Saturday Movie Matinee

I think you’ll enjoy this effort from Granny Jan: The Missing Tweets from the Obama Twitter Townhall:


Via PJTV: Andrew Klavan’s Economic Smackdown: Paul Ryan vs. Barack Obama:


L.A. County’s Private Property War:


Ann Coulter pwning Dems on The Bill Maher Show:


More Coulter at Newsbusters: Ann Coulter Smacks Down Bill Maher: ‘I Only Talk To Rubes Right Here’


PJ Media’s Alfonzo Rachel: Liberal Hypocrisy: The Devil Made Dem Do It?:
One more thanks to Moron James W. in Facebook (this is so perfect!):Why I’m a Democrat (College Democrats parody):
Reminds me of the fun we had in July 2008: Smug Alert: I’m Voting Republican Democrat Because….
Lt Dan Band: For The Common Good – Trailer:

Gary Sinese’s work with the USO, Film opens July 4th.

Video ‘The Undefeated’ Trailer:


16 thoughts on “Saturday Movie Matinee

  1. Thanks, I put BO’s handle on his Mac, Barry 44, and enlarged the presidential seal that was on it. The seal on the podium was already huge just like his ego. I paused it slighly when he said the word gun because it looked to me as if he was unconsciously pointing his fingers like a gun.


  2. The story about the “desert rats” in southern California drives me nuts. There are homes in LA county where 5 families (all illegals) are living together. Illegals living in garages, against codes. Oh but wait, that would be “politically incorrect” to go after an illegal. This is the work of liberal dems that have been voted in decade after decade. I was born and raised here in So. Cal. I could move, but I love where I live (at the beach) and I guess I’ll just end up going down with the ship. Make no mistake, California is going down, and it’s going to be very ugly when it happens. Los Angeles will explode with violence when the entitlement checks run out.


  3. Nice job, as usual. I hadn’t caught this delightful bit, earlier: “We’re still going to have to make cuts in defense spending…..or programs that I like…”



  4. Many thanks for you linking to my little blog, Deb. You mentioned over at Ace’s that you had two blogs. Since my Interwebs-fu is weak today, could you point me towards the other one so I can link it?


  5. Thanks, it’s Left-Wing Institute For Civil Discourse (the one I linked to at AoSHQ)– the link is on my right sidebar near the top. under follow ND on Twitter.


  6. I don’t know what to tell you, TK S+R, I posted one of the videos, last week, but no one is interested. Obviously, there’s something terribly wrong with the imposter we have in the WH, but I think most people, at this point would rather vote him out of office, than force him out and put the country through a constitutional crisis with the trauma of riots, mob violence and God knows what else.

    If it were up to me, I’d depose him today before he could do any more damage.


  7. Someone one pointed out to me that when he was talking about computers on the video BO said that kids need computers that work….as opposed to those that don’t. He did mention earlier that kids couldn’t learn in schools with rats. Maybe they chewed on the computer wires.

    BO is stuck in the 60s and must be still reading Kozol’s Death at an Early Age.


  8. Pingback: Sunday Links: Themeless Links Edition » Conservative Hideout 2.0

  9. Pingback: PJTV – Liberal Hypocrisy: The Devil Made Dem Do It? – AlfonZo Rachel | Raysrope's Blog

  10. Pingback: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup » Pirate's Cove

  11. Klavan, of course, is spot on all the way through.

    As far as “desert rats” go, in my decades as a contractor, building plans examiner/inspector, and as a residential building designer, I have to tell you (as noted in the video) that I was never on a site where a violation (and usually several) couldn’t be found. From noble rhetoric to begin the inspection/permit burden (public safety), the process has evolved into a way for the government to extract ever more money and ever more submission to its totalitarian forces, with petty bureaucrats determined to see that each and every “customer” (unless another government official or monetary supporter of the current local administration) be ground down to absolute nothingness so they will understand that when some petty tyrant says “Jump!”, the only response is “How high?”

    I hate to say this, but the proper resonse from such people might be, “You can have my land when you pry the gun from my cold, dead hands.” Force is the only currency completely understood by petty tyrants, whether they be the local mayor, the building or planning department personnel, judges or the president.


  12. Pingback: PJTV – The Facts of Life for Liberals – Andrew Klavan | Raysrope's Blog

  13. Pingback: PJTV – Andrew Klavan, Talking Crap III: Absolute Crap!!! – Andrew Klavan | Raysrope's Blog

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