Building The Blame Game Or How To Create An Excuse


The following is another missive from my friend in Washington, Reeko:

There are copy editors already prepping headlines for November which will read something like this:
Etc. ad nauseam…

Why? Because the coming landslide of Trump will be of such epic size that no self-respecting Democrat would ever think that they were that many more legal and valid voters out-voting their built-in fraud and bias that have consistently elected progressive after progressive for decades.

But, for those and similar headlines, urging the massive public sentiment and anger they are designed to foment to work, some sleight-of-hand, voo-doo-govern-media groundwork has to be done first. And it is.

Since Trump is running up numbers in demographics like no other Republican has in over 40 years, those with the most to lose from a Trump presidency are scared to death. And that is only IF (big “if) Hillary even makes it through the debates and all the way to election day. I personally still don’t think she will make it. There are already DNC party apparatchiks scheming on a viable Plan B.

In the meantime, the progressive “machine” is prepping the electoral altercation that is about to be inflicted, ie: a Trump election day blowout of epic proportions.

Since the political wing of the FBI is fully cooperating, with too many instances to cite, suspicions are starting to appear even among career FBI folks, and – you can take this as it comes from sources – that these suspicions are likely valid in almost all of them. Coercion and subversion of our laws by those who were supposed to be enforcing them will not sit quite right for long. Yet, now comes this….

In order to substantiate the charge that the coming election was “stolen” from Hillary and the American electorate, progressives and their enablers must lay the groundwork for a very real challenge to the few on-line voter rolls and verification systems. This is not conspiracy theory, this is actually happening. Now. Right now. And it looks something like this:

1. First, the political arm of the FBI accidentally leaks a seemingly alarming “flash” report of “possible” foreign hackers in a couple of state’s voter registration systems. They leak this “flash” directly to one of the largest online govern-media leftist news groups that there is: Yahoo News.

2. The true believers at Yahoo News do their best work by reporting on the FBI accidental leak, except that somehow, Yahoo News infers throughout their report that those evil Russians are behind such a hacking breach.

3. Right on cue, Harry Reid and other leading Democrats start calling for FBI investigations, with their Democrat accomplices at the New York Times bellowing this ACTUAL HEADLINE:

“Harry Reid Cites Evidence of Russian Tampering in U.S. Vote, and Seeks F.B.I. Inquiry”

4. Well obviously to those who never question the govern-media, Trump’s campaign staffers who had any connection to any Russian businesses at all – ever – are now all guilty as sin of “rigging” (using Trump’s word for it!) our voting system. Rigged elections! In America! Not that there was any of that in any Dem primary or anything… Superdelegate? What’s that?

5. And there it is… As of this writing, the evil deeds and evil seeds have been done and sown. As Rush Limbaugh has said for over 20 years, it ain’t the facts that matter… it is only the allegations that matter. Facts be damned – like “Russian” hackers (instead of North Koreans this time!) the facts will not matter to the masses. Only the headlines and the agit-prop aimed at the Molotov cocktail throwers, the damage will be intentional.

Meanwhile, there will be no stopping the coming Trump-Pence landslide. Unfortunately that means Dems are going to spin lies like a ceiling fan about the results. That will include an army of lawyers who are already typing up legal challenges alluding to Russian hacking of voter rolls.  What can anybody do? The masses don’t understand that even if voter rolls were hacked – by anybody – voter rolls do not equal votes!

reeko forsazh


As always, the contents of this post do not necessarily reflect the thinking of your humble blogress. My own thinking, actually,  is that Trump is poised to lose big in November, unless something major comes out to derail Hillary’s campaign. Julian Assange has said that Wikileaks has more docs on Hillary that the public will find interesting — but not necessarily interesting enough to torpedo her election chances. Frankly, I’m not hopeful. Emailgate should have done her in, but the wildcard (FBI Director Comey) showed us which team he’s playing for back in July. All hope evaporated when the so-called “straight arrow Republican” declined to recommend indictment for Hillary when they had her dead to rights. The fix is in, folks. Republicans — even Trumpians — don’t do well when fixes are in.

Let us know what you think in the comments.