Democrats for McCain

Drip drip drip…. a few drops in the bucket could become a deluge:

Wisconsin Delegate’s Reversal Stuns Party:

As an avid supporter of Hillary Rodham Clinton in the Democratic primaries, Debra Bartoshevich is not alone in her frustration over Clinton’s defeat.

She’s not alone in refusing to support Barack Obama.

And she’s not entirely alone in saying she’ll vote this fall for Republican John McCain instead.

But what makes her unusual is that she holds these views as an elected delegate to the Democratic National Convention in Denver this summer.

Marc Ambinder reported on another disgruntled Hillary supporter only a few days ago:

The co-chair of Iowa Students for Hillary is endorsing John McCain for reasons you can read about here. On the one hand, these stories are flies in the forest — individual folks making their own choices. But the Clinton community is tight-knit. When folks go off the reservation, other folks follow.

And another one, here.

Then there was of course the Governor of Iowa, Ted Strickland who has unequivocally ruled out being Barry’s running mate.

And Tennessee superdelegates State Rep. Lincoln Davis, U.S. Rep. Bart Gordon (D-Murfreesboro) and former Vice President Al Gore have also not endorsed Obama.

Davis is “unsure” about the Democrat nominee for President. And his colleague in the TN legislature, Ted Hobbs famously quipped:

“Maybe [it’s] the same reason I don’t want to — I don’t exactly approve of a lot of the things he stands for and I’m not sure we know enough about him,” Hobbs said when asked why he thought Davis wasn’t endorsing Obama. “He’s got some bad connections, and he may be terrorist connected for all I can tell. It sounds kind of like he may be.”

Democrats at Pro-Hillary No Quarter and Hillbuzz are openly hostile to Obama, and are not shy about voicing their support of McCain…

I guess I should include Joementum, too.

Again, just a drop in the bucket, now, but this dislike of Obama, and support for McCain could become Niagra Falls, as people get to know Obama better.

The Republican Party is shrewdly, (for a change) taking advantage of this opportunity:

In a telephone interview with WorldNetDaily, a McCain spokesman said his campaign is sponsoring “big re-registration drives” currently underway “in key states like California” to re-register Democrats and independents who would then vote for McCain.

“We’re doing a re-registration drive” for Democrats “to re-register as Republicans so their votes do count when they vote for John McCain,” the spokesman said. “That’s kind of one of our big issues.

“I can’t really tell you we do it all the time, but we do as much as we can so that we can get the message out in states where your vote does not count,” the spokesman said. The effort is specifically “directed at Democrats and independents who are registered to vote in the primaries in their state.”

Danielle Clermont, spokesman for the South Carolina Democratic Party confirmed to WorldNetDaily that McCain campaign operatives were actively soliciting Democratic and independent voters for the state’s upcoming GOP primary this weekend.

Anyway, it’s something to keep an eye on in the upcoming months.

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