Video: Hannity Interviews Sarah Palin

We were dining out when this aired, so I missed it.  According to live tweeters, Palin handled herself very well. Quin Hillyer, at The American Spectator says she was terrific, “pitch perfect”:

It was dignified. It was well-modulated. It was strong. And it was thoughtful. She kept her composure even as Hannity put on the screen some of the vilest, most vicious attacks against her — the sorts of things that were so bad that if they were said about me they might shake me to my core. She explained her thought process after hearing about the shooting in Tucson, and explained the timing of her videotaped message, and explained her use of the term “blood libel.” She insisted, rightly, that strong and honest — but respectful — political debate should not be stifled, and noted that it only seems like the right is asked to stifle its views. She was correct on all counts.

Via Hot Air, Quotes of the Day

Linked by Michelle Malkin, Sister Toldjah, and Donald Douglas at RWN, Theo Spark and American Power, thanks!


MLK Day Blog Round-up

Something I think we can all agree on? MLK: ‘A Nation Where They Will Not Be Judged By the Color Of Their Skin But By the Content of Their Character’

video via Breitbart TV

Around the blogosphere:

Michelle Malkin: MLK Day proposal: Give the race card a rest

Howling Wolf: Civil Rights, The Left & The Legacy Of MLK

Potluck Bloggers:  Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Right-Wing News: A Tribute To Martin Luther King Jr. From My Son

Michelle Malkin: MSNBC Brainiacs: Arizona Should Secede Because They Don’t Recognize MLK Day

Zilla of the Resistance: Martin Luther King Jr. Day – some thoughts and links

Dave in Texas at AoSHQ: Are You Able to Accept Blows Without Retaliating?

Points and Figures: Martin Luther King Day


Draft Pence For President Effort Underway

Pence at CPAC 2010

Okay, this is something I can get behind:

An independent campaign to draw GOP Rep. Mike Pence into the 2012 presidential race is under way, with a veteran of the Reagan White House launching a petition drive on Monday urging him to enter the primary contests.

Ralph Benko, a deputy counsel to Ronald Reagan, announced the America’s President Committee to encourage a Pence-for-president bid. Former Rep. Jim Ryun, R-Kan., is also helping the campaign to collect signatures from conservatives and tea party activists.

“Mike Pence extraordinarily exemplifies the optimistic, pro-growth, pro-job creation Reagan-Kemp wing of the GOP. Grass-roots conservatives, Republicans, the tea party and populists are looking for a man or woman of principle who can champion and unite the newly energized and engaged citizenry,” Benko said. “Mike Pence is the best choice to lead us into a new era of peace and prosperity.”

You can sign the petition here: America calling Mike Pence…. You are the Conservative Champion. We call you to Serve.

Pence has been invited to speak at CPAC next month in Washington. He had previously said that he would be issuing a statement about running early in 2011.

I wonder if  he’s waiting to make a dramatic announcement, there?

Others potential 2012 candidates who accepted invitations: Romney, Gov. Haley Barbour of Mississippi, Gov. Mitch Daniels of Indiana, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, Sen. John Thune of South Dakota and former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania.

What about Herman Cain, the so called, dark horse candidate”? I’m hoping he’ll be there, too.

Getting psyched to go to my second CPAC. Who else is going?


How’s This For Civility: Lefties Discuss -‘How Much Time Do We Have Left to Talk About How Stupid Sarah Palin Is?’ On CNN

Lovely. Juuuust Lovely.

Richard Cohen, who’s  been with the Washington Post since 1968, had to throw in some obligatory digs, even as he defended Palin’s usage of the term, “blood libel” on CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS” :

He’s absolutely sure the hapless redneck, Palin, had never heard of the term, “blood libel”, didn’t know it’s history, and it was only through dumb luck that she even used the term appropriately. Why would some dumb snowbunny from ALASKA know the meaning of “blood-libel”. Only people on the coasts have enough knowledge of history to have heard of such an archaic term.
Look at me, I’m just a dumb hick with a bunch of kids  living in flyover country, and I had never heard of it have been hearing about  it for years in reference to the disgusting blood  libels Gazan Muslims use against Israeli Jews, as well as the more general usages of the term.

Shoooot, and I ain’t never even been a mayor, or governor of a big state, neither!

Condescending schmucks.

Lefties can’t even defend the woman without sticking a (figurative) shiv in her ribs.
