Obama Too Busy To Attend Annual Memorial Service For Fallen Police Officers

The Washington Times reported:

Sunday, May 15 is the 30th annual Peace Officers Memorial Service. Law enforcement from all over the country gathered in Washington for National Police Week to honor fallen comrades-in-arms. Too bad President Obama couldn’t be there.

Despite being invited to speak to the widows, children and friends of the 165 officers recognized this year as killed in the line of duty, he somehow didn’t think it was important to trek the two miles from the White House to the Capitol Building to participate.

He did  manage  to find time to speak at the memorial service,  last year, (although the cynics among us might claim that after insulting the Cambridge Police Dept, it was out of political expediency.)

You would think that after insulting the police by hosting cop killer fan, Common, at the White House poetry slam last week, the same political considerations would be made, this year.

President Bush only missed one Peace Officers Memorial Service during his eight years in the White House. In 2008, he was in Jerusalem making his attendance impossible.

So what was so important, yesterday, that it took the place of honoring the men and women who had fallen in the line of duty?

Obama Goes Golfing For 7th Straight Week, 68th Round Since Taking Office…

8 thoughts on “Obama Too Busy To Attend Annual Memorial Service For Fallen Police Officers

  1. Since obama probably assumes he’ll only need Secret Service the rest of his life, he doesn’t care that he’s insulted so many, if not all, police dept.s in the country.


  2. Pingback: Video shows pro-Palestine/anti-Israel movement disrupting Pastor John Hagee’s event in support of Israel. | Questioning With Boldness…

  3. As a former cop myself I would prefer that he didn’t stink up the air at so important and solemn an event. The Fallen Officers should recieve the attention, not that pencil neck lil’ fembot.


  4. If it isn’t obvious to all that he has no respect for law enforcement or the military, you must simply be blinded by the glare of your admiration for this neophyte fool.
    And on an unrelated matter, his comments about Israel and futile efforts in the Middle East show him to be an even bigger bungler than Jimmy Carter.
    Carter withdrew support from the Shaw of Iran and began this process. What Carter started, Obama intends to finish, much to the demise of the USA and Europe. Send him packing in 2012.


  5. Bush quit golfing in 2003, out of respect for the efforts made my our service men & women. Obummer goes golfing when he should be paying his respects to our fallen Officers. Maybe it is because he thinks these fallen Officers acted stupidly and got themselves killed while defending others?


  6. . Lack of respect on behalf of Obama not reconizing fallen police men in the United States is an outrage! We should all be very Appalled, to say the least. I don’t care what party he is for, do not vote him in again. I am beginning to feel we are being set up for a takeover from another country and Obama is part of it. Maybe the root of it is religion? It’s obvious to many that he is a communist and wants to be a dictator. His lack of respect and his cross his crotch instead of his heart to the national anthem should give people a clue. Color has nothing to do with this so calling the race card does not work, it’s bs. I feel the civil war coming and everyone needs to arm themselves and be ready. We need a president that is worthy to be a president to begin with not paid in, backed by who knows, it could be the muslim radicals themselves. This president is doing everything he can to cripple our country financially and now slam and insult our military, our police officers . Be suspicious of him and his motives. He is not your friend and acts more like a trator to the United States than our president. He is an excellent speaker, he reads from the monitor very well, this should not give him any power but reveal him as a puppet of a much bigger organization. Wake Up America before you loose America. Stop educating other countries in our schools. We the Americans should come first. Period. We are weakening ourselves. The past of letting anyone in the United states should be in the past, we have a crisis with other countries planting people in our country for a take over. U.S. should not send any money to other countries for any wars. I do not feel I can make any difference only to state my opinion and the ability to see into the future in my visions.


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