Saturday Movie Matinee

Leave it to Charles Krauthammer on Fox’s Special Report, to explain how Obama’s speech about  Israel and the Palestinians differs from what has been said in the past. He notes that Obama undermined Israel in three major areas:

Via Human Events: Socialist Senator Sanders Hawks His Book Like an Evil Capitalist:

Via White House Dossier: Obama Gas Station:

Via iOWNTHEWORLD: The ‘Hope and Change’ Sticky Note Campaign:

Beyond the Headlines: The Debt Ceiling:

I drove to St. Louis (in the pouring rain on Friday to meet up with some longtime internet friends, and when I lost all the a.m. stations (between Columbia and St. Louis) I had to resort to f.m. Normally I listen to classic rock, but I found a classic music station that played absolutely sublime pieces like this one:

 Henry V

  Patrick Doyle, arr: J.De Meij

I thoroughly enjoyed that.

Senator John Thune joined host Bill Hemmer on FOX earlier this week to discuss the budget.

This last one was definitely worth waiting for:

Via rdbrewer at AoSHQ: Menthos Heat-seeking missile: