That’s all we’re saying.


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