Obama’s Pearl Harbor Gaffe

Far be it from me to stick up for Barack Obama, after everything I’ve said about him. But come on guys…( Hot Air, LGF)….this doesn’t strike me as any big deal:

I think he lost his place there…was momentarily confused…found his place again…went on without correcting himself. A minor gaffe, imo. I don’t think for a moment that Obama doesn’t realize that more than one bomb fell on Pearl Harbor.

Look, Candidates running for high office give hundreds of speeches. They are going to make some mistakes. They’re human….yes even the “Messiah” is human.

let’s be fair.

4 thoughts on “Obama’s Pearl Harbor Gaffe

  1. Pingback: a bomb

  2. Deb, it would be a quick chuckle moment and nothing more…if Obama hadn’t made so many such gaffes to this point in his campaign.

    Remember how the Left skewered Reagan’s misquotation of John Adams’s “Facts are stubborn things” — a bobble he corrected immediately? Remember how the press failed even to mention that Al Gore confused Michael Jordan with Michael Jackson, or that he misquoted the Gospels several times, or that, standing in front of the Jefferson Memorial, he asked an aide, “Who’s this guy?”

    It’s time to counterattack.


  3. Yes, I remember those things, and they all happened before the internet.

    We all know the MSM is on his side. That doesn’t mean we have to lose our moral core and play by the same sordid rules, the left does. I believe in being tough, but fair.

    I think this was a minor gaffe that doesn’t deserve a lot of attention. And no, of course the MSM would jump on McCain if he had done that, but right is right, and wrong is wrong.

    I’m not against recognizing this as a minor gaffe. Michelle Malkin had a whole list of his gaffes up at her site, awhile back, where it belongs.

    But I still don’t see it as that big a deal. It’s wrong to imply that he’s so dense, he thinks only one bomb fell at Pearl Harbor.


  4. Agreed Deb. It’s a mistake, not a gaffe. Jesse Jackson committed a gaffe, and unintentionally set a high bar for that term.


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