Saturday Movie Matinee: Into the Fog

Back after a two week holiday hiatus, the Saturday Movie Matinee is back.


PJTV: 2016: Into the Fog — Obama, Hillary, Trump, & Space Exploration:

TRIGGER WARNING:  Obama’s New Year’s resolution: Action on unfinished business:

Best of Bill Whittle Uncensored at West Palm Beach Activist Conference:

Wherein Bill goes off on SJWs.

Speaking of which:

Paul Joseph Watson: Top 5 Libtard Fails of 2015:

Fox News: “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” Named One Of “The Biggest Pinocchios Of 2015”


A SJW on Reddit leaves the cult:

Changing was a long process. I initially got into SJW groups sort of through popularity- feminism was supposed to be THE thing for equality, and I wanted everyone to be treated well, so I joined a bunch of feminist forums, which branched into more garden variety SJW circles. Initially I had no idea there was a dark side to it.
I had some weird views before; I think in a lot of ways I was a stereotypical white knight. I was depressed at the time, and being applauded for being progressive definitely was an ego boost. Fighting people I perceived as bigoted made me feel better about myself. My SJW tendencies were based mostly out of self loathing- I felt weird, like an outcast, had never had a girlfriend, hated myself, and thought that I was fixing myself by jumping deep into feminism. I armed myself with a lot of bad statistics (like the 1 in 4 rape stat) and felt smart because of it.
After a while it becomes second nature; you just sort of convince yourself that you’re on the right side and see your opponent as a stereotype out of reflex. That can happen here too, but SJW’s actively encourage it. You become utterly convinced that you’re part of an elite, enlightened group fighting an aging generation of uneducated racists and sexists.
But eventually I started to realize that I had incomplete information. I lost a lot of arguments to people I’d stereotyped as being dumb. The people I called allies just jumped to ad hominem attacks and semantic arguments, and that made them secure in their beliefs. That’s how they operate; when they lose, their mental gymnastics aren’t supposed to convince you. It’s to convince themselves, to justify not changing their sources or beliefs. And it’s very effective at that. It worked for me for a while.
But eventually it wasn’t enough for me. I started trying to revise feminist arguments with new, accurate sources. I’d correct people on my own side on forums and whatnot. They hatedthat, and jumped right to calling me a rape apologist and a woman hater. I was blown away, it contradicted my notion that we were the logical side.
Keep reading at the link…
I can’t help but share this amazing anonymous smackdown of the odious cult of social justice with readers. It’s currently doing the rounds on Twitter and reddit. If anyone knows the author, do get in touch…

“We are fighting to end hate, to unite as one and love each other. We are fighting to be treated right without discrimination and for everyone to have equal opportunities.”

Bullshit. You have no quantifiable metrics for injustice, so you have no victory conditions (for a very simplified example, when blacks hold X% of all engineering jobs and are only Y% of all prisoners, racism is ended). That would be fine by itself, but you believe in fighting injustice with injustice (gays have historically been denied gay marriage? let’s get random CEOs fired for opinions they held six years ago). You don’t seek converts, you seek to punish and bully – straight white males who disagree with you must be purged and publicly humiliated. Even the jihadists will spare you if you convert; no apology or future correction will satisfy a SJW.

I could forgive that too if you weren’t all hypocrites and liars. Your treatment of women and minority dissenters is appalling; if they don’t want you acting on their behalf, that’s their choice, not “internalized patriarchy” or whatever. You rob them of moral agency. When called out for these behaviors (as you always insist on calling out others), you lie. You strawman your opponents (criticized a woman? misogynist!), you group them with the worst (you’re a gamer? you’re as bad as the anonymous rape threateners!) and when confronted with your own flaws, you restate them less threateningly (motte and bailey argument). You phrase all arguments as kafkatraps (disagreeing with your assertion that we are evil is taken as proof that we’re evil). You publish manipulated and misleading statistics, then lambast anyone who questions them.

Colin Flaherty: Black Mob Violence at Christmas: 14 Episodes at Malls in Three Days:

Colin Flaherty: Black Mob preys on old people in Florida:

Colin Flaherty: White College Girl Killed by Carful of Black People with a Gun

Colin Flaherty: Believe It Or Not: Black City Councilman Wants Black People to Throw Rocks at Cops:

If 2015 was the year Americans wised up to the SJW mob, let 2016 be the year they wise up to the black grievance mob and “the biggest lie of our generation”–  which is — blacks are relentless victims of relentless white violence and oppression – when the opposite is true.

