Chris Matthews’ Definition of Extremism: Opposing The President

Greatest screenshot, ever.

Chris Matthews found Michele Bachmann’s speech on the House floor, yesterday, to be “extremist”, and tells a grim, head-shaking,  Debbie Wasserman Schultz that her speech shouldn’t be allowed. That’s right, the  “extreme”, Michele Bachmann, Captain Civility charges, is “pretty close to a nut case”,  and should be muzzled. How dare she speak honestly about how Republicans plan to repeal ObamaCare.

You can watch the video at Newsbusters:

This is more in the question area of tone and what happened with your friend, Congresswoman Giffords, and she’s still recovering and we’re praying for her to make it, and she’s been showing good signs. Let me ask you this. This kind of talk from Michele Bachmann. I don’t know why she’s allowed to be an extremist, and everybody is coaxing on the Right, Republicans saying the President should move to the center and be reasonable and moderate, where she’s allowed to be out there as a screamer, and in many cases pretty close to a nut case. This kind of talk. She’s standing on the floor of the House, her job is to enact legislation, and yet there she is standing there saying her goal in life is to eliminate a presidency. That’s how she talks? Is that what you do on the floor of the Congress now? You talk about eliminating somebody else’s political career? I thought there was some deference about these things.

Here , via the Blaze, is what “nutcase, screamer”, Bachmann said that gave Matthews the vapors:
Did you catch the “eliminationist rhetoric”, there? The scary “dog whistle”?
No, I didn’t either. I heard a determined woman talking about how the GOP plans to eventually get Obamacare repealed.
Who the hell is Matthews trying to kid?

Where was he during the Bush years when the President was routinely insulted by Democrats, in the most disrespectful terms imaginable. Does he really think our memories are that short?

Hey Matthews: Let us know  when Michele Bachmann  calls Obama a “total failure”, or a “loser”, or a murderer,

Until then, do me a favor and pound sand.


One thought on “Chris Matthews’ Definition of Extremism: Opposing The President

  1. When I see her I can’t help but hear Bernard Hermann’s Day the Earth stood still theme,especially when she gave her SOTU response with those contacts..oh my!!!


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