Video: Newt’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week Gets Even Worse….

Poor Newt. His terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week just got a little worse….

Via Fox Nation:

GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich and his wife Callista were hit with glittery confetti by a protester Tuesday during the couple’s appearance at a book-signing.

The man approached the Gingriches during the signing at a downtown Minneapolis hotel, dumped a cracker box full of confetti on the pair and said, “Stop the hate!”

Boy, were they mad –they flinched, dusted themselves off, and looked bewildered that someone would do something like that. The hateful kooks.

But then it got creepy….

The Christian event organizer who ushered the merry prankster out of the room, said… “Have you ever seen us disturb one of your events?” Then he went completely off the rails with: “Peace be with you, brother”.


The psychotic nice young man who attacked showered a presidential candidate with a box of glitter?

He’s a civic-minded activist who is exposing to the world the HATEY-HATE-HATRED of family-values Christian conservatives. Did you see that hateful Minnesota Family Council event brochure??? I’m still shaking.

He sure made his point.



Cross-posted at Moonbattracker.

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