Black crime and violence against whites, gays, women, seniors, young people and lots of others is astronomically out of proportion.

It just won’t quit. Neither will the excuses. Or the denials. Or the black on white hostility. Or those who encourage it.

A letter from a grieving mother:

Dear Colin,

When we were going through the hearings in court, I remember sitting there listening to the details of our son’s attack, and the mental images it produced, were sometimes more than I could bear. There were times I had to walk out of that court room and get away from everyone and just take a moment to breathe and pray for… something, anything to get through it.

In my nightmares, which happened often, I would see my son getting beaten by those boys, I would hear him call out for help, and while I would try to run to him, I could just never reach him… but I never stopped trying to get to him. He was my boy and he needed me… and as a parent… my instincts to rescue him and protect were overwhelming and constant.

Then I would wake up in tears… sit alone in the quiet of night… a weep. It was then, in those times of quiet, I remember the thought occurring to me that God had a son as well, and He literally saw what happened to His Son. He watched Him get beaten unmercifully and eventually be killed.


I remember a part of scripture where Jesus questioned why God had forsaken Him. Why would God look the other way as His Son called out to Him in pain? While I know that God cannot look on sin, and Jesus took all of the sins of the world on himself, as a parent, I can’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, had God not turned His head away, that He may not have been able to stand watching what was happening anymore without rescuing his Son and stopping the horrific act. The bible states that when Stephen was being stoned to death, that the heavens opened up and he saw Jesus standing at the right hand of the Father.


I recall times when my husband and I would sit on the porch and watch the boys play in the yard, if one of them fell and cried, my husband and I would immediately jump up and stand, waiting to see if our son was ok. When Jesus saw Stephen getting stoned to death, He stood…….one of His children was in distress. Just like a parent, isn’t it?! Throughout the bible, God is described as our Father… a perfect Father… and one who understands our grief.


While going through that with our son, I knew God understood our pain… literally, and that He would not allow us to go through that alone. As a parent, God knew exactly how my husband and I were feeling… because He had been there Himself… with His Only Son. As a result of that thought occurring to me, it made the sacrifice of His Son, take on a whole new perspective for me.


God sacrificed His Only Son for another one of His children… me. This time of year, as I see that baby laying in a manger, I can’t help but cry knowing what His ultimate goal is, and why… and for whom. I don’t know how God did it… as a parent… I can’t fathom watching my son be beaten and not stopping it (and He could have stopped it)… but I am humbly grateful that He didn’t.


When I look at the hands of that little baby in that wooden manger, I can’t help but also see those same hands with nails in them, holding him onto a wooden cross. Tears fill my eyes, my heart breaks, and as a parent, I just want to hold that baby and keep Him safe… but I know He is here… for my sake.


No matter what happens in my life, I know at the end of my life, I will be given a blessing of having a life that I could never have here on Earth… a life with no pain, no tears, no goodbyes and no more hate… all because of that little baby laying in a manger.


So, this Christmas season, please remember the incredible gift that was given to us all, even before we were born… and when you look at that little baby laying in the manger, remember the reason He came here… His sole reason for being born…YOU. We love you all so dearly and we hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas. C***** is doing wonderful, he is healthy, happy and following the path God has set before him. Thank you for your prayers and continue praying. God is still working His plan in all of our lives. (Mama Strange)

4 thoughts on “Saturday Movie Matinee: Into the Fog

  1. If you live anywhere where there are more then a sprinkling of blacks, you’re just asking for trouble.

    But MM, I like living in cities where I can enjoy eating out, symphonies, sporting events and things like that.

    I say, knock yourselves out and if don’t, don’t worry, a gang of racist, black thugs probably will.

    For the last 15 years, I have lived in small towns in CO and Texas and they are either all white or here in Texas, predominantly Latino. I’ve
    been able to enjoy a relatively crime free life, can walk around at night without fear of getting jumped(I still always carry) and haven’t been subjected to obnoxious racist neighbors.

    Unfortunately I see a black family has moved in down the block. Naturally the alley behind their home is now piled with garbage and the front yard has turned to crap. Sadly, if I see another one move in, I’m moving.


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  4. Pingback: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup » Pirate's Cove

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