Father Of The Year’s Hunt For Wild Asparagus Disrupted

An Iowa man was arrested for child endangerment when he left two kids, a 2 year old and a five year old, along the side a busy highway so he could go hunt for “asparagus”.

Authorities says the man’s 5-year-old niece was outside the car crying when the passer-by stopped to help. The man’s 2-year-old son was asleep in the back seat.

Chief Deputy Duane Bates said the man was in a ditch about a half mile from the car. He didn’t have any wild asparagus when the deputy found him.

But when they searched his car, they did find some of this:as well as drug paraphernalia.

The man, who also was charged with drug possession, was released from the county jail after posting bond.


Hat tip: Crime Scene KC.