Obama’s Race Card Subterfuge

(Race Card “borrowed” from Cassandra at Villainous Company)

The “post racial” Obama is now telling his supporters to look for Republicans to use his race against him:

“It is going to be very difficult for Republicans to run on their stewardship of the economy or their outstanding foreign policy,” Obama told a fundraiser in Jacksonville, Florida. “We know what kind of campaign they’re going to run. They’re going to try to make you afraid.

“They’re going to try to make you afraid of me. He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name. And did I mention he’s black?”

Yeah, Republicansaresowellknownfortheirfearofblacks. That’s why the Republicans keep appointing them to ground breaking positions….to keep them “placated”.

Never-mind that McCain has made clear that he is not interested in doing any negative campaigning at all, not even when warranted.

Never-mind that the only real race-baiting took place on the Democrat side during the Democrat primaries.

This is merely Obama’s way of tainting any attempts on the Republican side to bring up Obama’s genuinely scary radical and Commie associations as “racist” allegations. But a clear eyed look at the man’s biography is enough to send shivers down even a few “progressive’s” spines.

It’s also his way of preparing his followers for what lies ahead. (There will be scurrilous, ‘untrue’, nasty things said about him, and it will all be because he’s black).

I hope Republicans aren’t cowed by these rather heavy handed attempts of Obama’s to keep the spotlight off of his history as a man of the uber-left. Negative campaigning is about all we’ve got this election cycle.

The bottom line is, I don’t fear Obama because he’s black. I fear him because I think he’s a C-o-m-m-u-n-i-s-t.

‘Nuff said.

Hat tips to It’s Vintage Duh at DoublePlusUndead, and Villainous Company.


Baldilocks is on the same wavelength as me here, saying:

Most people couldn’t care less about your name and your color, Senator Obama. They fear being lead by you because you have no substantive legislative record, you’re a chronic liar and, after explicitly stating that you choose your friends carefully, you have repeatedly and systematically made friends with people who hate this country.

You would “bridge the divide,” Senator, by burning that bridge.

Folks, don’t let this Sower of Discord shut you up.


Audio here. Yup, he said it, to great applause, too.

Like the true disciple that he is, Obama was using Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals:

Alinsky laid out a set of basic principles to guide the actions and decisions of radical organizers and the People’s Organizations they established. The organizer, he said, “must first rub raw the resentments of the people; fan the latent hostilities to the point of overt expression. He must search out controversy and issues, rather than avoid them, for unless there is controversy people are not concerned enough to act.

The man is anything but a “uniter”.


It looks like a great many of the Cotillion gals have weighed in on “Obama’s Race Card”:

Fausta has a good round-up at her blog, as does Little Miss Attila, who  is now calling it Melanin -Gate.

13 thoughts on “Obama’s Race Card Subterfuge

  1. The only three reasons to vote for Obama are: 1) he’s a good-looking guy; 2) he’s an impressive orator; and 3) he’s black. If he doesn’t keep #3 as an issue, he doesn’t have much to talk about.


  2. I agree with geoff that Obama is an impressive orator — as long as he’s reading from a script. But he ain’t black. He should be referred to as the the first half white Marxist candidate for president.

    He does wear a mean bicycle helmet though.


  3. Another “Democrat Speak” Lesson…….

    Not voting or not supporting Obama = RACIST

    To criticize or ask tough questions of Obama = RACIST


  4. Pingback: Here Comes The Race Card » Right Pundits

  5. Pingback: Obama’s Berlin Speech Fact Checked « Nice Deb

  6. Pingback: Obama’s Race Card Follies! « Nice Deb

  7. Obama and his campaign exploited ‘political correctness’ by accusing anybody who disagreed with him of being a racist … while still reserving the right for Obama and his supporters to act like racists themselves whenever it served them.
    This kept Hillary, the media, and other opponents from fighting back, for fear of being labeled a racist. John McCain however is not allowing Obama to push him around in this way, so congratulations Senator McCain, for having the guts to stand up to Obama’s racism … and for standing up to Obama’s falsely accusing others of being a racist.


  8. McCain needs to come out with an ad where he looks directly at the camera and states the following:

    I would like to address my fellow senator, Presidential candidate and friend Barack Obama.

    Senator Obama, everyone in this country knows that you’re black. Everyone in this country knows that you have an unusual name.

    And you know what? No one cares.

    This may come as a shock to you but it’s the truth. With very, very few exceptions, the people of this great country do not take skin color or name into account when choosing a President.

    So, if you want, you can stop bringing up those two obvious and completely irrelevant facts as we continue this campaign.

    Voters want to know about experience, leadership, judgment and integrity and that is and will remain the focus of our campaign.

    The voters in this country would appreciate it if you would make it yours.


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