Video: 20 Democrats Have Supported a Balanced Budget Amendment

Senate Democrats shot down Cut Cap and Balance, (otherwise known as the  “worst legislation” in US history),   as expected,  but Senator Jim DeMint has pledged  to force another vote on CCB. Not a bad idea given the fact that there are 20 sitting Democrats who are on record supporting a balanced budget amendment, including Dingy Harry :

video via

People have to understand that when push comes to shove, Democrats always do what’s in the party’s best interest – not the country’s.

Never fear, Guy Benson says, we’re in great hands…

Up next?  The McConnell plan (gulp), the Gang of Six framework (triple gulp), or some other apocryphal proposal like the rumored Boehner/Obama pact, or a short term deal.  Isn’t this fun?


Jim DeMint made the following statement after the vote, today:

“The bipartisan House-passed Cut, Cap, Balance bill remains the only plan on the table, the only one that preserves our AAA rating, and is only four Democrat votes away from a Senate majority to end this debt crisis,” said Senator DeMint. “I will work to force another vote on Cut, Cap & Balance next week because the President and Democrats have not offered the American people any other viable solution.

“It is outrageous that every Senate Democrat voted against even allowing a debate on balancing the budget within 10 years, a plan supported by two-thirds of Americans with wide support across all party lines. Why are Senate Democrats so afraid to debate a balanced budget? Cut, Cap, Balance is the compromise plan that passed the House and can end the wasteful spending that caused this debt crisis. It gives the President the debt limit increase he has asked for in return for immediate spending cuts, enforceable spending caps, and a constitutional amendment to force Washington to stop spending more than it brings in.

“The President and Democrats have been beyond reckless in this debate, refusing to offer any serious solution to our fiscal crisis. The only plan the President has offered would increase our debt by $10 trillion and push our nation into bankruptcy.

“I urge Republican leaders to stop letting the President drag you back like children into secret meetings where he pretends to do something constructive. The President created this crisis by irresponsible spending and borrowing that has left our economy in shambles, and if he’s unwilling to simply agree to balance the budget in 10 years then he is not a credible negotiating partner.

“No more closed door meetings, no more phony compromises that don’t solve the problem, no more useless commissions. We have a balanced approach supported by a bipartisan House majority that ends our debt crisis if just four Senate Democrats would keep their promise and support a balanced budget.

“We must pass Cut, Cap & Balance to keep our nation from falling off a fiscal cliff.”

At least 22 Senate Democrats and one Senate Independent have supported a balanced budget, including: U.S. Senators Max Baucus (D-Montana), Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), Mark Begich (D-Alaska), Michael Bennet (D-Colorado), Tom Carper (D-Delaware), Bob Casey (D-Pennsylvania), Kent Conrad (D-North Dakota), Dick Durbin (D-Illinois), Dianne Feinstein (D-California), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-New York), Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), Tim Johnson (D-South Dakota), Herb Kohl (D-Wisconsin), Mary Landrieu (D-Louisiana), Joe Lieberman (I-Connecticut), Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri), Joe Manchin (D-West Virginia), Ben Nelson (D-Nebraska), Bill Nelson (D-Florida), Harry Reid (D-Nevada), Debbie Stabenow (D-Michigan), John Tester (D-Montana), and Mark Udall (D-Colorado).


Catherine Austin Fitts: Now That We Got Your Money We’re Going To Change The Deal

Podcast interview with Catherine Austin Fitts, who says the economic collapse that is happening globally, is by design.

Her Wikipedia bio:

Fitts served as managing director and member of the board of directors of the Wall Street investment bank Dillon, Read & Co. Inc., as Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing[3] Commissioner at the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in the first Bush Administration, and was the president of Hamilton Securities Group, Inc., an investment bank and financial software developer. She is now the president of Solari, Inc., a managing member of Solari Investment Advisory Services, LLC., and managing member of Sea Lane Advisory Services, LLC.

Fitts has a BA from the University of Pennsylvania, an MBA from the Wharton School and studied Mandarin at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She publishes a column, “Mapping the Real Deal,” in Scoop in New Zealand.

H/T Brian B.

Hat tip: Gateway Pundit

2 thoughts on “Video: 20 Democrats Have Supported a Balanced Budget Amendment

  1. This HAS to be by design. No one group, even the socialist lites who run the Republican Party, can be as stupid as the legislative and executive leaderships think we are without having a plan to steal every possible penny from us.

    Hopefully I’ll have a book out about all this within a year. In the meantime, just know that they really do think we’re stupid.


  2. Pingback: Video: 20 Democrats Have Supported a Balanced Budget Amendment (via Nice Deb) « blogsense-by-barb

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